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  1. hi Long story - bought car 13/08/2018 2 weeks later lots of warning lights - car into AC who sent to Audi who advised needs ABS computer and part on back order - roughly 2k to 3.5k to fix AC have rung to say they're deciding whether they will just give me my money back. so my questions are? do they have a right to do that? I want that car, it took me ages to find it I'm in a hire car at the moment - I'm guessing will be better for them to put me in one of their vehicles so at least hire charges arent being added to their current bill Where do I stand legally - my rights. I've paid to have the car professionally polished, paid insurance, bought mats for it etc etc They're ringing me tomorrow but would love to know what rights I have Thanks in advance Gilly5001
  2. hi.. bought a audi 2014 q3 for £17.300 off Arnold clack on the 18th dec.2017 ..took out one year extended warranty plus service and mot plan ...last week I put petrol in the car instead of diesel. arnold clark recovery came and took car away... phoned me and told me it was going to cost £2.200 to fix ...I got a friend who owns a garage to pick my car up he drained the tank and bleed the pipes ..put £15 of diesel in and the car is working perfect. ..now I have lost total trust in Arnold clark. ..and have asked them to give me my money back for the service and mot plan. ..been told they don't give refund... ...first mot not due till October where do I stand on this??
  3. I really need some help with a problem I have. I was on a 4 day touring holidayicon last week in Scotland in my second hand motorhome which I only purchased around 4 months that I have been saving up for years to buy. On the second day in Scotland the service light came on. With only just purchasing it I wanted to get it seen to quickly I booked it into Arnold Clark, Falkirk Road Grangemouth. I told them exactly what type the motorhome was and they said it wasn't a problem they could sort it out for me the following day which was the Wednesday. I took it into them and waited from 10:30am until around 3:30pm then went to the service desk and asked how the service was doing. I was informed the service had been done but they were having an issue resetting the service light and they would have to take the motorhome to another garage up the road for the light to be turned off. I agreed to wait so they took the motorhome. Over an hour later I returned to the service desk again for another update. They said they still were having an issue turning the service light off and it must be a problem with my motorhomes body computer. they said they couldn't do it. I immediately called the dealership where I purchased the motorhome from in Lancashire and they said they could turn the light off for me if I bought it into them on the Saturday. I paid Arnold Clark for the service as I wanted to get away as by this time it was about 5pm and going dark because its winter and I was booked into a campsite in Edingburgh. I got into the motorhome and drove off. I got about half a mile down the road when I noticed that now not only was the service light illuminated but the airbag fault light was also illuminated all the time, which Arnold Clark hadn't mentioned anything about. I returned to Arnold Clark immediately. They initially denied all knowledge of the airbag light and said it must of been on when I brought the motorhome in as it was impossible for them to of caused it. after a lot of heated talk they finally ask me to return the following day so they could attempt to rectify the issue. However, knowing the garage in Lancashire could turn the lights off I didn't return the Arnold Clark the following day and instead had a days holiday driving around sight seeing, which is why I was in Scotland in the first place. Plus as Arnold Clark were unable to turn the light off on the service day, it was logical to assume they wouldn't be able to turn it off the next day either and I would waste another day of my 4 day holiday for nothing. The weather from Tuesday through to Friday was mostly terrible with torrential rain and high winds, plus I was smothered in a cold. on the Friday morning I decided to drive down to my parents house in Lancashire which was mid point on my way home to Hampshire and also only 10 miles from the garage in Lancashire where I bought the motorhome from. I arrived at my parents early on Friday, it was still raining and windy I decided to immediately take the motorhome into the dealership. However, on the way from my parents house to the dealership the