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Found 6 results

  1. Good evening, I hope you can help me. I am writing on behalf of my father in law. After a discussion with my father in law he said he was confused by a phone call saying he was owed £7000 compensation and asked if he wanted to claim it. An agreement was posted and he signed it the (t+c) in May. He is on various medication and currently in hospital with ill health. And still receives phone calls asking when is getting out etc After he told us about this we said, No they are parasites, we will do it for you, so WE contacted Barclays and then completed ALL the paperwork from Barclays, he was awarded £2100 compensation. Later, they demanded payment saying they were successful in their claim for PPI. NO they weren't I was successful, NOT them, they did nothing. They did not do any work Looking at the T+C there are breaches everywhere 2.2 The service We will review and consider the information and submit a FREE OF CHARGE data subject access. At most they may have contacted Barclays. Which as in their contract is FREE 2.3 We will update you on our process.. No sorry nothing till I claimed it back for him then demanded payment for MY work My wife rang them and what an evil nasty set of *&^^&%& on the phone, d emanding this and that, saying IT WILL be paid etc. You WILL pay it etc. She explained her DAD was mentally and physically ill and has no bearing of what was said on the telephone at all and they just laughed with words of yea yea we have heard it all before. We asked them to provide proof of their contact with Barclays and they can no do this, all they have is her Dads signature. Reading the contract we breached by going it alone, they breached it by not doing anything, therefore contract null and void. Where do we stand??? Im telling him not to pay it. I'm very angry they were even asking how long is he in hospital for is long or short term as it needs to be paid.
  2. Just a note to let anyone who has recently sent their ESA50 back to the Nottingham address, they have a massive backlog, and in the past week have had over 100,000 forms returned to them. So they are under a lot of pressure. I sent mine back beginning of March, and it's now just waiting to go to the nurse! Hoping to have a decision in the next week...or so they say....here's hoping........ Miss A.:|
  3. Hi have been called in for an assessment and it appears that i will go from Severe Disability Allowance with care & mobility ( supposedly for life To JSA looking at the assessment am guaranteed to score zero points loin pain heamaturia syndrome Have an intrathecal morphine pump attached to a spinal catheter believe that would make me unemployable and logically would not be able to sign as " fit " for work 1988 to 1992 spent 18 months in hospital with chronic kidney pain had a kidney removed in error in 1992 as a form of pain relief misdiagnosed as kidney stones because of this had ten years of untreated chronic pain before being correctly diagnosed had my remaining kidney stripped of its nerves and placed in my groin which gave 6 months of pain free before having the morphine pump installed in 2002 which i have filled once a month and replaced every 5 years any words of wisdom would be welcomed regards marlene ( wife of les)
  4. OH bought a car (VW Golf 2007) 3 weeks ago. MOT'd until Dec 2016 3 month warranty Yesterday 'Front brake pads' warning light came on. So I checked previous MOT's (previous owner). 2014 - Advisory note details attached states brakes 50% worn. 2015 - No details at all on Advisory note this time. Same garage as above MOT but not dealer. Now can I contact the garage for any advisory details ? Or to find out if they were replaced ? Thanks for looking.
  5. My garage placed an advisory on my mot saying" brake pads wearing thin" and was told they were border line, I stripped them down and low and behold there was more than half of the pads left. As I had them stripped I replaced them and took my old ones back to the mot station. I quizzed them why they had put the advisory on and they said when something cannot be seen then they have to advise people that there Is a problem. I asked if that was the case then why weren't all four corners an advisory. I asked them if I had left them the car for repair would they have fit New pads? She said no they would just clean up the discs and regrease the pads leaving me with a bill for £25 for something I never needed. Surely that's a rip off.
  6. As any body any experience with these people Address Derby Chambers 6 The Rock Bury Greater Manchester. I keep getting phone calls/ letters etc from these people. I think I may have been sold PPI a number of years ago but have no evidence as yet (in the S.A.R stage at present time). Would these people be any quicker.
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