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  1. Virtually all automakers (except for Tesla) are asking China to slow down electric car mandate. The auto industry is once again attempting to slow down the rollout of electric vehicles. Virtually all automakers, except for Tesla of course, have sent a letter to the Chinese government in an attempt to have them drastically weaken their zero-emission vehicle mandate. As we previously reported, China, the world’s biggest car market, has somewhat of an aggressive ZEV mandate that would force Automakers to have zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020. Interesting comments. https://electrek.co/2017/07/13/automakers-but-tesla-china-slow-down-electric-car-mandate/ I have heard that many Taxi Companies are now using Electric Taxis but are there enough charge points available in Great Britain for this rapidly increasing market. Have you got one.What are your views. And who will try to resist this market.
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