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Found 6 results

  1. Good evening everyone! A friend of mine has just contacted me and told me a story of how she had just visited a Sports Direct store in East Ham, London. She was just looking around there in search of some clothes and when she tried to take a shirt from the hanger, huge insects started falling out of its folds. She began recording this with her smart phone camera and asked the manager to comment the situation. But the manager just told her to stop recording and "get out of the shop!" So she is not going to try and contact Sport Directs anymore and want to proceed with complaint straight to appropriate authorities. Please advise where should she write the complaint and how should she use that video as the evidence. Thank you in advance!
  2. I thought that all clothing was vat free or am I wrong? we where buying some building supplies from a well known building merchant and my other half saw some work clothes they where a sweat shirt at £9.99 and some trousers at £19.99 both were plus vat. I did ask at the shop and they said we always charge vat so are they right? cheers
  3. Hi Please can anyone help with this? A brand new red checked shirt was washed following the label instructions at 40 degrees and the red dye has run into several other garments dyeing them pink/red to the point that they are potentially ruined. Can anyone provide advise on how to approach the store to claim for the cost of the damaged clothes? Thanks for any help?
  4. Hi I'm doing a 6 months course and have been told by the college I'm starting my course at that JOBCENTRE will pay for my fares there and back. I kept all my fares and gave them to the Jobcentre 2 weeks ago. Jobcentre said they will NOT pay my fares and it cost me LOTS! I can't afford to pay for this course back and fourth. They put me on this course so why am I paying for it?!
  5. If I start a new job that requires a specific code of dress is the employer legally bound to supply the attire or reimburse the employee? It's just I started a new job the other day and he wants black trousers, black shirt and black shoes, which I didn't have so he said he would reimburse me. I got the shirt and trousers and used my good black leather shoes which are really expensive and i am definitely not working in. He covered me for the trousers and shirt but is now saying I have to pay for the shoes! It's only part time and a pair of shoes is like half my flipping wages. Where do I stand on this?
  6. I have read a few things about holes in clothes online regarding washing machines. Although this is a strange one, purchased three new T-shirts and a jumper last week, washed them separately in the washing machine and all four items had small holes in them. The T-shirts in the sleeves and the jumper in the back middle. I emailed the manufacturer over the weekend to gain some sort of response, I received the email reply below. However when I called them they are sending out an engineer, although the machine is still under guarantee it is now 7 years old. Engineer is booked for Wednesday, not sure what the response will be but judging from past experience with them it took six call outs before they replaced the PCB on the machine. Any suggestions? Many thanks for your recent email. We are very concerned to learn of your disappointment in the performance of your appliance. We would assume that your machine is working to specification and that there are no mechanical or electrical faults present. Modern machines are now more efficient than older appliances and use less water to provide greater economy and efficiency. As a result, the importance of correct programme selection is crucial to a good wash performance. Each specific programme has been designed with a particular fabric in mind, so it is very important that the clothing care labels are strictly adhered to. Please refer to your instruction manual for additional information. It is also important to make sure that the machine is not overloaded, as this would have an adverse effect on the wash. We recommend choosing the Short programme which will make the wash less vigorous and, in addition, you may wish to select the Water Plus option or a delicate wash cycle to add more cushioning to your wash items. Furthermore, you may wish to programme the Gentle Action function into your appliance, as this has been specifically designed to reduce the drum action and the agitation it can cause on garments. To programme this function, please refer to page 64 of your operating manual (Programmable Functions chapter). It is also worth mentioning that biological detergents may cause damage to certain natural fabrics as the enzymes in the detergent can destroy the natural proteins in the materials. We hope that this information will help to improve the situation and restore your faith in our brand.
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