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Found 7 results

  1. Hi there, Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Long story short, brain surgery in Feb 2015. Got the all clear April 2016. 100% rehabilitation can take 3>5 years. My doctors advice re exercise keep trying every few months. Had a good relationship with the gym as had been a member for years prior to being ill. 2 x failed attempts (on a month by month contract) Then In July 2016 (2 months after all clear) went in to see about joining again. They had a great joining offer for 12 months contract. I talked at great length with the young girl 'Shona' who assured me if I did need to cancel, wouldn't be a problem. a low exercise regime commenced. Improvement was slow and steady. But tbh I was not happy with the cleanliness of the gym and my headaches started to come back. Admitted defeat in May of this year and cancelled the d/d. In truth I was too embarrassed to go in and cancel the gym yet again. As a result I have been hounded by phonecalls from Arc. I haven't had anything in writing from them but they keep leaving messages on my home phone, mobile and texting me demanding I call them. What should my first move be? Go to the gym, I should Imagine it's out of their hands now. Would be interested to hear your thoughts. Many thanks Chrissie k
  2. I owed £15.00 on a 3mobile which Lowells bought along with a Capital Credit Card debt. This was all paid off - can't remember the exact date as I do not have the paperwork to hand- around 2013. .On 21/6/15 I received a letter stated that I still owed them money. I wrote to them & received a letter on 18/8/15 stating they confirmed the debt had been paid & assured me no further action would be taken & my file would be cleared. On 27/2/17 Lowell's & 3G appeared again requesting a payment for £741.20! I have emailed a complaint to them & they have replied 'that they are looking into this matter' QUESTION - How do I get these vile creatures off my back. Do I report them to OFT or FO or both. I am finding this quite distressing as it took such a long.long time to sort this matter in the past. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  3. Apparently he had repeatedly asked how much he had been overpaid/overclaimed and he never received a response. He was terrified that he would be £thousands in debt. Another tragic victim of the benefit system http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/coal-miner-took-life-after-10477308
  4. Hi In 2012 my father had a few hundred pounds credit with npower and decided to change energy provider. They then sent a bill to say he owed them about two hundred, he did not pay this but also did not get any credit back. Now they are saying he owes £33, no explanation as to why. Should we just pay this and hope they go away or continue to dispute it? If we dispute it what is the best way to do so? (phone calls don't seem to work as the agent agrees we should not be being billed but the letters still arrive) Many thanks as this is causing a great deal of upset even though it is a small amount
  5. Hi. I had a medical last month with ATOS, and got a letter recently putting me in 'work related activity group' . I then got an appointment with the job centre which I went to last week. It was basically a woman talking what to me, with what sounded like jibberish for 10 minutes before handing me a paper leaflet called 'work programme' , it didn't really have a lot of information on it. Yesterday I got a phone call from another lady from a company called 'prospects' we were on the phone for about half an hour whilst she reeled off bizarre questions which had no relevance to my situation whatsoever, she also didn't really know why I was on ESA . and said I had been found fit for work which is why I'm on the work programme . But if I had been found 'fit for work' then would I not be on JSA instead ?! I have been told to expect a letter or a call next week from my 'new advisor' who will arrange an appointment with me. I a!m ever so confused now. Theres no way I can sit in any 'group inductions' or go off on any courses, not at the moment anyway. I'm trying to remain calm but this has panicked me no end. Am I suppose to be on a 'work programme' so soon? And what does it entail?
  6. Hi guys I am being hounded by EQL/Equidebt on behalf of Aktiv Kapital UK Ltd which on research is another debt collection company,the money they are chasing was fully pain in june 2006 and now this company is hounding me for payment, have read a few forums and from what I can gather need a statute barred letter but am unable to find the template, please help new member, regards
  7. Hello All I am currently being harassed by ROCKWELL DEBT RECOVERY for a guarantee I signed a few years ago. Back in 2011 I closed a business (ltd) which was losing money all was OK and went well with that side of things, I knew that I had signed a personal Guarantee with Lloyds to get access to the LOAN GUARANTEE SCHEME that the government ran. I knew it would be a matter of time before they came knocking but I waited and waited and nothing happened, until I got a letter last November from lloyds asking me to contact the wholesale banking recoveries. I did and I offered them £50 per month with a view to make higher payments around March time. All went quiet until Monday when I had a call from ROCKWELL and stupidly gave them my details. (der) I don't have any copies of paper work of any type from Lloyds. the original guarantee was for 10k and now with charges it has gone up to £15.250 . I have been looking at letters that other members have sent should i do the same. I am on a low wage, I get housing benefit and live hand to mouth at the moment with no saving at all, I am marries with children. rent my house, got a car not worth anything. I am a bit down on my luck and hope to get back on my feet financially but this current climate is bad. Please can you help
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