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  1. Hi all, After more great advice on top of what I have already received from here. First issue: I sent a bog standard prove it letter to BPO Collections this month (using template from either here or National debt line). Apparently they now own a debt from Motormile Finance/Lantern. I think I took a payday loan out in 2011/12 with CFO, who went bust, debts purchased by Motormile, who changed names to Lantern, who have assigned this to BPO. It becomes very confusing to keep track of name changes and who owns who. The letter I received back states (amongst the usual twaddle): What should be my next step? they are refusing the prove anything if I'm reading that right. I've checked my credit file (3 different agencies) and if there was anything on there from CFO/Motormile/Lantern/BPO it isn't on there anymore. I don't ever recall paying anything to any of these companies or speaking to them. Second issue: I sent a Statue Barred letter to BW Legal in regards to a PRAC/PayDayLoans debt. Again it was from a template from either here or the National Debt Line. They have replied back with the following: Followed by the usual how to pay stuff. Firstly, they have the dates wrong as my credit file states that it was started on 10/01/2012 and the default registered 1/7/2012. Secondly they already sent a letter of claim for court action in November last year but never followed it up (I foolishly didn't reply at the time due to ignorance on my behalf). I haven't paid a bean or acknowledged debt. So this is statue barred right? How should I respond or should I even bother? I'd like to put something to them that draws the matter to a close, but I thought the SB letter was meant to do that? Thanking you in advance.
  2. Hi, I have come had a recovery letter sent from BPO Collections trying to recover 0.88p from a 2 year old Plusnet internet account? Other than being slightly stunned that a DCA would purchase a debt of 0.88p - I wanted some advise on the best way to proceed as I dont want to give BPO my card details ets and Plusnet are refused to deal with me or take any payment for this ridiculous amount. Cheers
  3. have been getting letters from lowells for an alleged debt to 3 mobile. ..for about 400 quid. ..which is strange as paid by direct debit never late never ever missed a payment. ...have ignored lowells and they have now passed to bpo!! i do love a tryer.. ...now there is obviously no cca to ask for.. ..am wondering why lowelifes have passed this on???
  4. New to this forum and got a bit of a long winded story so please bear with me as any help or advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. In 2012 I had £400 loan through the speed credit website and like most had issues paying it back. This in turn made me seek help through Step Change (CCCS at the time) who helped me set up a debt management plan to pay off all of my various debts to other payday lenders,credit cards and bank overdraft. The loan from speed credit has caused me many issues over the past few years and even though I was in a debt management plan the original outstanding balance of £400 quickly accelerated to £2570 at the point of last contact via Marshall Hoare. I have always made payments through step change to this debt. Last debt collection company I had contact with was Digital Financial service. Payments to DFS suddenly stopped and after a few months step change advised me that I had to contact Wilson Field regarding the outstanding balance. Wilson Field informed me that DFS had gone into liquidation and they were to collect all outstanding balances. This was all done over the phone and I have never received any paper work from Wilson Field. Payments have continued to be made via step change again. In March this year I got a letter from a company called BPO stating they had been passed my account from cash choice uk ltd who had bought the debt from the original lender MCO capital. The letter offered me the chance to clear the outstanding balance of £3100 (unsure as to why the amount owed has increased so much!) if I paid a one off payment of the original loan amount £400. According to BPO, cash choice had passed the account onto them in December 2015. I phoned Wilson Field to see if they still had my account in their control as they have still been cashing the monthly cheques sent by step change and to tell them about BPO claim that they owned the debt. According to Wilson field they are still due the payments each month until the balance is cleared but they said they don't hold any details on their systems relating to individual cases. I decided to contact the Financial Ombudsman regarding the matter. Two days ago I got a letter from BPO confirming contact from the Ombudsman and in turn they had returned my account to Cash Choice uk and all further contact should be made to them. I am at a loss as to who actually legally owns this debt. To date I have repaid nearly £650 towards the debt to the various companies who have passed it about between them. I feel I am not getting the help needed via step change so looking on hear to see if anyone is in the same or similar position. Once again any help is greatly appreciated many thanks Paul
  5. Need Help please Received a letter today from a company called BPO collections acting on the behalf off cash choice uk limited . MCO Capital sold my account to cash choice. I have never received any letter from MCO or cash choice about this debt . I got a payday loan for £400 from MCO IN 2011 but I got into trouble and asked for a payment plan which they refuse and I never heard from again. In the letter a received today the original loan was £400 and now the current outstanding amount is £1155 in the letter as a gesture of goodwill cash choice have given Bpo permission to accept the original loan amount of £400 in settlement of my account. I have not got £400 and there no way I can set up a payment plan for £1155 Can anybody please help
  6. Hi, today I received a single letter with 2 headed papers in one stating I owe £200.36 to contact the other to make payments. I don't know what it is for I've checked my credit report and there's nothing regarding any of these names. It states the original company name is Redcats Finance Ltd. Could anybody help with some advise? Thanks!!
