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Found 11 results

  1. A company with whom I hold an account and have made purchases from in the past have sent me a guitar I didnt order. The guitar was added to my account with a price of £0.00. The guitar duly arrived Addressed to me at my address, it came with an invoice that listed the guitar and a price of £0.00. 2 weeks pass and the company have now emailed asking for the guitar back. Im fairly certain that although they may have made an error, I am covered by the unsolicited goods act and am under no legal obligation to return it. Can anyone help me clarify this ?
  2. Frankly I feel that it's probably a bot. I don't know if there's a real Katie Chamberlain or whether they have simply picked some name out of the blue and I can't see what it has to do with smile cloud services Anyway, here's the recording of an unsolicited call. call_16-52-49_IN_01130859953.mp3 Internet searches seem to show that this is not an isolated case. If anyone has further information as to how it works then please post it here. This call was recorded automatically on an android mobile phone. Read our customer services guide
  3. Has anyone else noticed premium rate incoming texts on vodafone bill? Vodafone are obviously profiting from this as they collect the money, take a commission and then pass it on to the 'service' providers - apparaently I can't use a word that sounds like 'scrammer' Apologies if there is already a thread about this but i couldn't find it if there is
  4. Not quite sure which forum to put this one but I think its worth sharing.... Over the last few weeks, we appear to be getting an increased level of cold calls and known [problem] calls. Some on mobiles but some on main home land-line. Not unusual in itself but it appears that there may be new technology out there, that spoofs your caller display into showing you a number with your own towns dialing pre-fix. When you see a call coming in from your own town, you naturally think its a genuine call. We've had 2 separate calls this week where we actually hung on until someone spoke at the other end. One caller claimed to be able to get us pre-assigned government compensation if anyone in our family had worked in construction or a factory and the other one claiming to be from Microsoft who wanted to speak to the owner of our home PC. Put the phone down on the first one and the 2nd one put the phone down on us (we were playing dumb) Googling the number after, shows that there is no record of the number on any of the "Who Calls Me" type of websites or registered against any genuine business It would be interesting to know if anyone else has been caught out by this.
  5. I don't consider myself to be stupid.. but I am not sure what I need to do with this. I received through the post a letter addressed to me, enclosing a card for Amazon Prime - 30 day free trial. I am a regular Amazon customer buying books for my Kindle - I have never indicated in anyway that I would like to take up this service and have never purchased/downloaded videos from them either. My question is, bearing in mind the above that I have never requested this, do I now have to go and cancel this trial or will they automatically bill me £79.00 ??
  6. Hi All, I had was involved in a RTA back in January; happy to say not serious and not my fault. Third Party admitted liability, so I made a direct claim to their insurers, who promptly arranged for repairs to my car, arranged a hire car, and paid out a sum to my passenger in injury compensation. I didn’t make a personal injury claim at the time as I didn’t experience any effects that I could attribute to the accident. However just about a week later I did experience a stiff neck and shoulder pain, also pain down my arm, I knew that it must’ve been as a direct result of the accident, but I was under the impression that I would be out of time to make a claim, so I put it down to experience and forgot all about it. I had a call recently from an accident claims specialist who said that the insurers put aside an amount for injury compensation, I did explain that I thought it would be too late, however the guy was very persistent, so I agreed to make a claim through them. I was passed on to their legal team who took details. I then got this letter from them via email, however something appears to be “Not Quite Right” :- “Dear Mr Murphy Re Your Accident on 29th January 2015 Please note as requested, we have arranged After the Event legal expenses insurance to cover you throughout this case. On the information currently available to us, we believe, that a contract of insurance with AmTrust Europe Legal is appropriate to cover your opponent’s charges and your own disbursements in case you lose. What this means is that if your claim is unsuccessful, the insurance then takes effect to protect you, as previously discussed the premium amount is deferred and costs £350.00 which is payable by you upon conclusion of your claim as it is no longer recoverable from your opponent since the government changed the rules with effect from 1st April 2013. If you lose the premium is still not payable. Full details are contained in the insurance policy documents. It is generally this type of cover which we recommend; we do not have any financial interest in recommending to you AmTrust Europe Legal. We only select from a limited number of insurers for After the Event legal expense insurance contracts but we are not contractually obliged to conduct our business in this way. You can ask us for a list of the insurers that we use. Yours Faithfully” Shall I tell them to go do one, or do think it’s OK Thank for your help Ken
  7. Hi All, I've recently started receiving texts and most recently a call from what appears to be Motormile finance. The first text referred to Mayday debt offers but also was addressed to someone else, hence i ignored it as it seemed to be the usual unsolicited spam. Since then ive had several more with the following text: It is very important that we speak to you please contact our office urgently on 01138876876 MMF ref. (ref number) along with a missed call from a similar number which traces back to Motormile finance. My question is: As i am obviously not the intended recipient of the original text (it was for a lady for a start - and im a man!) its obviously mistaken identity, but i'm unsure whether to speak to anyone from Motormile to clarify. From what i've read they sound like a particularly difficult collection agency and its not clear to me whether they are trying to extort money or legitimately try to claim on debt owed by someone else. As some of the messages i've read have said speaking on the phone is a big no-no and i'm not sure what i'm dealing with I thought i should ask advice on how to proceed. Please help! I'm actually finding the harassment quite stressful already and just want them to go away. Please also note i do not have any debt that i'm aware of and believe its extremely unlikely there could be a legitimate claim against me. Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi just looking for some advice, a few weeks ago i asked one or two companies in china for a quote on their product "zorb balls" as i was thinking of starting up my own business, i received the quotes and in the end didn't bother buying from them. Today for some strange reason i received a delivery from DHL and when i opened the boxes they had the zorballs in them and are from a company in china that i have never even heard of.. the goods are worth around £3000. i have an invoice from dhl stating i owe them £50.08 for duty and vat. I have no idea what to do.. any advice would be great thanks
  9. Have been with Asda Mobile since 2009 with no problems. Just over two weeks ago I started receiving text messages from Asda Mobile regarding set up details for Internet and picture messaging. Over the past few days I have had over forty messages. It makes no difference if I accept the settings or not. I have contacted their customer services.... nine people in all. Some advisors have confirmed the sending of set up texts has been disabled.... no effect they still keep on coming. Other advisors have said they cannot stop the text messages and claimed I have a fault with my sim card. Another sim card tried, again still the same problem. I was then asked to reset my phone with no effect. Next they said my phone was faulty and I should return to my supplier. I tried another mobile phone with my sim card and once again the texts are still arriving. I believe the problem is caused by changes Asda Mobile(Vodaphone) have made to their system in the past few weeks. This is causing the setup text messages to be sent out when my phone logs onto their network. My phone connects to my car phone system using Bluetooth rSAP, when I leave my car the Asda network seems to regard my mobile as a new phone logging onto their network and it sends out between two and six text messages each time. Anyone else had the same problem ? BDI BDI
  10. Got this one today. Details about this number Telephone number: 07770-859935 Owner and address: Details City : Kathdol - India
  11. Long overdue but looks likely to stop those PPI and accident claim txts. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2211214/Is-end-unwanted-texts-PPI-firms-Two-men-face-250-000-fine-sending-millions-messages.html
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