motorhome started to make a strange engine noise. on arriving at the dealership I popped the bonnet with the service guy standing there. We found the oil filler cap was missing from the engine and the engine bay was coated and dripping with oil from the engine. The oil filler cap was found in the window screen wiper well above the engine. I had driven in excess of 600 miles with no oil filler cap in place and oil squirting all over the place. I was smothered in a cold and with the rain and wind I hadn't noticed or smelt anything wrong. I immediately called the Arnold Clark dealership to complain. The head service guy there spoke to me and informed me it was impossible for it to be their error has after servicing all vehicles are inspected by someone else prior to returning the vehicle to the customer. Yet from the point the motorhome was returned to me after the service, I had either been driving, cooking or sleeping in it until it being parked outside the front window of my parents house for 10 minutes before driving it down to the dealership and finding oil everywhere. Arnold Clark as informed me they will investigate the issue but they seriously doubt its anything to do with them. The investigation will take several days and I must not have the motorhome worked on by anyone else in that time. they expect me to stay at my parents house 250 miles away from home and miss work until they finish their investigation. The dealership in Lancashire has had a quick look at the engine and have found the turbo has been damaged due to lack of engine oil as it is now making a strange noise. Luckily though, they don't think there is any other damage to the engine, but they can't really tell properly without taking the engine apart. All they have done is fill the engine with new oil and made sure the oil filler cap is in its correct place and apart from being noisy it seems to run. From my initial conversation with Arnold Clark I know all they are going to do is fob me off saying its nothing to do with them I will be left with, at best, a damaged turbo that needs fixing, probably at my own expense I just think it is wrong and I am absolutely disgusted. I think Arnold Clark should own up to their error and I should be refunded the £224.96 for the service, the £61 something pence I have had to pay for the engine to be quickly inspected, refilled with oil and cleaned, plus whatever the cost of fixing the turbo and whatever else is wrong with the engine will be. Incidentally, The dealership in Lancashire turned sorted out the dashboard lights in no time. So what were Arnold Clark doing??
  4. Hi there, I purchased a car from Arnold Clark around 3 months ago which included a service and MOT plan. I had no end of issues when purchasing the car. I signed 3 different order forms because the sales person entered incorrect info, I travelled 3 hours each way to collect the car to be told the car was not ready to go, as well as various other problems that complicated and confused the buying process. I feel that this service plan was not explained to me properly and if I had understood I would be paying interest for a service plan over 3 years I wouldnt have bothered . I contacted Arnold Clark customer services who have quite clearly stated i will not be getting a refund if I cancel the plan because I signed the order form and it clearly states it on there. I understand I have signed for this but they have not taken into account how confusing the sales person made the buying process. I actually received a good will gesture of £200 from the sales manager because of all the complications. my question is, do i have a right to request a refund for the service/MOT plan and if I do what are my next steps? Thanks a lot NB: apologies for any grammatical errors, I have typed from my phone. Tony
  5. Hi folks, new to the forum and looking for advice please. I purchased a car from Arnold Clark, in March this year. Car has running problems and error codes as in the title. The car has been back to them with the codes after 12 weeks , they sent the car to Peugeot they done a DPF regen and a software update. I have had the car back a few weeks and it done the same thing. They are refusing to fix it and I have left it in their yard. They are just not interested !!! Thanks in advance .
  6. It has recently been announced that Arnold Clark has passed away aged 89. One has to wonder what this will mean to the retail car buyer. What changes, beneficial or otherwise, can the car buying public expect from those now at the helm. Would be interested to know what other customers think.
