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Found 7 results

  1. Hi Guys Ive made the mistake before of ignoring a PCN so this time I intend to respond properly. I received a notice in the post today received by one of my taxi drivers who failed to mention to me that he went into the car park or that the ticket machine wasn't working on questioning today when i received the PCN he said the person he spoke to had no clue as to what he should do.. the car is 140 miles away from my location and its unlikely I will be going that way anytime soon.. 1 Date of the infringement 28/5/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 07/07/18 3 Date received 11/07/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] no 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] 7 Who is the parking company?parkingeye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Mayflower terminal short stay southampton the reverse of the PCN states" " We originally wrote to the registered keeper of the vehicle whose details were held by the DVLA at the time of the event and they informed us that you were responsible at the time of the parking event" I am now and have been since June 2016 the registered keeper and owner of the vehicle. I have not made any representation to them or anyone else about the this event or any other event as to who was the owner or driver of the vehicle at any time
  2. Good evening all... My car internals melted themselves on the way home last night. I've since discovered from my mechanic it has been remapped and he is adamant this is what has caused the internals to fail.. . Corsa VXR in case you are wondering.. .ive spoken this evening to Moneybarn who only seem to be interested in talking about your 3 exit options...as if I don't know. They are saying I have to prove the remap was on the cars ecu when I got it so I can go down the mid sold road as frankly if I'd known, I'd not have touched it. I can't prove in any way shape or form that it was mapped prior to my acquiring the car so their unwilling to progress with a complaint to the dealer. Please help as I'm now paying 250 quid a month for a melted Vixxer that's still gonna cost me 2500 to just hand back in it's current Nick ��
  3. Just wondering if any of you could tell me where we stand with this one. My elderly father has terminal cancer and wanted to move 250 miles to be closer to us, we initially tried to get him into a nursing home but found this difficult due to the homes needing to assess him first. The only option we had was to sign a tenancy agreement (in our name due to him being 250 miles away) with my father as the named tenant. As expected he was unable to care for himself and within 4 weeks we were able to move him into a nursing home. The tenancy was an assured shorthold taken out from the 1st June 2016 for 6 months. We paid deposits (which I have never recieved a TDS reference for) and we paid the entire 6 months rent due up front as this was the only way we could secure the property quickly. We kept the estate agents in the loop and they knew the situation from the outset, we had the property cleaned and handed the keys back into them on the 26th June. I last contacted the estate agents on the 3rd August and have been told that the property is now under offer (as in being sold not rented again) but because the sale is not likely to complete within our tenancy period which ends 30th November we will not get any of our pre-paid rental money back. They have also refused to give back our deposit money until the tenancy ends even though we no longer have access to the property and they were happy with it's condition when we gave the keys back. Now on face value, I do know that technically we are liable for the 6 months rental but I'm hoping you may be able to direct me here as to what (if anything) I can do? Many thanks in advance for any advice/help you can offer Dydie
  4. Hi there, I'm wondering what your thoughts are and if I can/should do something. The father of a friend had a serious heart problem and his condition was really bad in January '12. The doctor said he won't survive so he claimed PIP because of terminal illness. Luckily his condition changed and he was much better end of '12, where they bought a fancy new car. At least I thought they bought it. I had some discussions with him about benefits the last few months, where he told me that he's still claiming PIP on the highest rates and he received the car for free. He was able to choose one and he has some free miles with paid petrol. His last medical checks were great and in my opinion he would be able to work. (he should do some exercises for his heart, but he prefers to stay at home and watch tv allday) I asked him if the PIP department or DWP ask about his condition and he laughed and said "they think I'm still dying so they won't ask questions" I feel really sick when I think about it, because they having a great life with full wages from his wife (full-time worker) + free car + full PIP and going on holidays all the time while my partner has a medical condition and is waiting for his PIP (and ESA) since last year October. Nevertheless there thousand other people who need even more help and support and don't receive it. Is it possible to do anything or just wait until DWP contact him again? Thank you very much!
  5. I am not sure whether this is best place in here or special needs and disability. I also don't want to clog up the what made you swear today? thread in the Bear Garden. For those of you who have seen that thread within the last few days, you'd know that my Granddad has been given 2 years to live and has cancer in his spine and liver. He had mouth and throat cancer 3 years ago and was given the all clear 9 months later. Any support, advice, etc. would be appreciated please. I will also be using this thread to post what's going on with his treatment, etc.
  6. will have to stop work soon, is it esa I apply for as I have am terminal illness and as I cant get to sign on is there a facility for doing through the post, I kive in a village cant walk to bus stop and driving stopped
  7. Hi Not sure if this is the correct place to post, if not please redirect me, Thanks. Basically this is my situation. I am seeking advice on behalf of my father, who has now been informed that he has Pancreatic Cancer, inoperable, and highly likely has less than a year - more like 5 - 8 months to live. Naturally this has come as quite a shock to all of us and we almost feel like this is happening to somebody else, kind of surreal, it hasn't really sunk in. At present he is dealing with the 'Charity' Step Change, formally Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS). My own personal thoughts of this 'outfit' for want of a better word are not good, just my own personal feelings after dealing with them over the years. I believe they are 90% for the creditor, maybe 10% for the client - in this case my father. Anyway, he has been paying them for probably 7-8 years on a DMP. Most of his creditors stopped the interest and charges and some are fully paid, others not far off. Then we have a couple of them who have continued to add interest/charges and he still owes them the same now as he did 7 years ago. My father currently pays them £125 a month. I believe though, that his living expenses are about to increase as he will be attending a lot more appointments at the various hospitals that will be treating him, Chemotherapy etc - just maybe giving him a short while longer. Obviously extra fuel, possibly parking, maybe carers and even buying frozen foods to heat in a microwave. Basically I think he isn't going to have enough to cover what's left of his debts. I have spoken to Step Change, and as expected they still seem very keen on him continuing with this DMP. I however, rightly or wrongly have decided that's not going to happen. He has no savings, he needs to use this money - even putting as much as possible away to pay for his funeral as none of us has any money or insurance for that. Sad situation I know. He has no assets whatsoever. I believe he is claiming all the benefits he can, DLA, Pension Credits etc. So I have some questions, and if anybody can help please feel free to do so:- 1) - All his debts are in his name only, so they die with him basically? I hate saying that word die 2) - As these greedy creditors have not helped him in any way (ie, adding interest and charges) would it be wise for me to write and explain his situation, requesting they now clear the debt? 3) - What about if they foolishly decide to take court action, could money be taken direct from his benefits? Although I can't imagine them going to court, it wouldn't surprise me. Basically is it wise to offer something just to keep them off my father's back as I don't want him to worry about this debt. He is worried (like debt is is biggest problem right now!). He is worried we will have to pay his debts after he has passed away. Also, I have briefly read the claim pack for a funeral from the DWP, it seems they will seek to get whatever is in his bank account to help towards the funeral cost. I am not sure how much I could claim towards his funeral, so is it wise to put his bank account in a joint name with myself? So many questions and so sorry for the long first post I look forward to hearing your views. Thank you.
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