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  1. Applied for DLA back in Nov 2011 - form was filled by my local cab office. At the time I was told not to send any medical evidence in as the DLA will write to my G.P & consultant for this. Thinking this person knows what they are talking about I followed through on this advise. Of course was rejected and then I was told to call DLA and ask for a reconsideration over the phone as apparently this was the easiest way to do this and so I did. It was rejected again. Anyway it turns out all this was very bad advice as Since then this individual has been sacked by CAB office for doing this kind of thing and ruining so many people's applications. The new advisor sent in my appeal this time with all of my evidence attached and again It was rejected. So now we are at the stage of a appeal hearing which is tomorrow! it was rescheduled previously by DLA and they made me wait another 8 weeks for a new date The advisor has sent in my appeal details and has sent me a copy. Based on the evidence she has attached which includes hospital letters, G.P records, care plan and an Occupational Therapy Report she has suggested that I am entitled for high rate mobility and middle rate care. I suffer from severely low vit D for which I'm getting regular injections, mechanical lower back pain, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, obesity monitoring (my weight has shot up since being housebound dramatically) and anxiety & depression. I have been housebound for 2 years now due to having too many falls outside as I cant walk and my knees give away so I never leave house unless accompanied. Since the OT involvement i have now had a daily carer for the past 8 weeks and the OT are trying to get me suitably rehoused so that I can have adaptations in the home to help me like grab rails, raised toilet seat etc and also get a motorised wheelchair (they have made the refferal I'm awaiting an assessment). I've has physio, acupuncture, electro acupuncture, heat therapy, electro therapy and now started hydrotherapy. I'm on so many daily medications that I have lost count. It has been a horrible and stressful experience to get to this stage and reading every1 else's experiences I Feel very deflated. Trick questions by panels etc then what is the point of hearing if they are set up to deny people who have suffered enough as it is. I'm not very good at speaking in front of people so I'm thinking tomorrow is pointless........
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