  7. Hello all, I recently purchased a used car from Arnold Clark and went with a one-year AutoCare warranty because it seemed like a good idea at the time. No finance involved. Was just browsing this site and see that the overwhelming advice is not to bother with AutoCare, so I've just checked the T's & C's to see if/how I can go about cancelling it. As a new member I can't post a link, but they can be found by googling "arnold clark autocare warranty in detail", choosing the first result, and clicking the link on that page which says "download our Autocare policy document". Once in that document, the "Your right of cancellation" section is on page 10. It starts by saying that "no full or partial refund of the price paid for the warranty will be made", but then later says that "on receipt of your notice of cancellation we will refund the warranty cost, unless you have made a claim under your warranty". I don't understand this. If I send a letter requesting cancellation to the specified address, will the amount that I paid be refunded or not? Thanks in advance. Any other advice or things to bear in mind when doing this will also be appreciated. Recorded delivery for the letter, for example
  8. Good evening, I bought a car (Car A) from Stetford Arnold Clarke, July 2014. I made a Payment for Car A against personal hitachi loan - £500 in cash and a Peugeot 206 trade in which was in good shape and just through MOT. The original sale was dealt with by a relatively new member of staff who really pushed the sale of an audi A3 as she drove one. What was alarming to me at this time was that the sales woman said the deposit had to be processed before the car would be dispatched from Glasgow branch. Payments started coming out monthly from August 2014. In September, the colouring of the car started to fade and I went back to Arnold Clarke to complain about this. I was told that a respray was out of the question but that they would buff. I then went back to AC in December to ask about my options with the car. The reasons about asking for this was due to my working commitments and imminent changes to my working life. Arnold Clark said this downgrade would take my monthly payments down if I handed the Audi back and opted for a cheaper car. There was also an expectation of a cash payment at this stage but I'm not really sure why this was, so I give over another £100. He then said, I'm going to ring up the people from Hitatchi and they agreed to 'take it back, no problem'. As a person who doesn't work in this industry, I was assured that this was the 'end' of the original loan associated with the Audi and he assured me this was the case. Following this, he then signed me up to the new loan (Car B) but at no point did he make it explicit that the new loan was being added on top of the existing one. This really didn't make sense to me and why would it? The very reason I was back in AC was to change my car option and the associated loan repayments, when in actual fact, I ended up paying for the total of two. I visited another few times were I mentioned to the sales staff that I would be more than happy to take any 'banger' they had on the yard. Surprisingly, this was not taken up as a viable option which was confusing to me as the staff were fully aware that I wanted to downgrade. I have rang Hitachi finance (who the money is owed too) who sympathised with my situation, several times, to see what I could do. The first phone call was from me to query why the repayment total was so much; totally opposite to the reason for downgrading. I now roughly have to pay back £10, 000, and I have paid about £4, 000 – the car in worth about £1200. I have rung Arnold clark several times and left all my details, but they have never rang me back. I also have sent them emails and they have not replied. So I am looking for advice – has Arnold clark done anything wrong? Have I any way of negotiating this ‘loan’? I have a lot of paying back to do and it feels like I have been ripped off. I would be happy enough with maybe having a big loan to pay back if it was going towards a very good car, but the car probably needs changing in the next 6 months. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. From reading through the comments, it seems that many people feel misled. Summary: I took out an audi a3 and put down a puegeot 206 and £500 deposit. After a few months I wanted to downgrade as repayments were too much. Arnold clark took the car back and settled the figure. I took out a new car on a more affordable monthly repayment. They didn’t tell me though that the new finance deal was added onto the first one. Now I have £10, 000 to repay for a car worth £1200. Is there anything I can do? The questions I have are: 1 – has Arnold clark done anything wrong 2 – Have I any way of negotiating this ‘loan’ 3 – is my issue with Arnold clark or hitachi? 4 – What should I do next?
  9. Oh, Oh, a fellow Scotsman's not going to be very happy! http://www.am-online.com/news/dealer-news/2016/04/25/sir-arnold-clark-becomes-britain-s-first-billionaire-car-dealer H
  10. hi, i'm new to this kind of thing and have never posted on here before but I needed advice on a problem I am having with Arnold Clark. I purchased a 2011 BMW 1 series coupé from Arnold Clark and after 4 months of having the car the heating/ air con panel on the car stopped working on the first day it got cold in winter (and its impossible to drive the car without this because all the windows steam up very quickly). I contacted Arnold Clark about the problem as we were told that we were still covered by a BMW warranty when we had brought the car. s Much to our disappointment when we informed Arnold Clark we were told if we hadn't brought a Arnold Clark warranty (which we were not even offered or given the option to buy when we had purchased the car) we weren't covered for any faults on the car and it was not their problem any more. we then went to a BMW specialist garage because we were told by the arnold clark salesman we were still covered by BMW. when we called BMW to check this we found out the warranty had expired a month before the car was purchased but we still went ahead and tried to get the car diagnosed. we were told the fault could not be diagnosed and a fault like this had not been seen before by BMW mechanics. We were also informed that the car had been overdue a service for 14000 miles. (This was surprisingly disappointing to me because when i had brought the car we were told everything had been changed on the car and a full service had been done.) when the car was checked for service history we couldn't find a service history book. I had called citizen advice bureau and I was given a list of my consumer rights and also given the list of acts in which Arnold Clark had not complied by and mislead us. I had gone back to Arnold Clark to try and get a solution to the problem. I was told by the 'manager' that I have no consumer rights and nothing can be done for me they refused to look at the car and told me the salesman that sold me the car no longer works there and its not their problem. I then contacted the finance company and told them the fault i had with the car and I was told id need to give arnold clark a chance to fix the car before anything else could be done and this would take a maximum of 8 weeks. the finance company didnt seem to be doing much and dragged out the claim for 12 weeks to then turn around and tell me the claim was rejected by arnold clark and they are blaming me for the electrical fault on the car and the finance company will be closing the case and now im left with a car I cant drive without heat/aircon to unsteam the windows and a fault that cant be explained. can i take further action against them(taking them to court)?
