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Found 16 results

  1. Hi, Been struggling financially the last few months after being made redundant from my job and I am unable to make the minimum payment on my barclaycard credit card (balance 12,000) as the salary in my new position is considerably less than before. I contacted barclaycard in writing as soon as i got into difficulty and arranged an alternative monthly payment of £30 per month. They reluctantly agreed to this and agreed that any interest and charges would be frozen but as the new payment was not enough the account would eventually go into default. I received a default notice for this account last week and when i checked my account I noticed that they have started adding interest and missed payment charges again. I've just written to them again asking them to stop the interest and charges and am waiting on their reply. I was just wanting a bit of advice on what my next steps should be. Do I just continue to pay the £30 per month and wait and see what happens? I haven't CCA'd them or sent an SAR request. Any advice gratefully received. kind regards
  2. I have a natwest Credit card that came with my student bank account. I was paying it regularly but then had problems with paying it. I never went over the credit limit and kept the bank aware of everything at every stage. Ive had a look at some old statements and i've received at least 6 late payment fees of £12 but i definitely remember there being more than this. Is there anything I can do about these?
  3. Please I need advice on how to handle this Restons and his allied Arrow global chasing me for SB Natwest credit card. The claim was for credit card, according to the claimant it was assigned to arrow global, last payment to the account was in July 2007, since then I have no contact with the original creditor except 4 months bill sent after the last payment in 2007 and letters from DCA in 2008. I was not aware that the account was assigned and I can’t recollect receiving any Notice of Default. I have checked my credit file with Noddle and nothing showing NATWEST/ARROW GLOBALL.
  4. Hello, Please can someone give me some direction regarding the following claim MKDP LLP pursuing an MBNA Business Credit Card debt? I have filled out the pdf of questions required before a reply is received (see below.) The claim has been issued to the defendant as my previous business name (sole trader) not my name – it’s simply business name and my address not `Trading As’ or alike. Does this mean that the claim is invalid? Also does it still matter if the default notice is invalid (as mine is see attached?) Or can they simply issue a new one? The agreement is pre 2007. Do they still have to produce the original signed agreement? I have no way to pay this or even contribute a small amount monthly, just do not have the money anymore. Thank you and I have compiled a list to the pdf questions below. Claim is issued from the `County Court Business Centre?’ does this make a difference. Name of claimant - MKDP LLP Date of Issue – 01/05/2014 Claim Value – Circa £7000.00 POC – As follows; The Claimant claims the sum of £7000 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement originally between the defendant and MBNA. The Defendants account number was XXXX and was assigned to the Claimant on XX 2010, notice of this has been provided to the claimant Defendant. The Defendant has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Claimant claims the sum of £7000 and costs. The Claimant has complied, as far as necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. Value of claim £7000 (Circa) Claim is for business credit card – MBNA. No `Notice of assignment’ receive to my knowledge – still searching for it. Default Notice from original creditor is attached to this post. Is invalid from Dec' 2008. Not received “Notice of Default Sums” – again to my knowledge. Payments ceased due to child being born disabled – massive life change for us. No original dispute. NO DMP. I will send CCA1974 asap I did do this direct to MBNA on 10th March 2010 however I do not have the proof of postage and MBNA never replied. I will send CPR31.14 to MKDP. I will send a CPR Part 18 request. I will defend. Thank you for your help......
