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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, Right! - this could be a difficult one. My wife has a Lloyds bank Trustcard credit card which goes all the way back to 1988 and has PPI on it throughout the 30 years it's been in existence. Now, the CC is still active although the balance is now zero as i managed to finally get it all paid off around June 2013. The card was originally issued as a Cheque Guarantee card for her current account. This was issued when she opened the current account. What wasn't initially obvious was the fact that it was also a credit card with a separate credit card account. I have a quite a few questions - so be gentle with me 1. My wife never applied for a CC only a Current account with TSB and had no idea that the subsequent CC account carried Payment Insurance - is that grounds for a PPI miss-sell? 2. We have scoured the house for monthly statements and have pretty much every one from 2000 to 2013, most of 97-98, some of 96 and some very sparse copies from 91 and 92. We have nothing prior to 91 - except believe it or not the actual original plastic card with issued in 88 on it. So as you can see we have alot of missing years in between. What can we do (if anything) to try and fill in the missing years? Is it even possible or permissible to extrapolate the data. 3. I sent an SAR and received back alot of paperwork but nothing back further than 2000. So that was no real help - is there anything else i can request? 4. If it is a case worth pursuing and bearing in mind that it runs across some 330 months up until 2013 when it was paid off - is there any spreadsheet i can use to try and assertain just how much we might (if successful) get back? 5. Do i make calculations up until the balance was brought to zero or until now? 6. What's the best approach for this - FOS, letters to bank, Resolver?? I've had success with resolver on bank loans with PPI but they were simple things in comparison. I'm a bit clueless as to the best approach on this one as CC PPI seems to be so much more complicated. If anyone could guide me along this path I would be very grateful. Answers on a postcard Thanks in advance Kholo
  2. Hi All, My wife had a trustcard which she has defaulted on ages ago, we are currently on the 4th DCA, Wescot, who in my last correspondence to I told them to provide a copy of the CCA, which the others could not do, or to back off. Today she has received a letter that says; "We refer to your recent communication. Having contacted our client they have stated that the agreement is unavailable due to the age of the account. They advise you make a CCA request for a copy of the agreement, and include the £1 fee required for them to process this. If in the event you believe you still have a valid dispute, please contact us with the details within the next 14 days otherwise your account will be returned to our recovery team for collection." Now forgive my ignorance but if Lloyds TSB do not have a copy due to the age of the account what use is it to request another CCA? They could not provide a signed copy before so how could they provide one now? Seems like a waste of a pound, any ideas what the next move should be please.
  3. Hi I have had a long term arrangement with Lloyds TSB regarding a Trustcard account. I have been paying a nominal amount for several years. I was contacted by Lloyds TSB earlier this year to review the arrangement and I forwarded a statement of means in the late summer. I then received a reply from BLS, who I hadn't written to (but who are, I believe, part of Lloyds TSB) advising me that the proposed monthly amount was acceptable. However, they then appear to have almost immediately sold the account to a DCA. It strikes me that this is not treating me fairly and is a breach of Lloyds TSB's statutory obligations under COBS. I wondered if anybody who knows more about such matters could advise me whether this view is reasonable and accurate as I intend to write to them to this effect? Also, I was provided with this credit card when I opened a TSB bank account in the 1990s. If you wanted a cheque guarantee card, the card they gave you doubled as a credit card. I know it pre-dates BCOBS but I wondered if BCOBS was applicable as it was provided by the bank as a cheque guarantee card? I hope that somebody can advise me. Thank you.
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