  11. Hi there I am new here so bare with me as I write about the problems I have been having with Arnold Clark. So where to start? I suppose at the beginning would help hehe. I have been buying cars from Arnold Clark for the last 5 years and until the beginning of this year I was a satisfied customer. I went into their Motherwell store at the end of January to trade in my perfectly working Mondeo as I found it was costing me a lot to spend most of the time on my drive way and wanted something a little cheaper to maintain. I spoke to the same sales guy I always do as he has sold me most of the cars I have bought from there and went about getting a new car sorted that would suit my needs a little better than the big Mondeo. So I settled on a nice little 11 plate Astra as my new family run around for my wife and 2 kids. So the deal was done and because of the trust I had I neglected to take a test drive much to my regret. I drove the car home put it on my drive and it sat there for 9 days while I was working. Took my family out for a spin in the new car on my next day off and immediately found that there was something not quite right with the car, so I thought it was probably just me and let it be. I few days later the car got really bad and started to judder when accelerating all the time. I decided to take the car back in and get it checked and they claimed it was the Mass Airflow Sensor and replaced it for me. I took the car for a test drive and no more juddering and I thought great issue solved and onto happy motoring. Unfortunately not quite the ending I wanted a few days later the juddering started again so I took it back in and they told me there was a fault that needed the attention of a Vauxhall dealer as they didn't have the equipment to do the testing. So we arranged a date and I went on my way. I decided to go out to Glasgow in the car and as I was cruising down the motorway in 6th gear the car stalled and I lost all power. I was able to get it started and carried on but the car was not great running. On my way back the turbo in the car kept kicking in and I almost put it into the back of a bus with just a slight touch of the peddle. I decided enough is enough and went back to AC the next day and kicked up a fuss. The service dept. told me they recommend I don't drive the car and left it at that. So by that time I thought to myself I do not want my children in that car any more and decided to try and get them to take the car back as by that time I had only had it a few weeks. The sales guy was more than happy to help and although they claimed they couldn't take the car back for the purchase price they would be willing to give me a good markup on it and keep my payments roughly the same. So I agreed as I thought at the time this seemed like the best way to get away from that death trap of a car. So I bought a different car, they transferred my 2 years warranty package kept my payments the same and I thought great finally sorted. Alas it was not meant to be just yet. I finalised the finance and signed for it all last Tuesday and just as I was about to get the keys to my new car they dive in and say we've lost the V5 and can't tax the car in your name. They said a new one was ordered on the 20th Feb and would have one any day. As a way of an apology they gave me a stock car with no fuel and I had to insure it myself. Also promised me a full tank of fuel in my new car when it's ready which after a week of waiting is probably still going to be a while off. I dunno how to feel about the whole thing as I think on one side they did help me well but the other makes me feel I have been had. Is there more I should be doing? Am I just being paranoid and they have done loads for me already or should I ask for more? Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks, Kev.
