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  1. not even sure what this relates to but they have been trying for ages and not even sure if this belongs to me.....do I need to worry about it? edfenrgy_Redacted.pdf
  2. hi, my Dad passed away earlier this year, and the executors have been compiling a list of his gifts to me for inheritance tax. I have now had a letter from a different firm of solicitors stating that they have taken over and that there are a number of transactions which "require an explanation". I wrote to the original solicitors querying this, who passed on my email to the new solicitors. Their response was that the original firm had a right to take legal advice and to employ solicitors to act on their behalf in relation to possible claims that the estate may have. They want to see my bank statements back to 2011 (one account was closed down 2 years ago), and evidence (which I've got ) that he wanted to pay my rent Basically because I gave up trying to move away. Every time I tried to do anything, he would have a fall and be in hospital and i would have to stay with my mother. When I asked who was paying them, they said the fee would come from the estate, but could be borne by the defendants to that claim if the court ordered it. I feel as if I want to say, "Take me to Court then" as I have evidence for everything. I am not involving my solicitor in this because I have already wasted approx £8000 paying him. Money that my Dad gifted me to live off. They want a response by next week. My mother has alzheimers and I am moving her into a care home. I am finally leaving a town which I have been trying to leave for 4 years. Their care has taken over my life, and unless you've been in this situation, you have no idea what a nightmare it is. The Best Interest meeting held earlier this year agreed that she should be near me, I have been unable to work for over three years due to both my elderly parents' deteriorating health, and a psycho brother not helping at all. I have also spent all year trying to get a Care Provider contracted through the Council sacked. This involved a Safeguarding meeting, and a formal complaint with responses from the CQC, CEO, Head of Commission, etc and my MP is backing me. This is just one more thing thrown at me, and I wonder if anyone could suggest anything I can say to them without getting my solicitor involved. Do I need to respond? Do I have to present my bank statements? Will they send bailiffs to my door or will they take me to Court? I would rather go to Court. IMO, my response should be to ask more questions. I don't have time to chase bank statements, especially from closed accounts, and why do they want to know anyway if the gifts were in the nil bracket? You have to be so careful with solicitors as anything I say could be twisted. I will go to Citizens Advice on Monday, but wondered if anyone could help me now. I am in the middle of selling the apartment and moving miles away, plus I can't find a home for her until I've got a date. Thanks
  3. Would be grateful for any advice. I worked for a driving school whilst going from being a PDI to a fully qualified ADI. I started 1 May 2016 and the franchise fee was £210 per week which I paid regularly. The pupils pay the company and supposedly this should be passed to me. I have received approx. £3,000 but I work out I am owed another £8,000, the company have not paid me since 24 October 2016, I have been in regular contact with them and they keep asking for spreadsheets, etc, of how many pupils I have taught, in March this year they agreed to pay me £100 per day to clear the backlog which lasted 3 days. I stopped paying the franchise fee in March 2017 as I really could not afford it any longer. I now work for another company but when I spoke to the original company they said they owe me £500 but this was 'outset' by £5,000! I don't understand this and they are not providing any evidence. I have worked full time for £3,000 (less petrol and other overheads). Please can anyone tell me how to get help with this. Thank you.
  4. I'm contacting you on behalf of my daughter - she is currently owed £1400 which has been duly paid by her ex via his wages....company deducted at source on court order. However. They have failed to send it to CSA so they can send to her. Where does she stand with this? Surely, there should be some recompense, as he has paid, she is bringing the kids up alone and only the company he works for are in profit? Any advice appreciated Teresa
  5. While insured with Tesco motor insurance, we've had 2 bumps. Both times, within months of the accidents, we've had accident and injury claim companies telephoning us on our unlisted landline number asking if we want to make an injury claim. Both times they knew every detail of the accident and our full names, address and all contact details. Do insurance companies have the right to pass on our private information to other companies, and if not, do we have a claim against them?
  6. If my bank details have been passed on to a third party without my permission, is there a data protection issue ?..
  7. My daughter has received a letter from Lowell regarding an old orange debt. Apparently it has been assigned to them. Neither she nor I have any clear memory of this account. It might be hers from around 4years ago.(equally it might not be hers at all) nothing on CRA's. How should we proceed?
  8. johnjordan

    Passing Tax

    Would it be legal for wages that I earn from a part time job to be paid to my wife? As I am just below the 40% tax bracket but my wife has no income it would obviously be to our advantage if the wages were paid in her name. I stress I do not want to do anything illegal. Thank you.
