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Found 10 results

  1. Two questions: A) Has there been a precedent for instances of inconsistent, incorrect or the inappropriate application of variable speed limit policy on a Motorway providing a legal basis to challenge a speeding ticket? For example: 1) Motorway road works have road side speed limit signs stating 60 mph but overhead gantry displaying lower variable speed limit i.e. 30 mph without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 2) Motorway road works end and maybe end of road works signs are displayed each side of the road but subsequent overhead gantries incorrectly displaying variable speed limit of 60 mph without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 3) Motorway overhead gantries correctly displaying variable speed limit during time period of high traffic volume but erroneously left on during subsequent time period of low traffic volume without risk factor justification. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 4) Motorway single overhead gantry displaying variable speed limit of 50 mph immediately followed by overhead gantry displaying national speed limit without risk factor justification prior during or after. The remotely controlled gantry signs do not correspond to conditions on the ground. 5) Motorway road works reducing four lanes to two lanes having no variable speed limit applied followed by road works with the same lack of risk factor justification but with overhead gantries displaying variable speed limit. The remotely controlled gantry signs are not consistently applied to the same ground conditions. B) How incorrect or contradictory does a variable speed limit need to be before drivers should rely on their better judgement of the surrounding context to determine their progress without fear of the current judicial process automatically presuming guilt with no requirement for errors by Highways England to be accepted in defence or mitigation?
  2. ’ll try and keep this as brief as possible but I’ll need to explain a bit of background. When I was in university I rented a room in a house with three other students that I didn’t know between July 2012 to June 2013. Npower supplied the electricity and gas. I gave the first meter reading in July and the first bill came in October and we each paid a fourth to the landlord and I thought this arrangement would continue. However, towards June 2013 I contacted the landlord as we hadn’t got any more bills and queried what was going on he said he’d put the bills solely in my name. I was amazed that this was possible and called Npower to refuse to be the only sole name on the bills but they said this was the landlord’s right. Shortly after that the other tenants all left and two of them half way around the world. The bills at this point still hadn’t come to the house (although they might possibly have done so but one of the other tenants liked to take people’s mail…) and I gave a forwarding address and explained that as I was only one of four tenants they should only send me a fourth of the bill. Instead they started sending widely varying bills (anything from £1300 to £2000+) and after talking to them on the phone failed I then wrote them a letter showing them my tenancy agreement saying that I was only responsible for a fourth of the bills, emails to and from the landlord where he took responsibility for paying the bills if we paid him. Npower ignored all correspondence from me and the demands for payment became nastier and they and debt collection companies started sending letters to my parents as well calling them. I wrote them a cheque for over £500 which was a fourth of what they were asking for at the time. The demands didn’t stop and became more and more frequent. It was deeply stressful and if I’d the whole amount I’d probably would have just paid but I didn’t; however, the demands finally abruptly stopped. But, now more than four years after I paid Npower the £500 and the demands stopped a debt collection company called Wescot that Npower used before has started asking for money again. I think this was because I just updated the electoral register to my new home. It’s a horrible and not to mention embarrassing to start life with my partner in our new home and to be threatened again by this very ruthless debt collection company. I am not sure what to do next and was wondering if someone advise me what they make of these options? Just pay the damned bill and all the nasty extra charges they added. Would this be the end of it? Would accepting it give them the right to damage my credit report? Ignore it and hope it goes away like last time. It hasn’t affected my credit rating so maybe they don’t have enough information about me? And perhaps me going on the electoral register here just tripped some automated system? Pay the bill but take the only other U.K tenant to small claims court for their share? Or even half would that be possible? Threaten to refer their behaviour to some ombudsman or consumer body? Things like calling my parents and writing to them, calling on a Sunday, using aggressive and threatening language etc. Would this scare them enough to leave me alone? Sorry for how long this post was and thank you if any advice you can give.
  3. Am I correct that the prescribed terms for a fixed sum variable rate consumer credit act agreement is: a amount of credit b interest rate c amount of payment Credit £25,000 Interest £9.319,57 applied at 4.5% above banks base rate 5% payments £408.68 x 84 Theres no total amount payable as this could alter due to an interest change throughout the time of the agreement. However, the amount of credit plus the interest applied to the credit do NOT equal the initial monthly payment? £25,000 plus £9.319.57 = £34,319.57 divide by 84 payments = £408.56 This payment appears to be 12 pence less than the payment stated on the agreement. Anyone clued up on this? Paul
  4. I was going back through some old PPI claims I had made, some successful, some not, with the intention of filing things away. When I came across one I had sent to the Co-op back on 15.02.13 now this was for a variable loan from April 1996 and quite clearly shows a protection plan deduction on copies of the statements I have. The final letter I got back was for them to say that they were unable to trace any statements for the above credit card account which indicates the account was never used since October 2000 when their records began. With this in mind we must reject claim but if you can provide documentary evidence they would be happy to investigate further. I must admit this was one of the early claims I submitted and just accepted the rejection. Do you think I should try again based on having documentary evidence or have I left it too late. Thanks in advance, Will.
  5. Hey folks, I'm sure I've asked this before but cant seem to find the thread....my main employment when I do overtime I get extra holiday pay, at my part time job I get the standard number of days only, so for instance someone working 39 hours a week will get the same holiday as someone working 59 hours a week (and many do) should extra holiday pay accrue? Also, if your under 18 can you work past 10pm? thanks in advance!
  6. Hello, I've received the following NIP: Issue Date 12/8/2014 Date of Offence 22/7/2014 Time : 20:14 Location : M5 Jnc 16-17 Southbound S. Glos Offence : Exceed a variable speed limit 40mph - automatic camera device. The recorded Speed was 52mph I have no recollection of the offence but question the variable speed limit being 40mph on the M5 at 8:15 on a Tuesday night, there is nowhere on the NIP where you can view the evidence like some police forces do. This is a company car so explains the delay in me receiving the notice. I'm anxious to avoid this one as this takes me to 9 points and perilously close to a catastrophic ban. Any ideas for a defence? Many thanks,
  7. hi all my mortgage is going on a fixed rate from a variable will bring down the cost a little get help with it from dwp do i let them know or will my lender forgot to ask and where do i send it many thanks
  8. Hi, Was just wondering if anyone has been caught by these or knows of anyone that has? Went through them today a little faster than perhaps I should as the road was clear (50-55 when it was showing at 40). I was braking when I hit the markers on the road surface. Cheers
  9. If I have taken a loan out on APR 12:4% Variable rate,which at the time of taking out the loan in 2005 was 7:0% over HSBC's base rate,should my repayments not have reduced as the interest rates have reduced over the last 7 years?
  10. I've come across this today ... I paid a lump sum of £2,000 a few weeks ago towards my mortgage arrears. However, the interest on arrears is more this month than last month, even though they're now £2,000 less. I enquired about this and was told that arrears are on a variable interest rate which changes, capital is on the normal rate, so I'll have to call every month if I want to know how much to pay. This is the first time I've heard of this and thought the whole balance, capital and arrears, was on the same interest rate which i'm informed of when it changes. I've never been told that arrears attract a variable interest rate. Can anyone shed any light on this?
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