  12. I bought a Ford Focus from Arnold Clark. On the website it said it had cruise control and speed limiter fitted. When I took it a quick test drive I said to the salesman "it does have cruise control doesn't it?" And he said yes. When I drove the car home I couldn't find the cruise control so checked the manual and phoned the salesman to tell him. I had to take the car back the next day for him to check and he confirmed it didn't. I asked for it to be fitted with a new steering wheel with the cruise control buttons. Salesman called a non Arnold Clark ford dealer to check but ford can not do this without voiding the warranty. I called a ford dealer myself and was told the same. Can anyone give me advice on what options I have? Cruise control was one of the main reasons I chose this one. I've to go back tomorrow to speak to the manager as he was off work when I went back before. The car is 1 year old. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. Hi I recently bought a new car from Arnold Clark mid February. Who even though instructed I did not want the service plan included it in the purchase. However I were persuaded by the salesperson it was a good deal and that it would prolong and complicate the process to take it out at that stage. My main concerns were that there would be a mileage limitation and that none genuine parts would be used on my car endangering the manufacturers warranty. The salesperson assured me there was no mileage restriction and only genuine parts were used and services would be in line with manufacturers schedule. I have not received any documentation about the service plan from Arnold Clark. Looking at their website they offer service plans for vehicles under 42 months but they do have a mileage limitation of 24k miles. The service plan would possibly expire before the second service was due (intervals of 1 year or 20k miles). It is over a month after the purchase of my car and I am regretting taking this package as at £379 for 2 years it doesn't seem that great a value for money and is causing a lot of headaches. What would my rights be if I were to want to cancel the service plan?
  14. Hello, last month we purchased a vehicle from Arnold Clark and part ex'd our own vehicle. Prior to agreeing to buy we made the salesman aware that I only had a provisional license and asked would that be a problem with the finance (my wife would be the main driver until I pass my test with me driving it provisionally.). The salesman said that wont be a problem, the vehicle just has to be comprehensively insured. We submitted all information for a credit check and we received a call the next day from the salesman that the finance had been accepted and asked if we could come in to sign the agreement and pay the deposit. We did so and the salesman said everything was fine, the car was signed over to us and we supplied all the documents that we were asked for. We collected the car a couple of days later and left our vehicle with them. A couple of weeks later AC called me to say they needed proof of comprehensive insurance where I was the main policy holder. I said I dont have that because my wife is the main policy holder and I am a named driver. AC said that the finance company wont release the money to them until they have proof that I am a main policy holder and that the car would have to be repossessed if we cannot. I informed him that on my copy of the finance agreement it only states that the vehicle has to be comprehensively insured, it doesn't say that the owner has the be the main policy holder. He said "yes but that doesnt matter because on the new document from the finance company it says you need to be the main policy holder". They are threatening repossession if I dont pay for comprehensive insurance in my name which firstly we cannot afford to do that and secondly out of principal of the agreement. The funny thing is they said the finance company are threatening repossession and I said "so a finance company who has currently made no investment in this vehicle has the right to take my car away." to which AC said that "well not it would need to be returned to us" to which I replied "so AC will repossess the vehicle?" and after umm and arring they would not give me a straight answer as to who would be repossessing the car. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and if they can repossess where do I stand with my deposit and part ex'd car?
  15. Hi, I am looking for some advice. I bought a car from Arnold Clark yesterday andthe signed vehicle order agreement. I am still awaiting to hear of approval hasbeen granted for the credit however on leaving sales room I am not happy with what’sin the agreement. Initially I was quoted a price, £167 pm that included all their extras(warranty, service, road tax, fuel and mats and VIP insurance). I said no andthe deal was lowered to £157 pm. I left and went back the following day todiscuss. They then offered £146 pm but the VIP insurance was removed and the warrantyreduced to 1 year. The service agreement was still included. I was advised a costof £136 if all extras were removed. I was also told that I would maybe get thewarranty (FOC) if it was a deal breaker. Anyways, long story short, they agreed to giving me the road tax (only £30p/a), the petrol and mats for free. We signed up. We didn’t actually get to seeanything though and did the electronic signature that they look for on thevehicle order agreement. Now looking at the agreement, I have paid the stickerprice (no discount at all), have no extras and have paid £30 road tax and £25for fuel (was initially £50 for fuel and mats). No mention of the mats. I feel like I have been done. Wherewas the £167 pm price initially from? Can I do anything? I thought I was makinga saving somewhere and do not even seem to be getting what was discussed (mats etc.).The agreement refers to Terms and conditions but none were attached. Can anyonehelp? Thanks
  16. It is common knowledge that clark lost the Honda dealership, at least in Kirkcaldy if not further afield. In todays paper it intimates that they no longer hold the Nissan dealership at least for Dundee, if not further afield. No reason is given for this move. I suggest that anyone who has bought a new or even nearly new car from them and feels they have a genuine grievance, should write their complaint to the UK Managing Director for that particular marque. I don't think manufacturers would want to be using dealers who may give their product a bad reputation.