  7. So here's an interesting one. I worked in a small business (not as a director) . I organised for them broadband, at the business address, supplied by the nice "be unlimited" people. I never signed anything (let alone any kind of credit agreement), and the bills (direct debit) will have been paid out of the company's bank account. Some time later, company gets bought. New company takes over everything. Meanwhile "Be Direct" gets bought out by (ack, spit) Sky. What I suspect happens late last year is the new owners, somewhat incompetently, close the old business account, and DD payments start to fail. Looking at my archives, I see a single email (to my business email) from Sky to "avoid suspension of your service" - and then - nothing. But I've no real idea as I have no visibility of how it was ever paid for. Late last year I start getting texts and emails from 'pastduecredit' - that I totally ignore since there's no information about what they want (I figure - if it's important, you put a stamp on it and post it to me). I have no idea if it's related to the threatening email I've had today from BPO, on behalf of Sky for..... £20. I frankly find the whole approach pretty rude. Other companies seem to be able to send email or post to request payment, and I'd simply pass it on in the company and they'd pay it. I've heard nothing, save this sudden "pay up or else we'll recommend further action or a field visit" bullying. I'm minded to ignore them until they can find a stamp? I'm certainly happy to spend my own money to bleed these beggars on 'due process' (e.g: please prove it, I'll only talk to you by post, etc) just on a point of principle. Any danger in that?
  8. Shoplifted in August 2014; goods equal to the value of less than £15 (socks and underwear - desperate times!). Interviewed, photo taken, cried profusely, apologised, goods returned and advised that I would receive a letter from RLP. Yesterday (19.12.14) I received my first letter about the incident (letter dated 15.12.14) from BPO Collections. Exact format I have seen posted in previous threads. Re: Primark Trace and Collect Outstanding liability: £130 BPO Reference: ....... We are instructed to recover the outstanding liability against you, which we understand is not disputed. Could you please contact us within 7 days... etc etc (funnily enough, being the weekend, that leaves just Monday to respond) A County Court Judgment, which remains unsatisfied after 30days etc. Require your immediate payment... etc Payment Options..... Graham Someone Managing Director. My curiosity is regarding not having received any previous letters from RLP and the correspondence coming firstly and directly from BPO. I haven't been able to find this situation in the threads so far. My first thought is to just ignore the letter and if a second one arrives, scribble return to sender on it. I happen to be moving in approx 3 months (though remaining in the UK). I know this situation has been covered more than numerous times on here, however I feel mine has taken a slightly different route. Just seeking confirmation if ignoring is an ok way to deal with BPO in the absence of any RLP. Many thanks in advance for your time and advice!
  9. Hi I recently had a small debt with Virgin Mobile which was passed to BPO Collections in Glasgow. I have recently paid this off in full and I got a letter from them stating that the Account was closed. However on the 1st of this month they took £15 off my Debit Card despite the Account being settled. I have rung them several times and despite there apologies and numerous promises to refund it I have still not had it refunded. Don't really know what to do next as I am sick of chasing them but I do want my money back. Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
  10. So after 5 yr of this alleged debt being put into dispute I received a letter from BPO asking that I pay £140 of the £900 and they will wipe my slate clean. well I had better quickly pay eh!....Not.
  11. Hi, first-time poster. Firstly I was caught shoplifting at Tesco, unsure why I did it and I’m embarrassed. They have the goods and I was issued a £90 fine from the police at the time to which I have paid. Ive received about 6 letters from Jackie and RLP each time asking for money, filled with nonsensical legal jargon to which I have ignored. This has now been passed onto BPO who are apparently a debt agency (letter attached) who are requesting payment within 7 days. Ive read about people not sending a letter and people sending one to get these off my back, I just want to know the best course of action now as i do not want people turning up at my door etc. many thanks
  12. Bank of Scotland loan taken out Jan 2009 for £8,000 have loan agreement that shows with interest, amount repayable will be £13,126 repayable at £136.73 per month. By September 2009 I had suffered financial problems to which various fees were applied to the account, Default notice was issued and received in the post May 2010. Date on my Experian report shows 6 months later than issued? Iqor took the debt over in July 2010 and it has been with them ever since, to date I have repaid £5,340 and as of April 2014 the balance payable reads £9,846 I have letter stating interest/charges were stopped from April 2009 however on the yearly statements interest is clearly shown on statements and out weighs the payments I make each month. Loan was for £8k if I have repaid £5,340 then balance should be around the 3k mark. the rest is interest that is added at start of loan and broken down each month so I was informed when I enquired back in 2011. Thoughts and questions please and advice.....
