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Found 3 results

  1. Hi. I had a medical last month with ATOS, and got a letter recently putting me in 'work related activity group' . I then got an appointment with the job centre which I went to last week. It was basically a woman talking what to me, with what sounded like jibberish for 10 minutes before handing me a paper leaflet called 'work programme' , it didn't really have a lot of information on it. Yesterday I got a phone call from another lady from a company called 'prospects' we were on the phone for about half an hour whilst she reeled off bizarre questions which had no relevance to my situation whatsoever, she also didn't really know why I was on ESA . and said I had been found fit for work which is why I'm on the work programme . But if I had been found 'fit for work' then would I not be on JSA instead ?! I have been told to expect a letter or a call next week from my 'new advisor' who will arrange an appointment with me. I a!m ever so confused now. Theres no way I can sit in any 'group inductions' or go off on any courses, not at the moment anyway. I'm trying to remain calm but this has panicked me no end. Am I suppose to be on a 'work programme' so soon? And what does it entail?
  2. i have been "mandated" to a ascension meeting next week and do not wish to attend. i was signing on jsa for a very short time months ago and as soon as i saw this course in the form of an induction i signed off and started self employed work to escape but to my horror they called me every day for two weeks wanting to know what i was doing. i did all i could to avoid them as it was harassment but i finally gave in and gave my details. however i am currently sick and on esa and to my horror they have surfaced again! What happens if i just ignore the letters and dont attend? i guess i get my benefit taken away? but what else might happen? are all future attempts not allowed in terms of claiming? i really want nothing to do with them and there demeaning "course".
  3. A timely warning on the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/21191420 One of the first things that many prospective employers now do when sifting job applications is to look up the applicant's Facebook profile, so it is important that if you are in the habit of posting pictures of a boozy night out, or litter your posts with profanity, you should always consider whether this is likely to impress or put off a potential employer - maybe even years down the line! And don't even think about posting your innermost thoughts about the company you already work for online - it is very easy for an employer to make the case that what you have written, or even how you appear to the outside world, can bring the company into disrepute.
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