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Found 6 results

  1. Letting Agents Registration and Code of Practice Comes into force 31st January 2018 ***Scotland Only*** The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 made provisions for the mandatory letting agent registration, regulation and training requirements in Scotland. Housing (Scotland) Act 2014: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2014/14/contents/enacted Part 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 makes provision for the registration, regulation and training requirements for letting agents in Scotland. They include a mandatory register of letting agents, a ‘fit and proper’ person test, training requirements, a code of practice to which all letting agents must adhere and enforcement through the new First-Tier Tribunal. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016 sets out the training requirements that those applying to join the register of letting agents must meet and additional information required for registration. This was laid before the Scottish Parliament on 22nd December 2016 and comes into force 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2016/432/introduction/made Letting Agent Registration Guide: https://www.mygov.scot/letting-agent-registration/who-needs-to-register/ The Register of Letting Agents will be a list run by Scottish Ministers that will make sure every letting agent is suitable to do the job and has met minimum training requirements. --legal obligations relating to letting agency work and the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords --handling of tenants’ and landlords’ money --arranging and managing a tenancy --managing repairs and maintenance --customer communications --complaints handling --equality issues The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 were laid before the Scottish Parliament and will come into force on 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/sdsi/2016/9780111030912 Those engaged in letting agency work must also comply with the Letting Agent Code of Practice. The Code of Practice is set out in The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 and contains general duties including: --complying with relevant legislation --providing accurate information --applying procedures consistently and reasonably --dealing with complaints --ensuring compliance by employees and subcontractors --handling private information sensitively --not to unlawfully discriminate --carrying out services in a timely fashion and with due skill and care Housing and Property Chamber First-tier Tribunal for Scotland: https://www.housingandpropertychamber.scot/
  2. Halloween is approaching.Can you believe this event is coming around again. I get so excited this time of year. Already i have been in shops,supermarkets going down the aisles trying masks on,putting claws on. Appearing around corners of aisles. giving friends the scare of the day. Playing with the puppet ghosts things like that. Seems to raise a smile or two in a world of serious issues. Or wondering perhaps when i will be locked up. You are never to old to enjoy these things.Not that security does not give you strange looks as a claw appears to shake their hand. But it usually ends up in a laugh.Thank goodness. If you are older remember your youth.When you were children running around. Go back there,think of those happy times,a happy place.And smile as you remember. So we are building up to this day.Saturday the 31ST october. Get your bags of goodies ready for the kids when they call round with their mums and dads. Do not turn the lights out and avoid.Do not dread this day,enjoy it.Get a Pumpkin,carve it,light it.Put it outside your door. Enjoy this event,have a laugh If you wish to,post a picture. I will, i have a nice one from a few years ago.In a while i will. If you have any recipes for this day post them.Perhaps a picture as well. Give others ideas for this tradition. Do you have a party on this day. I can feel many wanting to post,or i hope they do. If you are not a member just join us,we are a friendly lot.Life is not serious all the time we have to have fun as well. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php
  3. The MOD Service Leavers Guide has been updated on 31st March 2016. To view and Download the guide see link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/service-leavers-pack
  4. Don't forget to renew your tax credits. Your payments will stop if you don’t. Renewal packs are sent between April and June. If you started claiming tax credits after 6 April, your pack will be sent the following year. Your tax credits will be renewed automatically if you don’t get an annual declaration with your renewal pack. Call the Tax Credit Helpline if you don’t receive your renewal pack by 30 June. You can renew on-line here: https://www.gov.uk/renewtaxcredits
  5. Hi, firstly, my partner and I, along with our child have lived in this house since 2011 and in this street since 2006. Last year I applied for his secondary school place and was awarded the school of our choice, the school is 250 metres or so from our front door (one of the reasons that we moved to this street in 2006). Last week I received a letter from the LEA Admissions officer telling me that I had to prove where i lived in October last year, they want 5 pieces of paper, 2 of which are A V5 document , I dont own a car, my partner buy s and insures our cars, also, proof of receipt of CB and or Tax Credit, we receive neither of these. I cannot ring them until Monday, but this sounds very strange, part of the letter states that he is not necessarily doubting where I live or where our son lives, actually, that is precisely what it sounds like to me. Whilst we have nothing to hide and have not made a fraudulent application, I cannot provide them with something that I do not possess, does anyone have any advice please.
  6. Last chance to claim mis-sold CPP card protection. Anyone who was mis-sold credit card & identity theft cover by banks and CPP should have been sent a claim forms to get their money back. If you've got a form, but haven't returned it, you should do so now. If you think you're eligible to get your money back, but haven't received a claim form or have lost it, it's still not too late to claim. But don't hang about, you only have until August 31st 2014 CPP Redress Scheme
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