  5. Hi I have four different debts which have been with me for a very long time. I intent to deal with them now, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Firstly I have 2 separate debts with 1st Credit a company based in Riegate. the first of these two debts with 1st Credit is for a Barclaycard I took out on 3rd of March 1999. The default date for this debt listed on my credit report is 30th December 2008, however I think I stopped paying or contacting barclaycard a lot sooner than this date. I am not sure exactly of the last date when I made a payment or contacted barclaycard in regards to this debt. I am pretty sure however that it has been there or there abouts 6 years since I last acknowledged this debt. Can somebody please advise me as to how I can find out the exact date of my last acknowledgement, so then i can decide what is the best next step to take. The second of the two debts with 1st Credit is for another credit card with a different company. the start date of this card was 7th August 2003 and the default date was 30th April 2008 as listed on my credit report. Same again with this debt it is very close to the 6 year mark, however I need to know what is the best procedure to find out for definite the dates of my last acknowledgement. As far as I can remember I have not been in touch with or paid anything to either of the credit card companies or any subsequent DCA with 1st Credit being the most recent. But i would like to be sure before I make my next move. So Just to summarise, both the above debts are with 1st credit as two separate debts and i have only recently started receiving letter about these debts in the last few month since a company did a credit check on me and asked for my current address. before this time i have not spoke to anyone in regards to these debts for around 6 years and I would like to know the exact dates of my last acknowledgement, please can someone tell me the best way to go about finding this information, and also advising me on what would be the next right step. In regards to my third debt this is with a company called Cabot Financial (UK) LTD. This is also for a credit card debt. I took out this card on 9th September 2003 and defaulted on 21st December 2009. This company does not have my current address and are sending letters to one of my previous addresses, which is a friends house so I know they are still writing. as this debt is listed as default in 09 and I am unaware of my last acknowledgement date, what would you guys advise i do with this debt? I think it has been over 6 years I have not acknowledged anything however I am a little unsure and don't want to end up making a bad situation worse by contacting DCA too soon. Any suggestions as to how i should handle this debt would be greatly appreciated. My Final debt is with a company called Hoist Portfolios. This is listed on my credit report as being started on the 10th May 2006 and defaulted 1st august 2008. If I remember correctly this debt is for a utility bill, and they are not currently contacting me. what would be the best thing to do with this debt? by this i mean in terms of contacting the DCA to find out when a last acknowledgement was made of the debt. Pleased advise as to what is my best next tep in regards to the above four debts. I look forward to your responses. Thanks
  6. Hello, sorry if this has been asked before, I cant find an answer anywhere. Around 1 year ago I submitted my PPi claims to RBS for my 4 bank loans and a still active credit card which was part successful, I won my loan PPi claims to the tune of £4,300 but at the time my credit card claim was rejected by the claims manager. At the time of claiming I told them that I had applied in branch for my credit card and the advisor filled in the application form for me advising me that it was in my best intrests to take the protection (I have also recently seen an application form from around the time I applied and it suggests on the application that PPi should be taken.) and that I had cancelled the PPi when the news broke about PPi mis-selling. When I received the rejection form it said that my application was a mail in application so I could not have applied in branch so my claim was stopped there, I left it at that because I had won on the other 4 claims but seeing the application form recently renewed my thought that I should'nt have left it at that. I am pretty sure that I was offered the card at the same time as refinancing a loan in branch and if the application was a mail in one as notified, it was the branch that mailed it as I have never applied for any credit outside of my bank. (13 year customer). I on Monday have sent in a CCA request to get a copy of my application form (which I think I only signed never filled in) to see if it is in my handwriting and find out if anything can be done. I still have full copies of the original claim and rejection letters along with enclosed terms and conditions but no copy of the application even though it was noted in the enclosed documents. My main issue is that it is too late to do anything about it. Is a year too long? i keep seeing 6 months for ombudsman help but nothing for appeals or re-applications. Any advice or knowledge of this would be most helpful. I can also scan and upload the docs if they are needed. Thanks for reading, Alex.
  7. Hi, I've read some past threads on debt regarding debts following you abroad and that CCJs cannot be obtained on a non UK resident...is this still the case? Also, are EPO's expensive to obtain? I now reside in Sweden, moved here 2 weeks ago and will not return to the UK for the foreseeable future. I have a credit card debt with Nationwide for 408gbp which has now been passed to Bryan Carter. I lost my job in the UK for a while and got myself into debt including with council tax and tv licensing but cleared those before leaving as I had a temporary assignment for a few months. I am now left with a Nationwide loan, overdraft and credit card. I did explain my situation to Nationwide and the payment for loan (around 7k) and overdraft (1k) is on hold until November as I explained my situation, so I'm unsure why credit card was not included in that, especially considering it's for much less value. Now I have explained the same to Bryan Carter, who are threatening CCJ because I can't pay, even though I informed them that I do have intention to pay nationwide, as discussed with them for their other products - as soon as I have a job. I am not trying to evade this, but do not want a CCJ issued and to be chased for it in Sweden...please help because Bryan Carter say they can still obtain a CCJ from a foreign address, and are asking me for a uk C/O address in the meantime, which I most definitely will not provide.