  17. I purchased a year old car from Arnold Clark last year and went to have some work done and pulled out my documents and found I had signed up to Arnold Clark Autocare. The expiry date on this Autocare has now ended. My issue I have is this is an exact duplicate of the manufacturers warranty and strongly feel this has been miss sold. Why sell something which you have already covered!! As usual like I see many posts on here Arnold Clark just say you signed for it. Am I right or wrong on this that this should have never been offered at point of sale when the manufacturers warranty covers all this. This is a bit like PPI. Arnold Clark will not budge. Is there a regulatory body that can look into this and take action as I strongly feel this is wrong and how many other people have been caught out on this. Many thanks
  18. I purchased the following vehicle from Arnold Clark, Nissan, Perth. Nissan X-Trail Diesel Station Wagon When fitting a new tow bar, the engineer at my local garage identified the following :- • The vehicle had previously been fitted with a tow bar....the tow bar socket was in a plastic bag taped to the underside of the vehicle and the left and right tow bar anchors were still in situ. • When this tow bar was removed the original integral cross member was not re installed. • This left the rear of the vehicle without support and in an unsafe, unprotected condition in the event of a rear shunt /collision. I am concerned that this vehicle was not properly checked prior to sale and was released to me in an unsafe condition. Can I report them to Trading Standards, who may take action against them?
  19. Hi folks sorry if im going over old ground, to cut a long story short i bought a car from AC and within 7 days it broke down with an inherent fault, the code of which we have documented 5 times by the AA over the last year, the car did go in for repair during the warranty period (was in garage for 53 days at one point) but the obvious fault was never dealt with and we feel the car was managed to get it through the warranty period, is it worth getting a solicitor involved or is there any other people who can help us get our money back, unfortunately our house insurance has legal aid but it wont cover motoring claims. We are waiting to hear back from my credit card as i payed a deposit with that, what is the chances we will see anything back!? Cheers for any info
  20. -Do you think that the Advertising Standards Agency would be interested in clarks latest advert?? The advert states they have 94% customer satisfaction???? so why as many complaints? They also state 97% of customers would recommend them??? so why am I getting WEEKLY queries from disgruntled former customers, in response to my rear window sticker?? ARNOLD SHARK NEVER AGAIN
  21. hi there, I'm very new these forums, and after reading a few posts my issue is not as drastic, but i thought id post an see if anyone can give any ideas. i bought a 2012 Peugeot 208 from a local arnold clark dealership. originally i was looking at and was shown around a brand new one, but i had to stretch the finances for the second hand one. anyway, i was told over the phone that the car was essentially the same minus sunroof and sat-nav, id already looked at online specs and was happy with what i saw. few days later i went and picked up the car a lovely looking rose quartz (subtle pink to you and me ) over the next few days as i was getting familiar with the car, i started noticing what was missing. i should say here that although i'm a 40 something guy i only sat my car test last year, and bought an old peugeot 206, so this is my first really nice and almost new car. so, what i assumed was on the car was...... parking sensors on specs as dealer option radio/cd player on specs as dealer option DAB radio upgrade on specs as standard similar options on the touchscreen as to the car id looked at interior options I.E. armrest the car has a radio controlled through touch screen, but it is an fm radio and reception is crap at best. no cd player, as said no DAB upgrade, touchscreen really only has the bluetooth function for phone music ect. this works great and has good sound, i like my music so i need perfection:|and no arm rest. i've been in to dealer a few times saying i felt ripped off as if i knew none of these were on it id have paid to get them put on with extra finance i had, and the fact that i was never even offered them. they've given me quotes for some of the stuff but i don't have that money now. most things the can say are dealer discretion but the DAB radio says its standard on the specs, ive spoken to peugeot on phone an popped in to two other peugeot dealers who all said it should be on as standard, one even said he was baffled as to how/why it was removed. i had asked for a bit discount if i bought what i wanted but nothing. so now its just about getting what should definatly be there, the infamous DAB radio upgrade. can i demand they upgrade ? is there somewhere i can contact for advice or help?would i be covered by any law around being sold something different from what i was expecting....???