  9. Hi there We recently completed a Voluntary Repossession on our old house. We have not been living there for 4 years and were renting it out, which was not covering the mortgage cost anyways, we were adding more ourselves on top of it so we did not default. The tenant stopped paying so we evicted him and gave the house to the bank. Within 2 months they had sold it for way under the value rate, obviously selling it at auction for as fast as they can, rather than as much as they can. First of all, is there any way I can dispute the amount they sold it for? As it has left me with a deficit of £35k to pay. Secondly Mick and myself have been calling HSBC to arrange paying this off a certain amount each month. We have both been calling since receiving the first letter. Each time we call they say they cannot do anything about setting up a payment plan at this stage. On the 21st we received another letter stating as we had not contacted them with regards to making any payments they demand the whole balance at once. Again we both tried calling them. On the 21st Mick was advised the debt had been passed to a collection agency. I called Jan 11th, spoke to a lady called Anet who agreed to call me back the following Monday to arrange the plan. She did not call back till Tuesday at which point she told me the debt had been passed to Metropolitan debt collection (again?) that day so she could not do anything. She did not call on Monday as she had a training course she did not know about. Well that’s not my fault as far as I’m concerned. She made an appointment to call me to arrange this but did not keep it deciding instead to call me the next day, which by that point was to late. I should not be forced to deal with a collection agency because Anet did not want to call me on Monday. She could have arranged for a colleague to do it, or just kept to the appointment! Not to mention all the other times we called and kept getting fobbed off. I have no idea where I stand with this, and even if I dispute the handling of this, I have a horrible feeling I will be continually hounded by Metro. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
  10. I'm shocked and scandalised!!!! I see that a tax-payer funded organisation which is a crucial part of the British justice system is deliberately passing itself off as a private parking company!!!! In case you don't know, Passing Off is a tort at common law and means that you gain an unlawful benefit by operating your business in a way which can make people think that you are another business - which is more respectable and more worthy than you own. Passing off happens when you present yourself in such a way that consumers are confused into parting with their money because they think that you are someone else. Passing off is about competing unfairly by trading off the goodwill of someone else's business. Geddit? Now I see that the Crown Prosecution Service is trading of the hard-earned goodwill of that nice Private Parking Company - UKCPS. It is shocking!!! I can imagine that many criminals or accused persons only bother to pay their fines or do their stir or even just turn up at court because they think that they have been commanded to do so by UPCPS - when in fact if they realised that it was simply the United Kingdom Crown Prosecution Service, they probably would have simply not taken any notice. (And quite rightly) I expect that you find this all so unlikely that you don't believe me????!!!! Well check it for yourself. If you Google "UKCPS" you will find that the Crown Prosecution Service have cunningly opened a Youtube channel called UKCPS. Anyway, just for clarification, here is the truth:- UKCPS (Parking Service) and UKCPS (Prosecution Service) Right. Hopefully no one will be confused anymore
  11. Natwest passed my debt with them onto Moorcroft some months ago. I made a repayment arrangement with them, which I stuck to, but also complained to Natwest as they didn't inform me they were passing it on and, in my opinion, did so unfairly and unnecessarily. A week later I had a letter from Moorcroft telling me they had cancelled my direct debit with them and that Natwest had taken the debt back. A couple of weeks later they rang to ask why I had missed a payment! I referred them to their letter and the woman said, 'Oh, Natwest have given it back to us again, didn't they tell you?' When I said they hadn't, she told me she would contact them to find out what they were playing at. Then I had 2 letters on the same day, one from Moorcroft to tell me they had suspended their collection until they heard from Natwest and one from Natwest to tell me they had given the debt back to Moorcroft. I then made a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, sending them all correspondence. Natwest have now written telling me that Moorcroft have attempted to contact me to set up a repayment plan, but as they were unable to the debt has now been passed to Westcot. For a start, Moorcroft haven't attempted to contact me. I've had nothing in the post and no missed calls. It may be that they tried to call my landline, but I've asked both them and Natwest not to use this as it's dodgy and doesn't always ring. I've sent a snotty reply to Natwest telling them this and will forward this and their letter to the Financial Ombudsman, but is there anything else I should do to prepare for Westcot getting in touch. Assuming they don't try contacting me on the landline either! Thanks
  12. My wife CCA'd the RBS regarding her credit card. They have sent back a copy of her application form (below) and a copy of a 7 page Credit Agreement. The copy of the credit agreement is unsigned (in fact there is nowhere on the agreement to sign) so I imagine if thats their best effort, the agreement is unenforcable. What do you think folks.
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