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Found 4 results

  1. at last ian duncan smith has just resigned
  2. At 62 years old thought I was smart enough not to be conned. How wrong was I. Thought I'd try LIFT AND GLOW for a trial period and happily paid £1.99 for p and p. It arrived on 21.01.2014. Great. The day before it arrived I was charged £84.13 TWICE. TWO PAYMENTS OF £84.13 WERE TAKEN OUT OF MY ACCOUNT ON THE SAME DAY. I actually feel sick. otified the bank who will stop taking any more payments but do not hold out much hope of getting my money back. Lost my job today after 22 years so 2014 isn't getting off to a good start. This HAS to be stopped before more people lose money they can ill afford.
  3. Can't believe what I've just seen on The Range's facebook page. S.R.S ranting on about P.E.'s ticketing of customers. I thought all these PPCs were in one big club together.
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