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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, i wonder if anybody can give me some advice.. I have just gone through a credit reference check to rent a house, i have done this before without any issue and even had a mortgage approved so my finances are good (988 score on experian!) . I work full time and have always paid my bills, i have no overdraft or credit cards. The letting agent flagged up a CCJ on my account from 07/06/2013 which was filed by Npower for £2,185. I moved out of this property on 01/03/2012 after only living there for 12 months. I worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and for the last 3 months i barely spent anytime there as i met my current partner. During the first 6 months i was sent a bill for almost a £1000 from Npower for my electricity. I immediately rang Npower as this 1 bedroom under dwelling which i was barely in could not realistically cost that much for electricity. My mum paid less for a 4 bedroom house over a year. They agreed this seemed high and agreed to send out an engineer to look at the meter. It was agreed that the meter did have a problem and the engineer agreed also that the house could never use that much electricity with the amount of electrical items i had and that i was one person there with a very busy job. The outcome was that they were going to remove the meter and put in a pre-paid meter. a few days later they changed the meter, i recieved a pre-pay card. I rang Npower and as far as they were concerned the problem had been sorted i paid a more realistic bill of a couple of hundred pounds and I continued using the pre-paid meter which cost me £10-15 per week for the amount i was there and i continued with this for the remaining 9 months without any correspondence from npower. In 2012 i moved in with my partner and have done since. Now I have found out that Npower actually filed a CCJ for the amount of £2,185 for this address. I have no paperwork as i cleared out old paperwork after relocating to the south. I have never recieved a letter about a CCJ or any arrears. Can anyone give me advice? I am not prepared to pay this extortionate amount. Thanks
  2. The following story has been heavily reported in the media this week: A 20-year-old student has been fined a staggering £562 for a £2.20 journey after she was caught with the wrong ticket. Parys Lanlehin was caught using a return train ticket on the wrong day - and going in the wrong direction - on June 4, 2014. The University of Nottingham student was issued with a £20 penalty ticket on the Nottingham to Beeston train, but the court heard it was never paid. Lanlehin, of Walthamstow, London, then signed a declaration stating she was unaware of legal proceedings taking place in Nottingham at Stratford Magistrates Court. On Wednesday, the student was found guilty of boarding a train without a valid ticket after she failed to attend the case at Nottingham Magistrates Court. She was fined £220 with £300 prosecution costs and a £22 government surcharge. She was also ordered to pay the £20 penalty, which had been imposed when she was caught on the train. Magistrates gave Lanlehin two weeks to pay and issued a collection order, which could lead to bailiffs removing items from her home to cover the payment. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/29/university-student-forced-to-pay-562-for-220-train-journey-after/
  3. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on how to handle this latter. This last week, I've recieved a Notice of Application for Attachment of Earnings Order. It appears, Hillesden Securities Ltd obtained a CCJ against me back in 2011 without my knowledge. I don't know what this debt is for and I've no recollection of receiving court papers for this CCJ and therfore I was unable to submit a defence. I was living at the address on the CCJ at the time (I am not any more). I want to find out what this supposed debt is, whether it has been properly executed and whether the CCJ is valid or if I have grounds to ask for it to be set aside. I need to submit the N56 form promptly, but how would I go about requesting that the court hold off issuing an order until I have ascertained whether I can get this CCJ set aside? Having a Attachment of Earnings order may well affect my job. Also, my partner is in receipt of DLA. I note that the N56 asks if she earns a wage, but appears to only ask about benefit and also expenses if they are mine. Obviously, DLA is specifically paid to help cover the expenses of dealing with a disability, so I don't wan't this included in calculations of income. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Further to this, it seems that: The default amount was for £5872 The CCJ is for £6192 They want £6452.02 now Can this be right?
  4. Hi Last week I received a Notice of Issue of Warrant of Execution from the local court office with regards to a sum of £590.87. The claimant- LOWELL PORTFOLIO I LTD. I had no idea who Lowell were and have tried to find out what this debt was. Since found out that they are a debt collection agency buying debt from catalogs etc). I then came home today to find a slip of paper posted through my letter box from hmcs (Her Majestys's Court Service) with a note from a bailiff telling me to contact them urgently and the amount of £590.87 scribbled on the slip of paper. I then did some research on the internet and it appeared I would be best to complete form N244 (to apply for a set aside) and hand in to the local court office as soon as possible. I also had a look at my credit file whilst online and found that LOWELL had registered a County Court Judgement against me which I had NO IDEA about. I was shocked to say the least and was in a bit of a panic to be honest. Whilst on looking at my credit file I could see that this debt was going back to at least 2009 and had started out at around £200 and charge after charge had been added. I then rang the bailiff to advise them of my intention to hand in the N244 whilst I tried to establish what this debt was for. I also notified him that I had received no papers regarding a CCJ. The bailiff then advised me not to apply for a set aside via form N244 as this would cost me £80 and I could possibly be" throwing money at the wind". He said I would be best contacting the solicitors who were dealing with this debt and asking them for the full details of it. He then went on to give me the solictitors contact details. He advised me to call him back as soon as I could after speaking with the solicitors. I called the solictors but they are closed until tomorrow. My intention is to call them first thing tomorrow. Any advice is welcome. Thank you
  5. EEEK, just had a rather worrying phone call...... Sold my Fiat convertible the other day after 13 years ownership..Got a call from the buyer today, telling me that he did an online check out of curiosity and the car has come up as a Cat C Write Off, dated May 2010. Back in April 2010 someone rolled a van at slow speed into the car whilst it was parked up, denting the front. The insurers (elephant.co.uk) did want to write off the car as although it is a low value car, repairs to the car are also massively expensive. So I challenged them, saying that they had no legal ability to do so, that the car was a modern classic and the cost of repairs were not in excess of the vehicles value.. In the end after numerous calls and argument, they agreed to just write me a cheque for the cost of the repair, which I organised but made no further mention of writing the car off as a Cat D. I have been driving the car for the last 3 years oblivious that this marker was set against it. I have also sold it in good faith. Can an insurance company write off your car without actually informing you that they are doing so? What can I do on this...??? help as always appreciated, Tom
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