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  1. I left the UK permanently in June of this year. I used my debit card abroad and inadvertently went overdrawn on my account by £6.52 (including interest). I did'nt have an authorized overdraft. When I recently logged in to view my account online I realized that Nat West had added charges nearing £276, since August, because of my 'unauthorized overdraft'. I was shocked. I no longer use the account. Have not used it since August. I won't be returning to the Uk. Unfortunately I never informed Nat West to close my account when I left the UK. None of my post was re-directed and consequently I was not aware of the overdraft situation, charges et cetera. I wrote to Nat West explaining the situation and offering to pay 20% of the charges. I transferred the overdrawn amount to the account(£6.52). Nat West sent sent me a nasty reply (I gave them my address abroad) stating they will pursue me for the full amount. Telling me I am in breach of the t & c's. They also enclosed info. for me to contact the Ombudsman (I guess they have to do that) but stated that they 'hoped I would not'. Last week I wrote to the branch where I initially opened the account to instruct them to immediately close the account and informing them I had transferred the original overdrawn amount (£6.52) to the account. Help! What can I do now?
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