  8. This is my first post on a forum thank you for taking the time to read it, I was sent a hardly readable copy of an online credit card agreement from Link Financial with my name and address and a tick in the agreement box dated 01 April 2008, at no time have I ever received any other agreement from the original credit card company MBNA that I have signed. I am contesting this agreement that there was no follow up paperwork. Also how can Link Financial claim I owe them the money when my original agreement was with MBNA? Maybe someone can explain the relevant laws etc. have been told that in the States they would have no legal powers, is that the same here. Thanks Bob
  9. Hello I have seen on the site some threads regarding the reclaiming of premiums paid to stonebridge insurance for Barclaycard Accident death cover. As some of the threads seem very similar to my own experience with these two companies I was wandering whether there was any updates available. In my case this goes back to May 2002 when I saw a payment on my credit card statement for £8.59 accident death cvr. As I had no knowledge of this I contacted the number next to the payment stonebridge insurance and asked what this was for and was told that all barclaycard holders had this applied in case of death. Recently I have phoned Stonebridge insurance and said I would like to cancel the policy, but was told that I could not do this as I was not the policy holder and that my wife was now the policy holder. I then phoned barclaycard and told them not to pay this anymore. I have now contacted Barclaycard to tell them that i want to make an official complaint and awaiting some forms to fill. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences this. Thanks
  10. Like many others we (a professional couple in our 50s) have fled our debts in the UK. Background: We had a house with a $180,000 mortgage, and a personal loan of $14,000 both with NatWest. We each had 2 credit cards -NatWest and MBNA. When both of us lost our jobs in February and March 2008 we tried to go self-employed, tried renting our house, tried pretty much everything. To cut the story short, it was a disaster. We could not generate enough income; the property management company were useless. we ended up financing the mortgage and loan using credit cards and it all spiralled out of control. We asked NatWest several times but they just would not halt interest charges on the loan and we could not pay that too, so in the end had to default. We put the house on the market and made arrangements with NatWest and MBNA CCs to make token £1 payments (with no additional interest)while we were making enough to pay the essentials plus the mortgage (£666 how ironic is that). It was getting unbearable with letters arriving every day and phone calls too; we were starting to become ill from the stress and it was having a knock-on effect as we both have elderly mothers who were getting very upset by the whole situation. Of course we had missed the bubble. Now we could not sell the property and even if we did, the market had crashed and we would be in negative equity. So we finally made the difficult decision to give it up. I came to Canada and my spouse stayed behind to wind things up. I could n't face it. We gave the keys back to NatWest last Christmas. The house is still on the market. They have frozen the mortgage and the loan until such time as it sells, at which point we will still owe then the difference -assuming we're still alive. Que sera sera as far as that goes. My question for the forum is about the credit card debt. We made the mistake -if only I'd read the forum pages back in 2009/10 -of speaking to the CC companies on the phone. They persuded us that we could inrease our payments (MBNA £70pm NatWest £15pm). So for the last 3 years we have been paying £200. We have kept it up pretty well but there have been some missed payments while we changed banks, changed cities, changed jobs etc. We have kept in touch with our local NatWest branch -who were fabulous by the way -via fax and have always informed them in writing of any change of address. We thought long and hard about not telling the CC companies and now I wish we hadn't, but back then (2010) we still believed we should 'do the right thing'. So.... today we got a letter from Arden Credit Management (Co. no. 3303780 alias Moorgate Loan Servicing Limited). The letter, addressed incorrectly (town name misspelled) makes reference to an account number which does not correspond to any of our credit card accounts. However, from the sum mentioned I am assuming it is one of the MBNA cards. They state, "you have failed to make the agreed payment in relation to the repayment programme you agreed with us." They further state , "Failure to address this situation could result in us taking further action including passing your account to a third part or commencing legal action." We have never agreed anything with them; this is the first I have ever heard of them, and they are already a third party aren't they? Questions: 1. Should we respond to these people? 2. Should we write to MBNA? There is no reference to MBNA at all in the Arden letter, so I cannot be 100% certain this is the debt in question. 3. What is the situation regatding legal action? We have no assets in the UK other than our household effects which are in storage because we can't afford to have them shipped to Canada. We are living in rented accommodation here. We intend continuing our arranged payments. If and when the UK property is sold, I fully expect we will declare bankruptcy as the shortfall will be beyond our means. Sorry this was a mammouth post, but then, life's complicated! Any advice gratefully received. Liz_8991
  11. Hi everyone, I'm new here and have read threads about Austrlalian credit card debt etc but cant see any current ones open. I am being pursued by Stevensdrake. They were acting for credit corp. I left Western Australia in March 2009. My husband & I parted and he went to live in Asia. Our farm was sold last year and everything was paid off apart from my credit cards. The main one was with the National Australia bank with whom we had all our borrowings. I don't now why mine wasn't included as my husbands was settled from proceeds of the sale. I am guessing mine wasn't secured by the property. Credit corp wrote to me, I ignored it.Then I got a letter from Stevensdrake. I got advice from Citizens advice who advised me that they didn't think they would pursue it as it would be costly for them. The next thing was a court summons on 30th October last year. I asked for the original agreements which I received just before xmas and the terms and conditions of the agreements. I have spoken to two solicitors here but neither of them could help. Can anyone advise me as to the best course of action? I don't want a CCJ against me but I can't afford to pay either. I could offer a small amount to settle but the debt has increased so much from the original amount that there's no way I can pay the whole lot. Please, can anyone help!
