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Found 1 result

  1. Halloween is approaching.Can you believe this event is coming around again. I get so excited this time of year. Already i have been in shops,supermarkets going down the aisles trying masks on,putting claws on. Appearing around corners of aisles. giving friends the scare of the day. Playing with the puppet ghosts things like that. Seems to raise a smile or two in a world of serious issues. Or wondering perhaps when i will be locked up. You are never to old to enjoy these things.Not that security does not give you strange looks as a claw appears to shake their hand. But it usually ends up in a laugh.Thank goodness. If you are older remember your youth.When you were children running around. Go back there,think of those happy times,a happy place.And smile as you remember. So we are building up to this day.Saturday the 31ST october. Get your bags of goodies ready for the kids when they call round with their mums and dads. Do not turn the lights out and avoid.Do not dread this day,enjoy it.Get a Pumpkin,carve it,light it.Put it outside your door. Enjoy this event,have a laugh If you wish to,post a picture. I will, i have a nice one from a few years ago.In a while i will. If you have any recipes for this day post them.Perhaps a picture as well. Give others ideas for this tradition. Do you have a party on this day. I can feel many wanting to post,or i hope they do. If you are not a member just join us,we are a friendly lot.Life is not serious all the time we have to have fun as well. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php
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