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Found 4 results

  1. Hi there guys, I booked a hire car through a 3rd party (indigo car hire) They used AVIS for the rental at Dublin airport and we agreed on taking out the extra CDW insurance meaning I didn't have to pay any excess or deposit. I was arriving at the airport on the last flight and the AVIS desk was closing at 11:30. I had to rush to make it there on time...I handed them my printed info from indigo car hire and she asked if I was taking out the CDW to which I replied "yes" She asked me to sign in 3 places...I made the payment and we had the key and we were on our way. On my return to the UK I checked my bank and I noticed the amount they had taken on my card was more than my original agreement. I queried this with AVIS and they stated that "personal accident insurance" and "windscreen insurance" had been added. I explained that I had not asked for this to be added and the person at the airport certainly didn't ask me if I wanted it added. AVIS stated...it doesn't matter...you signed the form so you have automatically agreed to it. And also...you cannot dispute a transaction once you have left the airport. Is there anything at all I can do? Do I have a leg to stand on? This was the first time I have ever rented a car and it has really put me off!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch!
  2. A former Oxford professor has criticised a car rental firm for charging him a 'Brexit tax' when he returned his vehicle, even though Britain has not left the European Union yet. Lord John Krebs, a zoologist, questioned the addition of £2.19 to his bill when he dropped his rental car back to Avis in Marseilles airport. He said he was told the charge was a 'Brexit tax', because Britain voted to leave the EU. Lord Krebs, now President of the British Science Association, refused to pay the 'tax'. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3759287/Car-rental-firm-slammed-imposing-2-Brexit-tax-haven-t-left-EU-yet.html#ixzz4Iif9AUvH
  3. im at work and my wife rings me to say a Bailiff from Collectica had just been to the house, and left some paperwork for me. Stating that a magistrates court had decided that i am liable for a fine for unpaid PCN totalling £440. I didnt dispute the PCN, but i remembered that Avis had sent me a letter stating they had paid the PCN from the Visa card that i made the booking with (rental was from 03/13) i contacted Avis and they sent me the receipt for the card payment showing that i paid Avis the amount owed. I contacted KMC and they said they would put a hold on the bailiff whilst i go through my bank statements and highlight the payment. I did this, statement clearly shows that the money left my account, backed up with the receipt. KMC were happy that i had paid the PCN. i asked them who was at fault for this as it had caused a lot of stress with my wife pregnant and due in 6 weeks and my wife did say the guy from Collectica was very unpleasant and had i been there it would have definitely escalated. KMC advised that i should definitely contact Avis to complain and see what they would do, i have sent three emails of complainand no reply and today i have called them twice and they say their systems have been down and someone will call me back... ..suprise suprise no one has. What course of action do i have now? as this really has left a bitter taste in my mouth they can make a mistake of this magnitude and then ignore me. Whereas if it were the other way around they would hound us. Any help much appreciated guys/girls. Pete
  4. voucher code failed to deduct from the total. it is directly on their website but I could not post link here. the code is also on various other voucher sites, I tested the booking total with and without the voucher code and it makes no difference, therefore this is false advertising, CS has admitted it has not deducted anything and the amount charged was usual rate. I assumed it would deduct right at the end of transaction but pressed continue and it went straight to payment complete. I would have booked elsewhere if I had not done sums and found avis plus code would be cheaper. the avis deal works out much more expensice now than next best deal elsewhere. I called CS 0844 number and am very upset at my treatment. I was on the phone a total of ONE HOUR at a high call rate. passed me to several different lengthy calls, at 5p per minute for one hour. I talked to four people in total and got nowhere -one rep said he could not refund the money but I was correct about the code and they could give me a credit to use as money off additonal driver/petrol etc, I declined as I did not want those things and they said I had to go to CS again, to someone who was very evasive and repetitive, saying well it obviously 'did not work' on that booking - so why is that my problem, it is valid code, not expired and it was an online booking and fulfilled all their conditions, plus other reps said it should have reduced the total, I was not getting anywhere so I asked for a manager, he said manager was not around, I asked for manager call-back and he reluctantly took my number and told me to hold, I held for 10 minutes and I believe he deliberately left me there so I would hang up, which I did, plus manager never did call back. I am now complaining to them I want the 15% off my booking credited back to my card, plus gesture of goodwill for my hassle and phone calls. rep admitted they often make partial refunds after the rental period, but why should I wait, as problem has occurred NOW. suggestions and advice appreciated
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