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Found 7 results

  1. I a few months ago applied for PIP for standard mobility only After some agro i finally got a Home visit, And now recieved the decision and report from the unregisters nurse or what ever she was (qualification not known) And it's the ATOS default score of 0 Her report was lies and assumptions, Says that i have no specialist input ( i have seen a surgeon and had a diagnosis and they have a copy of that report) she also claimed that the pain meds aren't strong enough And because i could bend and straighten my legs i don't have any problem moving around, I never reported that i could not bend or straighten my legs at the knee, it only once i bare weight on those joints i get pain, that increases as i walk around, my foot, gives me pain most of the time more so when baring weight , I have stage 4 OA bone on bone contact clearly this stupid moron has no clue
  2. Help please. I have defended a claim from Moriarty Law acting on behalf of Motormile Finance (MMF) received late last year. They say this is for a fixed sum loan with Lending stream. I wont go into all of the details so far, just want advice what to do next? I did all the usual requested CCA, did not receive, failed mediation and was passed to my local county court. My local court sent a form last month ordering The claimant shall by 2/3/18 file and serve upon defendant in compliance with sect 76 & 79 0f 1974 CCA all relevant info & documents. In default, the claim be and is herby struck out. I received a letter from Moriarty dated the 1/3/18 on the 2/3/18 I will not repeat what was received in the letter word for word but give you an oversight of what it entails. If you need more info please let me know, thanks. It starts by referring to the order from the court, then goes on to refer to the agreement I had entered the amounts and failure to pay etc etc Then says section 76 does not apply to an agreement that has ended as indeed is the position in your case Then says sect 79 does not relate as is for consumer hire agreements Confirms they have sent copy to court by way of filing Ask me to acknowledge receipt and enclosures. The documents they have indexed by page, document and date are Fixed sum loan agreement from LS dated 20/8/12 Notice of assignment dated 20/2/14 then 3 letters from claimants solicitor to defendant dated 25/8/17, 11/9/17 & 19/10/17 I have already picked a few flaws with this info, but need to know do I reply to them or wait to hear from local county court. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello I was wondering if anyone could possibly weigh in and give advice First of all I take any and all responsibility for the stupidity of my youth and lending patterns it has taken a long time to admit that to myself! Back in 2012 I opened a brighthouse account, I was 20 and a new parent (my son was about 8months old) and what I took out was a washing machine and cooker as I was broke as a joke in a new city with no family or friends. I found as I kept going into store to pay they kept pushing items on me, now I was heavily medicated at this time due to mental health problems on top of post natal depression, yet they kept doing it with suff they knew I couldn’t afford but would love to have, games consoles, a laptop, a big tv, phones it got to the point that they FULLY KNOWING I WAS ON BENEFITS, started accepting my boyfriends wage slips as MY proof of income, his name was not affiliated to the account nor mine to his wage slips, but they did it anyway (I know I have partial blame in tbh but I feel they had a duty of care to see it was wrong and that it could land me in debt) by the time it got to 2014 I started paying via bank card and the payments had shot up to £94 a week, between Jan and April of 2012 I gave them over £1200! I have put in a complaint to them for the second time after the ‘lost’ the first complaint I made a month ago! I just feel like I needed to post my situation somewhere and ask if anyone else thinks they were in the wrong? Thanks guys
  4. Going through the process of remortgaging my old house, and a question has come up from the conveyancers about a charging order. The wording from the land registry is: "Equitable charge created by an order nisi of the Luton County Court dated 22 July 1996 in favour of American Express Europe Limited." I have a vague memory of once having an American Express card, it obviously must be that though a Companies House search for the company name has it ceasing to exist on the 12th June 1996, probably is the American Express and they just changed their name. Otherwise, I have no more information to go on. After a lot of searching and reading up on this site it must have been in respect of a CCJ that had been granted at some point, but in the intervening 21 years if there was any paperwork, it has long since vanished. The conveyancers say that they need to contact the placers of the charge and ask them if they are happy deferring payment of that charge, but will check with their 'technical team'. Any advice on how to proceed? Thanks!
  5. Last month I applied to be a volunteer for a charity. They asked me for a standard DBS, which they will pay for, and it will be sent to my address. I have registered with the online DBS tracking system and it is still halfway through. In the meantime I am moving and I won't be able to receive the printed copy of the DBS. How can I inform the authorities involved that I am moving and would that invalidate my DBS? Thanks.
  6. Hello, I have a Quote me Happy (Aviva) car insurance policy. Car was stolen SIX weeks ago and my claim has still not been resolved. Its a straightforward theft of vehicle with full police report. Car was burnt out entirely so is written off. Policy states that I am entitled to a new car replcement as it's less than a year old. The handling of my claim has been extremely slow and most staff are unhelpful. I can't understand why my new car has not been ordered yet. Very, very angry and stressed with the whole thing.
  7. I have made a PPI claim via one of the companies that do all the paper work etc for you. During correspondence between us I received documentation which was intended for another claimant which contains personal details pertinent to their claim so I am a bit concerned that documentation relating to my claim may have also have been sent to others. I would imagine that there are Data Protection issues with this so can anyone advise if there is any course of action I can take to follow this up ? Thanks
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