  22. I have purchased a used Vauxhall Corsa from Arnold Clark but all I have had is problems and lies ever since I walked onto their forecourt. First off, my incompetent car salesman has entered 3 car finance agreements onto my credit report. These got accepted then cancelled, one after the other. (Not searches these got accepted!) The only reason he had to cancel them was down to his lack of reading skills. First one he put wrong information on the application, the second agreement had to be cancelled as i did not have a guarantor and the third I was not the main policy holder of the insurance (however this was not listed in my copy of the terms and conditions, so obviously they just made this up). he applied for a personal loan in my name without going through any pre-contract information with me. I had also driven the car away when I signed the second finance agreement with them there was an issue of whos car it was as there was no finance attached to it! I have another issue with this car salesman when I saw this car it looked too good to be true, i asked him who owned the car before me. He gave me the line "just a managers car that they have traded in for a newer one", however, on receiving my V5 it states that a hire car company owned it. Now i'm sure he has breached the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations as stating something which is untrue? and hiding the fact it is an ex-rental. What should I do about this? The manager dealt with us after that and tried to sell us another car! Even though the finance of the car we just bought was not resolved. He offered us money to take this new car but we declined. He also tried to entrap me by recording a phone call we had without my knowledge or permission. I have complained to head office with a very long list of complaints for them to say that we have sorted out your third finance agreement so have set your complaint to resolved. The manager from the garage we bought the car from rang me and said I can have a full tank of petrol for my inconvenience and he then added £100 on top of that after I started telling him everything they have done wrong. This didn't come from head office so i'm not sure what to do. I have put in a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman and I'm going to write to my local Trading Standards. Do you think that I'm being fussy or should I not have to put up with this having an effect on my ability to obtain credit, the fact that they have breached the regulations according to Trading Standards, breached their code of conduct set out by the FCA and have lied to me throughout this process making me feel stressed and upset. (sorry for such a long post!)
  23. Hi I am just looking for some advice regarding AC. I can see alot of people have had many problems with them and I don't know if my problem is a new one? I just bought a nissan micra 1.2 from them (Linwood - Paisley Volkswagen Branch) and picked it up on Friday 22nd Nov 2013. It was from their used car range and something that currently fitted into my budget. On the Thursday when the sales person had called to say the car was ready, i had asked if the temperature dial that had a crack on it had been replaced as well as the chipped paint work on the rear end of the car. She confirmed the paint work had been touched up but the temperature dial knob hadn't been replaced as she wasn't sure about what temperature dial knob I had notified her about and now that she was aware she would get it fixed. On Friday it turned out that the temperature dial knob will arrive on Tuesday and my second key for the car should also arrive then too. I therefore, arranged for the car to be picked up on Weds 27th Nov, from my work and dropped off after the repairs have been carried out on it. I quickly left the garage with my car as it was coming to 5pm and I didn't want to get too caught up in Friday rush hour traffic. On Saturday as I went to pick up my family to head out to dinner, when the back seat passengers went to clip their seat belts in there was nothing for them to click them into. This morning (Sunday 24th Nov 2013) I phoned the garage and spoke with the sales rep' explaining the problem. She asked me to double check that the back seats didn't have their belt locks tucked under the seats etc. I went out and double checked and this time took pictures. I called her back and told her there defo was not any seat belts locks tucked anywhere in the back seats and to help her understand what I was trying to relay across to her I was going to email her pictures . She told me she had customers to deal with and after dealing with them she would check the pictures and get back to me. I have not had a call back. In my email to her I showed her what was missing in the car and also sent her a picture which i took from the internet to show what should be in the back of a car for seat belts to lock into. I also pasted some info' that i came across about how car dealers are not allowed to sell unroadworthy cars and are liable to a penalty. I asked in my email that they come take the car from me on Monday 25th Nov and give me an insured courtesy car for that period to drive until they sort the problems out as I have a family to drive around daily and at present my car is only legally suitable to carry one passenger. Can anyone advise me on how to get this matter resolved and should I be contacting trading standards or VOSA? If so, is there an address or phone number someone could kindly direct me towards so I can get this problem sorted. Many thanks. sarah
