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Found 13 results

  1. Good evening, I have received a letter from MET Parking Services starting that a fine is now overdue, the problem is, no initial letter was sent. They are demanding payment within 14 days, what is the best way forward. I go to Stansted a lot and I'm not 100% sure the charge is genuine as it was from a few months ago. Date of incident is the first week of November and this is the first letter I have received regarding this (today).
  2. 1 Date of the infringement 16/11/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 22/11/2018 3 Date received 23/11/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] y 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? y 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] n 7 Who is the parking company? Total Parking Solutions 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Heritage Retail Park, Crewe Received a 'Parking Charge Notice' this morning; cannot say we are surprised as we knew we had overstayed the allowed time and we have no reason to question the rules in place. The issue is twofold, firstly, are parking notices still largely not taking further by private parking companies, or have the laws changed. £40 seems excessive for overstaying by 43 minutes. The second issue is that my partner was using the car and she suffers from MS. Whilst visiting the nearby town, she fell ill, and whilst she didn't need any medical attention, she did have to sit in a cafe for 2 hours whilst the fainting past. The staff in there were incredibly helpful, kept checking on her and giving her food to sustain herself, so they certainly knew she wasn't well. The question would be, would one of these vulturous parking companies see that as a valid reason to cancel the ticket? I'm sure the cafe would confirm, though they are part of a massive chain so who knows.
  3. Hello This morning I received a letter titled "Overdue Account" from Lowell chasing a JD williams debt. I am not sure of any dates or information regarding this account. I believe my next step is to SAR JD Williams to get all information. It is possible that this defaulted in October 2011. If someone could someone give me a nudge in the right direction that would be amazing. Thanks DC
  4. Hi, Hoist or Robinson Way recently bought an old debt I owned to Halifax and have been paying £10 a month. The letter from Halifax said any money I sent to the credit card account would be forwarded on to Robbers. Today Robbers say they didn't receive my £10, even though it is shown in my account that my standing order to the Halifax went through. I've sent Robbers £10 and set up a new standing order once a month, but now I'm £10 down. Is this a con?
  5. Hi all, We received a judgement from the county court for the reposession of our property if we dont pay the judgement debt of £2,450 and costs of £1,450 for an outstanding Anglian Water debt. This despite us having a arrangement direct with AWS to pay £50 monthly on the current balance. The judgement applies to 2 x charges against the property made by AWS which went to court. Is it possible to defend against this judgement at such a late stage? Judgement was made on 25th Jan giving us 28 days to deliver possession of the property to AWS.
  6. Hello all, I have received a letter from Link Financial with regards to a Barclaycard account. They advise my payment of £1 has not been received. I have checked my bank account, and the payment has definitely gone out, its on a standing order to be paid every month. Should I ignore this letter? I suspect its a ploy to get me to contact them.
  7. hi all. I hope you guys/gals can help. I have received a letter from the tax office threatening to change my 2015 tax code to pay for some self assessment overdue amount that I believe i do not even owe, as ive only been working since febuary last year and this over due payment is due from 2013! I have never been self employed, however i did let a friend use my bank account to have his wages put into whilst i was on job seekers as he had split up with his wife and they had a joint bank account to which he needed his wages to not go in to. i do remember signing off of the dole a while before i started working because i was meant to be starting full time work, employed, however about 2 weeks in they used their probation period to get rid of me, and DWP wouldnt let me sign back on, i ended up homeless for about 3 months, until my girlfriends mum let me live there, and due to her working she supported me and my girlfriend. due to her support i never did sign back on as i was angry at DWP for making me fill out all of the forms to then shoot me down. the problem now is that HMRC are trying to say that i was self employed and haven't filled out a self assessment, now i've been looking into self assessments and im being charged interest for not filling them out as well. does anyone know what I should do because i've posted 2 letters to them over the last 6-7 months saying that i've never been self employed and that ive only been in my job for just under a year and i've never received a reply back from them. thanks in advance. Dan
  8. Hi I am self-employed and have just began receiving letters from Fredrickson Internatinional re overdue NI contributions for £500. They have said their next point of action is for an HMRC officer to visit me or for court proceedings. Does anyone have experience of this? Should I make contact with this company or contact HMRC? I don't want to make contact with Fredrickson as I know they have a very dodgy reputation. Thanks
  9. I let a PCN get overdue for payment (due appx 20th DEC). Now it will be about mid jan before I clear it, so, I want to know can that council clamp or tow my car because of the overdue payment if I am legally parked in that London Borough before I clear the PCN with payment?
  10. Hi there, I have a question about what to do about Housing Benefit being overdue. I've rented a room in a flat but found a flat with a cheaper room in the same city and decided to move in there. Because of this, the council said I need to fill in a new form and submit a new lease as well - all because 'change in circumstances'. I did that mid-October. In between moving to a new flat there was a week before I could move in to the new flat so, due to courtesy of my friend, slept at his couch (apparently this caused a partial overpayment). I don't think that this should bear any burden on the validity on my present claim, except of my having to pay back the partial overpayment. By now, I've been waiting over 6 weeks for the new claim to be re-assessed and all of my meager savings have been spent. I've called a council around 2 weeks ago and was told that the claim was 'being processed' and should be done in next 40 hours and that the council did not need any more documents from me. A full week passed and haven't heard from the council so called again, this time talked to another person and I was told exactly the same thing. Again, almost a week is over and heard nothing for the council. Each time I was asked If I've been receiving JSA (I have). This time I don't have enough mone to pay for my rent... Also, got a CT bill request I need to pay the full amount urgently, otherwise I'll face consequences, such as being in arreras, sheriff, etc. K.
  11. I have a natwest Credit card that came with my student bank account. I was paying it regularly but then had problems with paying it. I never went over the credit limit and kept the bank aware of everything at every stage. Ive had a look at some old statements and i've received at least 6 late payment fees of £12 but i definitely remember there being more than this. Is there anything I can do about these?
  12. Hello all, Sent separate CCA requests (recorded delivery, have sigs) for separate pre-1998 loans bought by Erudio, and no response in the 12+2. Haven't yet deferred, though will easily qualify, but the deferral period is up in next few days. Having read through all the recent related threads, I'm still not 100% sure on what's best to do (or not) next: Do I... 1) Wait until they contact me [in writing] - whether that be to respond to the CCA requests, or to tell me I am not deferred and need to start paying - and then take it from there? 2) Send in the deferral form now (minus the info I'm not prepared to provide)? 3) Something else entirely. My main concern for taking option (1): should the CCA requests be successfully answered, am I given suitable extra time to defer (from a legal standpoint, or due to account being in 'dispute') and if so, how long? The concern for option (2): acknowledging the debt (via deferral info) before they've provided proof of its existence via the CCA requests. Any advice much appreciated.
  13. Hi I have a payday loan which is now 4 months overdue. I contacted my lender before the payment date requesting a repayment plan and have little or the same repeat response. Have heard nothing since 2 weeks after default date and all my emails and written attempts at contact have been ignored. The interest is still being added,I did not roll over and have not been issued with a default notice. Any suggestions what I should do and does the lack of the default notice improve my position? many thanks
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