  13. Hi. This morning I received a letter fr5om bpo collections stating they have been instructed by MMF to collect an out standing debt and all the usual spiel. However I had never heard of MMF or bpo until this morning even though the letter says both had previously made contact with me. Also, from what I gather from reading threads here, MMF is a collection agency that collects pay day loans? If this is true, I have never had a payday loan in my life. I refuse point blank to get one, and even if I tried to get a payday loan I doubt I'd get one due to my very poor credit rating anyway. Anyway I don;t know what to do about the letter I received. I know for a fact I have never had any payday loans in my life.
  14. Hi My husband has started to receive letters from debt collection agencies one of them being BPO. He doesn't know what this is for so I presume first step is the CCA ? Thanks Skop
  15. Hi all! Sending this on behalf of my partner - She took out a payday loan with QQ she thinks back in a time of crippling debt. She owed a few things out at the time and basically ran away from them when it all became overwhelming. She borrowed £200 in July 2009 and never paid a penny towards it, fast forward 5 years and a letter from BPO Collections has landed on our doorstep this morning, acting on behalf of Motormile Finance and threatening visitors to our door. So first question is - can she request a CCA? Because this was online is it different to a normal loan where you sign something etc. If someone does come to our door, they have no rights to enter our property without our permission do they? I'm fairly certain of that. Only problem is what if some bully turns up while im at work and barges past her. Thanks in advance
  16. My partner and I have both received a letter from BPO today (24/09/2014) claiming we owe £272.25 and £278.93 respectively to a company called Motormile Finance. Neither of us have any clue what it is about and do not owe anyone any money. Are these con artists trying to get money out of the unwary or mislead and trying their arm with us. I find it strange we should both receive demands on the same day for very similar amounts. Help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
  17. I stole about £230 worth of stock from boots and was caught , taken to room in store , ID -pic taken etc and cctv burnt to disk, and then police called, ultimately leading to me being cautioned after saying I accept that it was me ( never been in trouble with the police before ) After about a week i received a letter from the dreaded RLP and were asking for £196.00 . What Im trying to deliberate is whether to just ignore it and see what happens or to pay . If it were a smaller amount of items stolen by me I would probably leave it but as it was a larger amount it may make for an easier case should I end up in court . Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Hi, I have today received a letter from bpo collections. saying I owe £1322.64, this is out of the blue and I defiantly don't owe any money to any one ( except student loans from 1996 but paying off monthly to pennine, small amounts but only work part-time). I can be certain I don't owe anything because I went bankrupt in January 2010 so since then I have had a clean credit file. The only thing I can think of is that an old dept. been sold that was in my bankruptcy. This is the first time I'm posting so need so advice Thank you
  19. Hi, I received a letter a few weeks ago from 'Hoist' (never heard of them) telling me they'd passed a debt of £2500 to BPO to collect. That was the first letter I've ever had from Hoist. I think the debt refers to some old student debt from the early 2000s but can't be sure as it doesn't state what it is on the letter. If it is that I think I received a CCJ for this debt at a very old address, which was processed after I'd moved. The CCJ doesn't currently show on my credit file. I received a notification that my credit file had been accessed by BPO and today received a letter advising me that I need to pay etc etc or they would send a home visit, but offering reduced amounts if I paid by April. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? I am a bit peeved that they've accessed my credit file, and I am not in a position to pay this. To be honest I'd completely forgotten about it all because it's been years since I've heard anything about it and it being on my credit file. I obviously can't use the statute barred defence as there was a CCJ. Any advice would be much appreciated. Steve
  20. Hi all, I've already had a search around the pages here and have seen plenty about this collection agency, but just wanted to confirm that the best course of action is to totally ignore them? I closed my account with Sky back in September 2013 and as far as I am aware had no outstanding payments due. BPO have started calling on my mobile semi-regularly (once or twice a week) and have sent a couple of emails (although these went straight into my junk folder). Thus far I haven't answered the phone nor responded to the emails - if I should be doing anything to the contrary, it would be great to know. Thanks guys!
