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Found 1 result

  1. Took out car finance with ACF finance in October 2009 on a renault sceninc which has been nothing but problems ive managed to keep throwing money at it but have now come to the end of the road! the power steering has gone also the clutch. It will cost me more to repair than the car is worth. I still owe £3700 on finance. i phoned the lovely people at Cygnet today to talk over situation to say he was rude would be an understatement!!!! I am stuck with a car with no tax or MOT i was told i couldnt scrap it and was my responsibility to keep it road worthy. I would have to keep it off road somewhere for next 12 months. I asked them to fetch it back to which he said no point its worthless. I really dont know what to do i have nowhere to keep the car and also worried as it is illegal to keep it on the road. i wouldnt advise anyone to use these people i don't know how they sleep at night!!!
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