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Found 7 results

  1. Hi , this is my first post. Yesterday I went through a horrible situation. I was in London designer outlet I have been caught of shoplifting after I left gap. The manager of gap and the security of the outer took me in the back . They asked me to open my bag , I tooked everything out . ( I had 2 items from gap, 1 from Nike and one from next ) they didn't call the police , they took my name , my address and my pictures. After and other security came to take my id and my picture . I never felt so bad in my all life. today I m even feeling worse . I m scared about the consequences . They said I will receive a letter but they did not specify which kind . I was in a total panic , 3 man asking me question made it even worse . I never had any criminal record . I never did this before . I really would like to know if with the ban from all gaps and from the outlet which they gave me I will also have a criminal record . I work in a shop and I'm really scared they will enter my dates in the database and from my work place they will see it . They didn't ask mr to pay , they banned me for 24 months . I m in a total panic . I m feeling really bad about myself and really bad about my future . Which consequences all of this will bring up ? I would really appreciate your responses . Many thanks
  2. Hello there, I have recently been away from my rented flat as I have been looking after a very ill family member. It was very stupid of me, but I never gave paying my council tax any thought. I have been out of a job for awhile, and have only just started to apply for benefits. When I returned to my property, I was greeted with a lovely notice of enforcement letter from Marstons Holdings, stating I had until the 10th April to pay. Well I did not get back to the property till the 12th. I have tried to contact Marstons directly, having no help whatsoever. I have contacted the council recovery team at Leeds City Council, and they have put my account on hold for 14 days. My question is does this stop the bailiffs from being able to attend my property for 14 days also? If not, has anyone else had dealings with Marstons, and how long did it take for them to attend your property after the due date on the notice of enforcement letter? Thank you for taking the time to read my dilemma. I look forward to reading your responses!
  3. Hi all...to srat with I have been totally stupid and landed myself right in it. Car on Finance...Unemployed...couldnt afford...over one third...thought would make a little profit and settle finance. June 2015 Advertised. 'Dealer turned up...bought car...showed me a bank document suggesting that he had paid the finance company and gave me the difference...approx 700 quid. I was relieved to be out of a sticky situation....treated for stress and depression and still am being to date. Guess what....you knew it already...dealer was not a dealer.....a tidy [problem] to get a nice car for 700 quid....I am left holding the baby...so to speak. So Now there is a return of goods order. Despite this I have been in contact with the finance co and I am making payments based on affordability having consulted debt line or something. They are turning up with a truck knowing full well that I dont have the car.....I have explained the situation. I accept full responsibility and I am making payments but they are now adding on charges. I am going out of my mind. Incidentally the car was not registered on HPI but now it is. Since then I have another vehicle on Finance...which surely wouldnt happen if I was showing as default on call credit or whatwever, I am so confused and extrrmely worried
  4. Hi forum I'm sorry to bother you all but I'm panicking. I have a default which is supposed to drop off at the end of the year (almost 6 years) but when I checked my credit file I noticed that that there were two entries for the same debt/ default. One for the original bank and another for the DCA. The problem was that the default date for the DCA was wrong and much later than the one the bank gave so I stupidly contacted the Credit Agencies to ask them to dispute the date as it was wrong and I gave them the correct date instead. The agencies subsequently contacted the DCA with my dispute (presumably providing them with details) who in turn told the agencies to ask me to contact them to discuss. I haven't contacted the DCA but I'm now panicking. Did I acknowledge my debt by asking the agencies to raise a dispute with details of my complaint? Please help!
  5. Hi all, in a panic over my finances. I took out two pay day loans due to debt I couldn't pay and I'm now on Job seeker's and realised I have made my situation a lot more worse than it was before. I borrowed £400 from both and payments are due one on the 27th of this month (quick quid) Quick quid want 450 and the other 6th October. Wonga will want 540 or thereabouts? I'm really getting worried. I understand I need to cancel the CPA but have read nightmare stories about cancelling them as banks..I bank with Barclays aren't always very helpful in regards to doing that. There is no way I can make the repayments and I guess i need to go on payment plan. I just don't know where to start?? Also do I need to close down my current account or is just sufficient to report my card stolen? I don't want the bank charging me extra on top because there isn't sufficient money in the account which is in it's over draft. I'm hoping that I can land a job in the next few weeks but it's very unlikely. I have bills to pay and I just don't know how i'm going to manage. My job seeker's is £55 per week, so it's extremely tight. The job seekers does go into a different account, still with barclays but will that make any difference?? Could they still take it anyway? I shouldn't have taken out the loan as I wasn't exactly employed well I thought I was going to be but then it didn't materialise...... I was over eager and now am suffering the consequences... I'm desperately trying to land a job to make the payment but doubt i'll be able too... Any any advice would be much appreciated. :-(
  6. Can any one offer any advice RE statutory demand which has been put through my letter box, it is for a credit card debt 3500 , i last made a payment on this card in december 2006. i failed to make payments after that date, i do not know what to do now . any advice would be greatly apreciated.
  7. Applied for DLA back in Nov 2011 - form was filled by my local cab office. At the time I was told not to send any medical evidence in as the DLA will write to my G.P & consultant for this. Thinking this person knows what they are talking about I followed through on this advise. Of course was rejected and then I was told to call DLA and ask for a reconsideration over the phone as apparently this was the easiest way to do this and so I did. It was rejected again. Anyway it turns out all this was very bad advice as Since then this individual has been sacked by CAB office for doing this kind of thing and ruining so many people's applications. The new advisor sent in my appeal this time with all of my evidence attached and again It was rejected. So now we are at the stage of a appeal hearing which is tomorrow! it was rescheduled previously by DLA and they made me wait another 8 weeks for a new date The advisor has sent in my appeal details and has sent me a copy. Based on the evidence she has attached which includes hospital letters, G.P records, care plan and an Occupational Therapy Report she has suggested that I am entitled for high rate mobility and middle rate care. I suffer from severely low vit D for which I'm getting regular injections, mechanical lower back pain, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, obesity monitoring (my weight has shot up since being housebound dramatically) and anxiety & depression. I have been housebound for 2 years now due to having too many falls outside as I cant walk and my knees give away so I never leave house unless accompanied. Since the OT involvement i have now had a daily carer for the past 8 weeks and the OT are trying to get me suitably rehoused so that I can have adaptations in the home to help me like grab rails, raised toilet seat etc and also get a motorised wheelchair (they have made the refferal I'm awaiting an assessment). I've has physio, acupuncture, electro acupuncture, heat therapy, electro therapy and now started hydrotherapy. I'm on so many daily medications that I have lost count. It has been a horrible and stressful experience to get to this stage and reading every1 else's experiences I Feel very deflated. Trick questions by panels etc then what is the point of hearing if they are set up to deny people who have suffered enough as it is. I'm not very good at speaking in front of people so I'm thinking tomorrow is pointless........
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