  21. I wonder if anyone can give me some advice, regarding a letter I was forwarded out of the blue from BPO Collections. The letter states: "BPO Collections have been instructed by Hoist to collect this outstanding debt. Despite requests for payment the ammount is still outstanding. The outstanding balance of £1066.70 is due in full however we understand that in the current financial climate every penny counts and we would like to help you pay off your account 1. If you pay within 7 days of receipt of this letter we will accept 50% of the outstanding balance, therefore you only need to pay £533.35 2. If you pay within 14 days of receipt of this letter we will accept 60% of the outstanding balance, therefore you only need to pay £640.02 3. Alternatively, if you pay in three equal monthly instalments we will accept 75% of the balance, therefore you only need to pay £800.03 over three months Please do not delay in calling BPO immediately as this offer will end 5th April 2014, after this we will not be able to accept any reduced settlements on your outstanding balance. To date, we have not been made aware of any dispute on the account that is preventing you from paying the outstanding amount. If you choose to ignore our request to settle your account or fail to enter into a repayment plan you will leave us no alternative than to recommend to our client that a HOME VISIT may be the only option we have to recover the outstanding balance due. CALL IMMEDIATELY 0141 375 0960 Yours Sincerely Graham Rankin Managing Director" I have never heard of BPO Collections or Hoist and this is the first correspondence I have had. As far as I am aware, I am not in debt to anybody and I have also been out of the country for the last 8 years. What is especially worrying is that this letter was sent to my fathers address who I stayed with for only 4 months after returning to England in 2013. I have been loathe to call this company as my gut feeling is that it is a con, but I obviously don't want them hassling my father as I haven't stayed at that address for over 8 months now. I am concerned though as to how this company got my fathers address? Any advice would be appreciated.
  22. Hello, Many years ago, I had a SKY subscription (not at my own home - an ex's) - one that I'd cancelled in December 2006. I've not been to that address since sometime early in 2007 I had an email from BPO last night demanding payment (you have a week, etc etc). Until earlier today, was under the impression that I'd cancelled without issue - I did so by phone, and was told that was that. On ringing SKY this morning, it turns out that the service was reinstated in January 2007 (without my consent) - but this would've been done after the DD was cancelled - and was stopped again due to lack of payment It's only taken just under six years.. So.. how do I challenge this? I'm obviously keen not to pay for a service that I didn't ask for. SKY Customer Services have a record of my request for cancellation (as well as an apparent request for reinstatement - whoever it came from, it wouldn't have been from me, although I do wonder whether my ex might have pulled a fast one). I haven't kept any email correspondence from that long ago to confirm either development on my end; as I didn't live at the address in question, I don't have any copies of written correspondence - and neither do Sky, it seems. Sky customer service are apparently unable to write me a letter confirming my account history - despite talking me through it on the phone - which seems a little odd. Any help would be appreciated!
  23. hi i just recived that letter from RLP can you help me : do i neet to pay,is it going to be in my criminal recort
  24. Hopefully someone can help me. In Jan 2009 Cabot financial wrote to me with regards to a debt from 2001 with HFC bank. I wrote to them by registered mail stating that the debt was statute barred and never heard back from them. In June 2009 Wescott Credit services wrote about the same debt, asking for payment. I informed them that Cabot had already been told in writing that this was statute barred in the january of that year. Funnily enough they never got back to me on this. In June 2010 It was Mackenzie Hall's turn. They were also told by registered post that the debt had been pursued twice already and declared statute barred twice. They never got back to me either. I have now started receiving phone calls at work from BPO collections with regards to this matter. So far 9 calls in 8 days. I have told them that the debt is statute barred. I have asked them not to call and to contact me in writing only but they are ignoring this. They say that because I won't answer their security questions that anything said doesn't count. Is this true? I would appreciate any advice on this as obviously I don't appreciate being called at work or being chased for something which from my understanding is unchaseable. Thanks in advance
  25. Hi. I recived a Formal Notice from BPO collections, they wants old council tax debt from oct 2004 to jan 2006. I stayed in this property only two months, I thought lanlord ( landlord registered me to CT) will unregister me from CT. I moved to another flat but I do not have any proof of it. Now I recived Notice Of intention to instruct Walker Love. I sent them statute barred letter, should I send them SAR leter or maybe budget plan and ask for monthly payment. My landlord make a mistake when registering me. My first name is TOMASZ but on our agreement and notice from BPO is TOMASKZ. Thanks for help.
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