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  1. Hi Received letter from DRP (Debt Recovery Plus) to pay £160 for unpaid PCN from 14.4.18. I've never received a PCN from UK Car Park Management Ltd before, so this is the 1st time I've seen anything! Just called DRP to get more info - they have photos, say I exceeded maximum stay (or may not have paid). I remember being surprised on the day that it has changed at Brighton Met College to the new system, lots of people that day had confusion, couldn't pay by phone (there's no cash option) or was told carpark full, which it clearly wasn't. I have phone record on that day, but that's all but think we may have had similar situation where it said full and we put notice in the windscreen to say this. They asked if I moved recently - I did in Oct, but did update my address with DVLA, etc. Again this is the 1st I'm hearing from them. They just said on the phone I have no right to appeal or dispute, to pay £160 or further action! Any advice would be appreciated - should I ignore, should I contact UK Car Park Management directly instead...? Many thanks,
  2. VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES . WHITE AUDI A4 I have a contract hire vehicle with Volkswagen financial services (VWFS) the car was due to go back at the end of April 18. In early march 18 I attempted to get in touch with VWFS to remove my private plate from the vehicle before I handed it back. in previous run ins with VWFS, its been an absolute nightmare to get back your private plate if you do not do it whilst you have the vehicle. Anyway, I was told to pay an admin fee to remove the plate. This was charged to me and I was sent a form to fill out. I was emailed by VWFS who asked me to fill out a form for the plate and send it to a third party company. I was not willing to do this as it would include sensitive personal information. I instead filled out the form and replied back to my email from vwfs. I had no reply from this email. This came at a time where I was suffering from a very severe bout of clinical depression and whilst I was coming through it, it was still an incredible and stressful time in my life. I have had previous terrible conduct of administrative conduct from VWFS in the past and knew this could take a while. In the mean time I never instructed the bank to stop any payments to VWFS, and whilst I was unhappy about the prospect of having to pay for the use of the car for longer than I imagines, I nevertheless never stopped any payments. The car has been very unreliable in the course of our contract hire period and its worth mentioning between the end of the contract and VWFS contacting me about the car, the car was in with an audi dealer for major repairs due to an electrical fault that took far to long to diagnose and fix. Fast forwards to August 2018, not one piece of communication was received . Its worth mentioning at this point, I have another car with VWFS, same person, same address and contact details and I did carry on receiving letters about this second vehicle from VWFS. Annual Account statements and the like. Not one letter was/has been sent to me about this car in question Now, British Car Auctions (BCA) got in touch with me in August with regards to collecting the car. Thank God I thought, finally they've realised to come and get the car thats sitting there not being used. It was only until BCA Called to confirm their inspection and collection I realised the number plate was still on the car. After speaking to BCA they said it wasn't a problem to cancel the inspection and speak to VWFS to finally remove the plate. In fact they encouraged it as I might not get the plate back if the car goes to auction with it on. Around this period I was being pursed by a debt collection agent to forcefully take back the vehicle. This was strange to me as I was in contact with BCA about the collection. 17th September 2018 So BCA cancelled the appointment and I attempted to call VWFS. After phoning the correct number for VWFS I was given the run around by them and put through to 3 different numbers. Then the call was hung up not by myself. I thought Id try again later on when I had finished my days work. I called around 5.15pm as they advertise their opening hours are 8am-8pm. I was told that the department I needed to speak to was closed. They work 9-5 18th September 2018 Called again to try and sort this mess out, have my number plate removed and arrange collection of the vehicle. I spoke to an Ollie at 10:24 who hung up on me. I called again and spoke to an Olivia at 10:28. She told me I had come through to the wrong department, wrong, I did, she just didnt want to deal with this. I eventually got through to a Georgina at 10:30. In informed the woman I was recording the call and I explained my position to georgina who didnt want to work with me about a resolution, just argue the facts of what has gone on. I explained I had tried to remove the plate in march and I wasn’t willing to submit sensitive information to a third party company. I informed Georgina that I was suffering from severe mental health issues and I would appreciate their clear operation but I did not get this. She asked me