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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone, my friend recently applied to their mortgage company for some extra cash to do some home improvements. To their great surprise they were turned down. Nationwide stated that the reason for not getting the extra cash was due to their CRF. After further calls Nationwide finally admitted that the mortgage was in arrears of approx £50. The arrears was due to Nationwide messing up their calculations when they took a short agreed mortgage holiday in 2010. It appears that Nationwide have never mentioned these arrears to my friend before (no letter was sent) and simply posted them on Experian the mortgage was taken out about 10 years ago. My friend agreed to pay these arrears just to put an end to it and maybe get the loan. The OC has agreed that the error was completely theirs. Due to Nationwide's error my friend has been unable to change credit cards etc last year to a 0% deal. So they can show damage to their CRF caused them financial loss. What if any action would you suggest other than a very strongly worded official complaint would be advised? I'm unsure what parts of the CCA actually apply to mortgages would BCOBS be of any use? Reading BCOBS quickly it appears that they have breached by not communication information correctly or even at all. "information to be communicated to banking customers, including appropriate information and statements of account;" Does this seem correct, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Pumpytums
  2. Hello, I’m looking for some help in sorting out my CRF. I ran into financial difficulties as far back as 2006 but continued making payments as best I could before finally petitioning for bankruptcy in 2009 to get some peace from my creditors. Although it was a relief at the time, the issues have still continued to this day. I want to get my CRF sorted so that when I try to obtain a mortgage later down the line, I don't have too many issues. I was declared bankrupt in February 2009 and discharged in October 2009. Two of my three creditors behaved well, but the third – Egg – continued to harass me up until November 2010 with Arrears and Default notices every few months. It was eventually sorted with a complaint to the FOS - Egg acknowledged that a fault on their system kept sending out these letters and they said they had corrected the issue plus they paid £50 compensation. However, in June 2011 they contacted me to tell me that my Egg Loan was being transferred to Britannia Recoveries – Arrow. Britannia-Arrow wrote as well to confirm this. They stated their knowledge in the Notice of Assignment that I had been made bankrupt and that any payments would have to come from the Official Receiver. The validity of Egg selling on a debt that had been included in a bankruptcy – and discharged 20 months before – did not occur to me at the time. In May 2013, while checking my credit file on Experian, I noticed in my credit account that not only did I have the original Egg loan which was defaulted, balance marked as Satisfied, but Arrow-Global were listing that I had a defaulted account with a balance of nearly £7000 (the sum that I originally owed Egg). So I have two defaulted accounts due to the same debt. I have also just received another Notice of Assignment which seems to be sent on the pretext of my account being purchased by Arrow Global from Britannica Recoveries (Britannica-Arrow). Quite bizarre since both Notices of Assignment are on Arrow Global headed paper and is essentially a transfer between slightly separate divisions of the same parent company. This Notice of Assignment is different to before. They mention the debt amount owed, they state that their records show that I have a repayment plan in place (obviously NOT true) and the account is now managed for them by Debt Managers (Services) Ltd. How can Egg knowingly sell on my “debt” 20 months after I am discharged from bankruptcy? How can a debt that is wiped clean in a bankruptcy be sold on? As I understand it, my Egg Loan account should have been marked as “Satisfied” once I was discharged, with a settlement date shown as no later than the discharge date. What has actually happened is that Egg has marked the Egg loan account with a satisfaction date of 11/2010 (linked to FOS complaint?) and a partial settlement date of 04/2011 (debt sold to Arrow). Can I write to Arrow-Global – with copies of my discharge notice - to request the removal of this default account from my CRF? If so, do I write to the Compliance Manager at Debt Managers or bypass them and send it to Arrow-Global’s head office. A further issue is that the default date on the Arrow-Global account AND the original Egg account from which it originated, is shown as 5 months after my bankruptcy petition. Can I instruct Egg to amend this date to the date of my bankruptcy as per ICO guidelines on Defaults? If they don’t deal with the complaint and update my information, do I just complain to the ICO initially or do I involve the FOS as well. Is it not illegal for DCAs to chase up debts post-bankruptcy? If so, is there not a Regulatory body to complain to so that they are fined? I know that Barclays got hit with a big fine over “silent” phone calls. Am I entitled to compensation? How can this be enforced? Based on threads on this site ICO or FOS seem to support only paltry settlements? It was also suggested that even without being able to prove specific financial loss, compensation could be sought in the Small Claims Court over general damage to creditworthiness. I would be grateful for any advice on the best course of action to take and legal perspective to use in my letters. It’s obviously much easier to argue your case when you are crystal-clear on your legal rights.
  3. Hi there. Looked at my CRF two months ago and there was an incorrect financial association shown between my wife and myself. Two companies showed the link, one has corrected (quite quickly) but Callcredit have ignored all correspondence, letters and several emails. Any idea how I could make them take action? Are they accountable to any regulatory bodies? I have read that they are notoriously slow to respnd and it is causing a bit of friction with my wife as she has an excellent financial history and does not like this association, cant blame her:oops:. We did have a joint mortgage several years ago but absolutely nothing now. Many thanks. tibar
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