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Found 7 results

  1. Hi there guys, my son decided that University was not for him and came home the second week of December 2016. He has just received a demand (request) for an overpayment of Maintenance Loan of £337.12 which is due immediately. They do however offer to discuss the matter and work out a repayment plan. This has been made by "Student Loans Company" slc.co.*k Unfortunately my son had already budgeted for what he needed for the rest of the term and had spent all of his remaining maintenance loan. As far as i was aware both the tuition fees and maintenance loan were not repayable until his earnings reached a certain threshold? If this is not the case due to him leaving early will he also be billed for his tuition fees for the rest of the term? There is also an added debt of his off campus university accommodation charges for the rest of the term (or maybe for a longer period depending on what the terms are for accommodation. This was arranged by the University) This is a bit of a mess so we need to deal with one thing at a time. + Maintenance Loan demand + 1. What can we do about this because my son has no income at all even though he has just applied for Universal Credits he will not get any income for quite a while because they do not count the first 2 weeks and then he will not be paid for a further 4 weeks after that. 2. Is there any way to get this debt sorted under the Student loan terms of only repaying when income reaches a certain threshold? I will tell him to not ring them yet until we get advice. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello all, I am using BTHH5 and every night my broadband is dropping from 35MGB to 3-4MGB after 7pm. I am having a nightmare with BT understanding what I am trying to tell them and have an Engineer coming out tomorrow morning to look at the fault. The problem is, the broadband will be fine when they come out to look at it. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Ryan
  3. Earlier today as I was about to enter a shop I dropped my roll up on section of ground outside their entrance. I was approached by an environmental office equipped with a video camera who proceeded to fine me. I pointed out that it was on the shop's property but he said that it made no difference and that the wind might blow it onto the public highway. Am I liable for the fine? I appreciate that litter is a problem but by the time I have ground a roll up into the ground with the sole of my shoe, there is no visible evidence. His distraction prevented me from doing so on this occasion
  4. She was stopped in a public place having dropped a butt outside of a shop before going back in. After she came out the shop, 2 men approached her asking to see her immigration documents (shes European and has every right to be here). They both were apparently very aggressive to her. Anyway she gave them a fake name, and an address she lived at many years ago. What could happen now? or is she in the clear?
  5. Hi My son was walking through sainsburys car park smoking a roll up and absently mindedly dropped it on the floor (he knows he's a very naughty boy etc) then from no where pops up a woman in uniform armed with a camera telling him he'd been filmed littering which is an offence and he is to be fined £60 to be paid within 11 days or it goes up to £80 or court Whilst I agree littering is bad. ..nothing worse then takeaway wrappers blowing all over the place or having to tip toe through dog dirt in the park but I've never had in issue with cigarette butts.. ..but yes..litter is litter & he did a naughty thing ...my issue is not with that, on reading the government guidelines for these 'litter enforcement officers' it seems to state that a person should be given the opportunity to pick up their litter. ..but I suppose thats the up to the officer and on reading they get some kinda commission for their fines, unlikely they'll be letting people off... .so my other issue is the car park is private property shared with sainsburys, homebase, argos & McMucks. ..NOT council land.. .the gov website also states that they are not permitted to issue fines on private property, even if used by the public without permission off the landowner. I contacted sainsburys to enquire why they have allowed their customers to be intimidated, humiliated by uniformed people claiming to be council workers loitering outside their store entrance armed with CCTV filming their customers!! Disgusting:-x!!! However, sainsburys HO don't seem too happy about it either and they contacted my local store who have assured me that they had no idea of what was happening in their car park and they are looking into it for me. ...now I'm wondering if this fine inflicted on my son (a student and forever skint) will stick ...of course i want to get him out of paying it. ..I have done the online appeal thing to raise my concerns with the council on his behalf. ..has anyone had success arguing the toss about fines on private land??? Thanks
  6. Hi All, sorry to trouble you. I just don't understand this. We went to drop off some family guests (who were from overseas) that had been staying with us to Leonardo Hotel Near Heathrow. The entrance to the hotel is a via a private drive to the rear. We helped them with their luggage, helped them check-in - at no point did the staff ask us whether we had a car or any charges for waiting. The check-in took over 15mins, we then helped them with their luggage to their rooms and said our good-byes and left the hotel. Received a PCN just a over a week later stating we had stayed 40mins and charge is £100 discounted to £60 if paid within 14 days. I rang the hotel, the unfriendly staff went on the defensive, saying there are 19 signs all round the hotel, in the lift etc. How does a hotel expect guests to be dropped off - just park up and throw the luggage out and wave out the car window as we speed off in fear of getting a parking charge. This is really below the belt behaviour. The hotel sent a short abrupt email stating that I had to call parking eye to deal with any issues - the number they gave me is the payment tel number which only deals with payments. Please could you advise what is the best way to do deal with this. I would normally ignore these type of letters, but I understand Parking Eye typically takes people to the court. Thank you.
  7. Last weekend me and three others were on our way to a theatre show and were standing outside a train station. We were having a cigarette, but I cannot remember if, at the time I actually was (I may have had one earlier). As we entered the station, we were approached by local authority "officers" who pulled me (and one other from my party) aside and accused us of dropping and leaving our cigarette butts on the ground. As I cannot actually remember having a cigarette at the time I therefore cannot remember committing this offence. When being questioned I said very little, only identifying my name (as i didnt have ID on me) and this was verified. My wife explained that as we were running late we didnt have time to hang around and one of the officers said I would receive a Fixed Penalty Notice in the post. I did. I contacted the local authority and asked for a copy of any video/audio recording of me either admitting to the offence or showing me commit the offence. I have been told that there is NO video evidence and I said "very little" on the tape and my wife did most of the talking. No change there then. The man on the telephone said if it went to court, it would boil down to "My Officers word against yours, and you didnt deny it", which is true but I didnt admit it either. Im worried now as I really cannot afford to get a criminal record, as I would lose my job instantly, yet I feel I should not be made to pay for something which I honestly dont think I did. The other girl with me DID drop her cigarette and is happy to pay the fine. Any advice? UKD Also , really sorry if this is posted on the wrong forum, mods please feel free to move it if necessary.
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