If it was ok for her to record my communication of my mental health issues in her notes and I agreed. This call was recorded and she ended by saying she cannot deal with it and somebody more senior will be in touch within 48 hours. I confirmed what number for someone to try and get hold of me on as calls to this number are also logged and recorded, this goes for every call, not especially for VWFS. 26th sept Tried to call again, guess what “wrong department” and then a hang up. 28th Sept. I get a call from a collection agent who informs me that VWFS has instructed him to forcibly take the car from my possession. I had to say Carl who has been back and forth with me about this whilst I try and get some sense out of VWFS, has been incredibly good. I explained my mental health issues and he was very understanding and knows VWFS are not acting as they should. So much so his purpose of the call today was to give me a heads up to hide the car so it cannot be taken. I do not want to withhold the car, but I just want this sorting out. I have lost all confidence in VWFS, my ability to communicate with them has broken down entirely and I do not want this to continue. Its having a severe impact on my mental state and thus impacting hugely in my work life. What should I do guys?! Im really appalled at how Im being treated
  3. I was talked into signing up with Future Comms (future-comms.co.uk) who cold-called me to change my mobile contract to them, via 02, rather than EE. I have a small business (only me!) and it's a business contract. True, the 4G network is better for my area. This company seemed to be a marketing set-up for various telecoms companies, so I assumed anything I signed would be with 02 and didn't think it might be a problem. They sent an email whilst I was on the phone to set up the direct debit mandate with my bank which I signed electronically. That was the first, of many, problems I found. Apparently THAT was my contract, binding me to 3 years and no 'cooling off' period, because I was a 'business' (meaning any consumer rights did not apply). When I subsequently asked in writing for a copy of my contract, that is what they sent - when I argued it was a DD mandate they insisted it was my contract! 2 days later they asked for my phone details to get it unlocked which I sent. 10 days later, EE closed my account, so I changed the SIM card to 02 that had come a few days before. No network! They had done nothing about unlocking it. Fortunately I was lucky with EE who managed to give me the right codes, rather than the usual 10 days to go through Samsung. By this time I was suspicious of their set-up and wanted to cancel. As I said earlier, I found myself trapped into a 3 year contract with no 14 day cooling off period (they don't offer that). Promises to deal with my complaints never happened, promised return calls neither....and on and on. Ofcom's rules apply to consumers and small businesses (under 10 employees), yet this shower don't acknowledge that. They just repeat and repeat that I am a business so it doesn't apply. To cancel the contract I have to pay the full 3 year's fees!! I would like to know if others have had similar experiences? Or does anyone know how I can maybe declare the 'contract' unenforceable? I have never before been locked into something without a clear written contract, with t&c's! And, yes, I have asked, and yes, I have been ignored.
  4. A few years Ago a phone contract was purchased through one of A1 Comms online companies, The contract we where told was after a credit check and an agreement to sign a 2 year contract with O2. Now after 14 months my son wanted to change network so we called the service provider and they said to end our contract we had to pay an outstanding amount which we did. Over a year went past and all was good until my wife got a call from Burlington saying we owed them over £350 we told them to send us a copy of any paperwork and I was told by an "English Person" in some weird tongue that he could not send us paperwork as they did not have our address and would we confirm it. I told my wife not to speak to them as it must be a [problem] however over the next two weeks she got numerous calls and then BINGO they sent us a letter (they must have found the address). We contacted O2 and they said under our credit agreement with them we had paid it off in full and there was no monies outstanding. I then find out that in the small print it says A1comms can charge us if we end our contract early, when I contacted them they said it was because A1comms subsidised the handset of which I said "Rollocks" as the amount I had paid to O2 was more than enough to cover the handset and airtime + commission and we got NO DISCOUNT from O2 paying it early. Now I can buy the phone NEW now sim free for £100 so why are they charging me £350+ when they would have got no where near that in the first place. Its not as if A1comms called us first and said "you owe us money" they just past it on to Burlington Parasites Group which I find remarkable. What can I do as £350+ is NOT a reasonable charge and is NOT what they would have got from O2. Cheers Nick
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