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Found 3 results

  1. Another one that slipped past me.. Did you take out a joint loan with a partner - then later you divorced? Was there PPI on that loan and did your partner claim and get all of the money back.. with you being non the wiser? http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3871798/Thousands-divorced-women-deprived-PPI-payouts-NatWest-Royal-Bank-Scotland-receive-compensation.html Other banks apparently complied with rules and shared the pay-out between separated partners.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36188323 The headlines say its over plans to "strip MPs of their immunity from prosecution." Now we in the UK may quickly think - darn right they should be stripped so the crooks can be prosecuted ... BUT The opposition believe this is in line with new laws making dissent against the established regime a criminal offense and is intended to be used to arrest opposition members of the Turkish parliament if they oppose government bills as should be their right and duty.
  3. I saw this on another forum - http://pensionersclub.co.uk and thought it might bring a few tuts here. Someone please tell me what the Hell is wrong with all of the people that are running this country!!! LABOUR, CONSERVATIVES & LIBERALS, ALL say We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless, etc., In the past few years we have provided. Direct cash [£] aid to Haiti - £1.4 Billion. Hamas - £351 Million, Pakistan - £2 Billion, Libya - £1.45 Billion, Egypt - £397 Million, Mexico - £622 Million, Russia - £380 Million, Jordan - £463 Million, Kenya - £816 Million, Sudan - £870 Million, Nigeria - £456 Million, Uganda - £451 Million, Congo - £359 Million, Ethiopia - £981 Million, South Africa - £566 Million, Senegal - £698 Million, Mozambique - £404 Million, Zambia - £331 Million, Kazakhstan - £304 Million, Iraq - £1.08 Billion, Tanzania - £554 Million, Giving them Billions of Pounds - and the majority of them still hate us !!! Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' -do they get any breaks ??? While our government and religious organisations pour Hundreds of Billions of Pounds and Tons of Food to a vast list of Foreign Countries! We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans. In the UK where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without needed medication or fuel to heat their homes and mentally ill without treatment... etc. *YET. .. .* We still allow illegal "Deprived People" & other free loaders on our shores. While we are lining up to give them food, clothes, bedding, doctors, medical supplies and whatever else they need. Can you Imagine what it would be like if *"OUR GOVERNMENT"* gave *'US*' the same support they give to other countries. *Sad isn't it?* More ....
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