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Found 2 results

  1. As the title says,a proposed plan has been put forward to build and revamp an existing hotel, there will be 3 hotels with a total of 182 bedrooms.Looking at the proposed plans it looks like there is car parking space for just 20 cars at the most. Does anyone know if,by law,they have to provide a certain amount of car park spaces or does it not matter(by law) if they only have a few spaces for guests. Any help woud be greatly appreciated.Many thanks indeed. Penny Lane1960
  2. A couple of days ago I parked on a road that had a sign that I noticed said 'Permit Holders Only on Event Days' but nothing else. i.e. It did not indicate what days the events were or indicate where the nearest sign would be to find out the dates or time of the restriction. When I returned about 30 minutes later sure enough I had a ticket. I have since established that the restriction was for 2 hours before the event started and lasts for an hour after it finishes. There are also alternative signs at the ends of roads that show the restriction dates and periods but I only established this from looking at the PCN photographic evidence and then driving back and looking for those signs. Do you think I would have any chance with an appeal that argues that the signage is unclear at the parking spot as t does not indicate clearly when the restrictions apply or where to find this information out? Thanks in advance.
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