  24. Hi, I wonder if anyone is able to help me make sense here on whether we have any case against Arnold Clark, in light of our recent unpleasant experiences with this dreadful company. On 17th July 2013 my Mum went to the Bishopbriggs branch, and spoke to a salesman (I better not name him), about buying a new Dacia Sandero.(She has bad taste lol) Having gone through all the details, and explained that there was a 3 month or more wait for the vehicle, she decided to go ahead and order one. The finance was all approved by Santander, she paid her deposit, signed the paperwork and all that was left was to await a phone call to say the car has arrived. On 13th November, she received a call from her salesman to say her car would be available for collection on 20th November, and that all was ok. My Mother then arranged with her current finance company to do an early termination agreement on her current car, and return it to them under the terms of that on 20th November. On 19th November she received another call from the salesman at Arnold Clark. They had just realised the agreement was made 3 months ago, and as such Santander required them to re-propose the business. We were surprised at this, since it was all signed and sealed, however they went ahead, and Santander, for reasons known only to them, declined the application. They then went ahead, without permission, and proposed her business to another 5 finance companies, without asking permission, discussing terms, or referring to my Mum in any way - the multiple searches led to multiple declines, and her credit score has reduced as a result of this where credit is now going to be more expensive for her because of the impact of these unauthorised searches of her credit file. This deplorable tactic just stinks of a desperate salesman, but the consequences don't affect him. Or Arnold Clark. Having spoken to Santander, it seems they have done nothing wrong. The terms of their commercial agreement with Arnold Clark stipulates that where a customer waits more than 3 months for a vehicle, the finance will need to be re submitted, but that customers expecting such a delay should be clearly informed at the point of sale. Nothing of any of this was mentioned. My Mum is the sole carer for her elderly mother in law, who has Alzheimers and mobility problems, and relies on the car. She works for an NHS out of hours service inaccessible to public transport, and her car is essential for that. What they are causing her to do is incur considerable expense to rent a car, in order to go about her daily life, while sorting out car finance separate to any dealership, and then finds another car to buy, from anywhere other than Arnold Clark. I spoke to the salesman. He accepts no liability.He was not interested in even speaking. I have spoken to his sales manager and e-mailed him a complaint. He has not answered, and will not take calls from me now, or return calls. On the one occasion I spoke to him, he said he was going to try and arrange a hire car at their expense, but now he will not even communicate. I have spoken to their customer services, who have asked me to e- mail them. I have e-mailed the OFT and spoken to the FCA but still cannot find out if there is any actual legal wrongdoing here that they can be pursued for, it's very difficult. It boils down to the fact that they withheld vital information about a financial product they sold, which has resulted in expense and inconvenience, or have they?
  25. Hello, was hoping for some feedback from those in the know - i feel like i was mis sold recovery service... My car broke down at the weekend so i called my trusty arnold clark assist phone number looking for help. I was quickly informed that the policy had expired in November last year. This came as a shock as we were under the impression the cover lasted as long as our finace deal? I was told no, it was only for 2 years but i could still get assitance - for a fee of 80 plus vat an Arnold clark assist engineer would come to my rescue to fix my car, or if it could not be repaired roadside, it would be towed to the nearerst dealership who would fix it there. I agreed, the guy turned up, started the car, decided a bearing was dodgy and that it would have to go to the dealer for repair. Fine by me. I let him take my car and off he went. This morning i called the garage and after initally not having a clue what i was talking about, they finally found my car, sent it to a different garage and i sat by my phone waiting to find out how much the repair was going to cost. Turns out, that for in order to decide whats wrong with my car, the Service team want to charge me another fee of 89 plus vat, meaning im already 200quid down and my car is still not working! While i agree i probably should have seen this coming, im furious that it was made out by the recovery team that the original fee of 80 plus vat was to diagnose and recover my car if required. Does anyone have any any advice? I desperately need my car back but have refuse to allow the service team to look at it without knowing one or the other fee's be waived.... Thanks for helping
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