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Found 9 results

  1. I'm looking for clarification on the law regarding Signs on a private fence. I recently nailed a proprietary "Private Land Keep Out" sign to a private garden fence after neighbours were filmed trespassing. The said neighbours quickly removed the sign and kept it, despite a letter asking for its return. When the police eventually confronted the neighbour three days later she admitted taking the sign off the fence (which involved prising it off with an edged tool) and returned it. The police have said no offence has been committed by her removing the sign "because she did not want to look at it" What's more, they have even suggested that to put the sign back up on the fence (which is NOT a shared boundary but is wholly private) may constitute an aggressive act!!! I cannot believe this is correct in law. They have suggested to me that to put the sign back up would need a solicitor to pursue civil action, not that for her to have the sign taken down would need the same! Before making a complaint about the police officers' handling of this matter, I would like clarification, if possible. The whole thing sounds preposterous - that you can remove a sign you don't like from someone else's property and the property owner can potentially face prosecution for replacing it!
  2. Hi all, I'm not entirely sure on the rules regarding erecting of fences on boundary walls, so was hoping someone could clarify for me. Basically our bungalow is very close to the house next door, their kitchen window/door looks right into our kitchen There's no privacy outside, except for a 3-4ft tall concrete/brick wall. Can I have a tallish fence erected/attached to the brick wall, to give us some privacy? This is the view from our kitchen door: [ATTACH=CONFIG]57799[/ATTACH] This is the satellite map showing how the houses look from above. The red line being the short brick/concrete wall. [ATTACH=CONFIG]57798[/ATTACH]
  3. During recent weather, the fence between us and a neighbour came down, and it looked like the base of the fence posts had rotted away a little. The posts were on their side. They tore down the entire fence, not just the damaged section, and replaced, putting fence posts on our side. They're now asking us to contribute towards the costs they incurred. We did not consent to the work, nor to the style of fence. Are we obliged to contribute? Morally, should we? We have no relationship with next door. With the fence posts now on our side, does this then give us responsibility for maintaining the fence, or is responsibility outlined on the deeds?
  4. Dear all. My tenant are asking me to repair the rear fence. However, because of the different configuration of the garden behind us, our rear fence is actually the neighbour’s left hand fence. If this is the case, then are we still definitely responsible for this fence? The deeds do not say whose fence it is! Does anybody have any ideas please?
  5. Never thought I'd be writing asking for advice on fences! My neighbour (who refuses to talk to me) erected a heavy 6ft high wooden panel fence by screwing the large heavy panels to my dainty picket fence and its 3ft posts in the summer. All without my permission, I just came home one day and it was there. I was worried it would all get ripped down in heavy winds, as my fence posts weren't designed for large solid panels, and in yesterdays storms I was proved right. One of my posts has been snapped in half and so has the frame of one section. I'm looking for advice on a short letter to write to my neighbour requesting all their fencing be removed from mine to prevent further damage, but would also like to know if I can expect them to pay for the damage caused to my fence, and how I should approach that. In their mind, I'm sure they'd now love to just replace my now half broken fence with their own large one, but I'd like to keep my fence as is (once repaired) and request they make whatever arrangements for a large fence on their own property, without physically affecting mine. Is that a realistic request? Thanks!
  6. last week i came home to find a car had crashed into mine and the next doors fence (no one was injured ) luckily how should i claim for the damages to my fence i have all the details of both drivers involved from the police including there insurance details and the driver responsible owned up to the police i had not renewed my house insurance so can't claim on that any info would be appreciated thanks in advance
  7. Really need some advice about a letter i have received from local council regarding the recent extension of my boundary fence. The problem has stemmed from me having a nosey neighbour who has issues with everything and everyone, so much so that i stopped talking to him a few years ago. He built his shed on a platform which enabled him to stand in the doorway of it and look directly into our house. He has used the chance to do this constantly. I have had no privacy and had become increasely distressed by this. He makes unlimited pointless trips to the shed whenever i am outside to watch whatever i am doing. I then had to take on my daughters dog as she moved into a flat and couldn't take him, i already had 2 dogs of my own. It has take a while for the new dog to settle, made worse by my neighbours constant messing in his shed for no reason. I then decided to put a little extension in height of fence just at the height of where his door is visible into my garden. He came out on the night and i heard his wife ask what he thought to which e replied he had no problem. Today i have received a letter saying the fence is now 2.3 metres and needs to come down to 2 metres. I have emailed them back with my concerns over his shed, also he has a tree against my fence that is at least another foot above my new higher fence. Do i have valid claim against his shed height and privacy as it is on a platform? I said in email i have no problem with lowering fence but have issues with the shed. Hope i have put this in the right place Thanks in advance
  8. Hi everyone, The fence at one side of the property (council) that I live in was damaged by the gales in April.After twenty or so e-mails from the council and numerous calls from me I was informed that the fence which is on the right,as you stand with your back to the house, is the responsibility of my neighbours.Could anyone confirm this for me.
  9. Hi folks, I'm a newbie to this forum, and I thought it would be a good place to get some solid advice. I'm a student who has just moved in to their first rental, and as such I'm a bit clueless as to what rights I do and do not have. Anyhoo, I let from a letting agency with five other students (which I believe is aimed primarily at a student market). Knowing the house would likely be inhabited by students, the landlord seems to have fenced off a large portion of our garden, as well as that of two adjoining properties, leaving us with a mere postage stamp, probably so he does not have to maintain what is beyond it. Peeping over, It seems to have been this way for a good few years and is quite overgrown. Personally, myself and the other tenants would prefer a larger garden that we could bring back up to standard and maintain, and would be happy to replace the fence when we vacate the premises. I'm just wondering how we'd go about requesting this properly. I can't see our landlord being too willing, as after all it was likely him who put up the fence in the first place. However, as tenants, are we entitled to make modifications such as this, as long as we return it to the state it was when we moved in? Surely if we're renting the property we're renting all of the property and have a right to access all of it, even if it does have a fence through the middle of it. Any advice on proper procedure for these sort of modifications/our entitlement (or not) to make such modifications would be great. Many thanks, Matt
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