  12. Hi I went into debt management over 3yrs ago. I have been paying Barclays monthly through debt management however they have been logging 6 payments overdue continously all this time. I now have my life back on track and applied for a new mortgage but this Barclays 6 overdue payments for years is killing my credit. The original card was with morgan stanley and barclays have stated they dont have the full agreement but i should keep paying anyway. To be honest I am not trying to get out of paying I need to know can they register 6late payments or more every month even though I am paying and would i be better off just not paying. I need to do what is best for my credit asap. Please help if you can
  13. Hi Everyone, I'm not sure where my original post have gone to, so a brief background. I have been trying to obtain information from Barclaycard for an old Barclaycard, opened 2001 and closed in 2005. In addition to this, I am also doing the same for an old Egg card taken out in Oct 2004 and defaulted in 2006 and I'm still paying off. My mission started in March. I have sent four SAR requests, initially advising that there was no information relating to me on their records. Second attempt included a single statement for the Barclaycard and the details of my repayment plan for the EGG card, I was sent a form that highlighted the dates during which I had PPI on the Barclaycard, but nothing for the EGG card. Also the response stated that as I was requesting information purely for PPI they were returning my £10 and if ther were wrong write back. I had sent a full SAR request, so wrote back advising this. Again, no information was sent as they had no records of me - despite me including their print out of my PPI history (no premiums, just start and end date customer number etc. At this point I phoned and got passed from pillar to post, eventually I was passed to a helpful lady in the EGG collections team who agreed to me faxing the info and she said that she would pass it through their internal post. Today I have received the EGG information, 4 £20 charges and a years premiums of £30ish pm - I cancelled it after the first year. Much to my joy, the EGG application that they sent to me did state "N" against payment protection insurance, so this should be a pretty easy win . It's scarey to see though that at the time I had a salary of £13k, net income of under £900 and they instantly gaem me a £4,000 limit, I'm not sure that that is entirely what I would class as responsible lending!!! I'm still waiting for the Barclaycard information, which I know will contain a lot more charges (3x£20 on the one statement I still have, althought the card limit was only £300 so I dont expect the PPI to be much. I will also be trying to reclaim the Barclaycard FAP premiums as I was bullied into this. Any advice before I proceed?
  14. Hi, Can someone give me some advice please. I had a Citi credit card up to about the end of 2005 and I owed about £3800 before getting into difficulty. In 2006 It was passed to Cabot. I have been paying about £40 - £60 per month up until 2007 via CCCS and then £20 directly to them from 2011 to now. According to the CCCS the interest was frozen and I estimate that I have paid back approx £2500 - 2800 (I will work this out more accurately in due course). I have just had a statement from cabot (1st one ever!) saying that I owe £3800!!! What should I do? Thanks SBG
  15. Here we go again. Back in 2006 this wonderful website enabled me to claim back over £1600 in unfair overdraft charges from HSBC. Following the media storm over PPI I decided again this was the place to get my information ! I've kicked things off with a initial letter using the template from the Which? website, this was sent on the 26/04/2011 and I'm yet to receive any sort of from them. The PPI insurance was taken out in September 2004 and is on an active card. Should I expect any sort of acknowledgement from them or will they just reject my 'claim' in approx. 8 weeks ? Thanks again for the informative website, I'll update this thread as things progress. Jordan
  16. Hi Guys, I requested a CCA from Vanquis and i finally got a reply 18 days after (just after i sent the 30 day notice letter). The information they sent back did not look like the other CCA's i have recieved from other credit companys. It was just a fowarding letter with digital application details and a bunch of terms and conditions. Is this agreement enforcable? As nowhere on the information they sent is a signiture or even a tick the box signature! Although i have removed personal information half the application is blank anyway! If someone has the time to look through the attachments and let me know if this account is enforcable or not i would be extremely grateful. Any thoughts or comments welcome vanquis 2.pdf vanquis 3.pdf Vanquis 1.pdf
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