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Found 10 results

  1. In our contacts, it says we must give access to our properties when required. The Housing Act 1988 states "In accordance with the Housing Act 1988, your landlord or letting agent must notify you in writing at least 24 hours before they wish to enter your home". They're not giving notice and are sending people without notice and then sending tenants letters when the tenants turn them away due to it being a bad time. I'm guessing the law overrules the landlord?
  2. Hi, An internet payment fell on a time when I had no money in my account to cover it because of work situation. Santander felt the necessity to charge me for an "instant overdraft request fee" and because I did phone and get it cancelled earlier this year (it happened before) they are "unable" to do it. they want to steal £25 off me this time because... NOTHING actually happened: the money never came out of my account, the internet company didnt get paid (because they sent me another invoice), my account has no overdraft capability, and santander feels I owe them £25 now for effectively "requesting" and overdraft on some account that never has an overdraft facility which I never did. Seems to me this is a good way of creaming on people that are most likely to have bouncing direct debits But I thought if there is no money in your account then it is declined and.... that is it: the company I owe then contact me to get their money, no charges or fees or some punitive cropping from the bank. What options to get back the money do I have? If a direct debit cannot be paid then what is all the deal with overdraft requests. Sounds like a bit of tricksterism to me, I never would agree to having this changed on my account. Thanks in advance
  3. I popped in to a Metro Bank branch in South London recently to open a business instant access deposit account. Their website says "No Metro Bank Business current account is required." They tried to sell me their business current account, which is not free unless you have more than £5,000. When I refused, they asked me why I wanted an instant access account, and I told them that I just want a basic account. They said that you cannot make an online transfer out unless you have another Metro bank account, so I opened a personal current account, and I was accepted for that, but a credit check was made, so it affected my credit rating. The business instant access account needed to be approved by a business manager. I called him the next working day. I work as a professional but I am not a member of a professional body (it is not illegal in the industry that I work in). He said they can't open an account because of this reason. I submitted further paperwork to his colleagues by visiting the branch (which is not in my home town) and waiting for about 25 minutes, after convincing him over the phone that would be acceptable to open an account. He then called me the next day saying that the account will not be opened because I will be using the business instant access account as a business current account and that I will be using it to deposit payments from customers He also said that they have a right to close it if I do. Nowhere does it say in the terms and conditions that you cannot use it as such. Also, their Account features state that you can use it as follows: • Receive electronic payments (CHAPS, BACS, faster payments, SWIFT, standing orders and internal transfers) • Pay in cash and cheques He also said that I cannot use the account to make an online transfer to my personal current account, even though I was informed by the customer service adviser who opened my personal current account that I could. To add insult to injury, I asked him to send me a letter or email saying why he is refusing to open the account, but he wouldn't do that, saying "we don't send out these letters." They have wasted my time. The business manager didn't say at first that a business current account was required. The excuse he gave me for not opening the account at first was that I was not a member of a professional body. Now he says you can't use the business instant access account as a current account, even though their website says that you don't need a business current account to open an instant access account. I made a formal complaint by telephone to the business centre. I explained what happened, but they defended him. They said he had the discretion to refuse to open an instant access account if it was to be used as a business current account. I challenged them to tell me the exact clause in their terms and conditions, but they couldn't find it. This is ridiculous. Why does he have full discretion? What if someone made a complaint against him? Now I am left with a credit check, which was made for a personal current account that was missold, and no business instant access account. Please do not trust anything this bank says about this account. They will try and sell you a business current account to make money out of you from charges, and they will refuse opening the instant access account by saying you cannot use it as a current account, even though there are no restrictions as such in their terms and conditions.
  4. Saw this link on Facebook today so decided ti have a look. This is a group called Post Modern Jukebox who take songs and add a new twist. Never heard of them before but in my opinion should be heard a lot more. Brilliant
  5. Hi all, Can anyone help out? Do you have any information on the following company. https://www.instantdecisionloans.co.uk/ or has anyone heard of them or had any dealings with them? A colleague of mine has unfortunately been duped by them out of circa £500. A police report is in the process of being filled out for fraud. He is currently cancelling his card and changing his account details so that they can no longer take money from him. any info on these would be great if anyone has had dealings with them. Thanks
  6. Hi there, Today I was instantly dismissed following an investigation into alleged gross misconduct. The misconduct in question was uploading several photos to facebook (stupid I know!) but other employees in the same store have done the same offense and not had any disciplinary actions. Previous to this I have not had anyone talk to me about the social media policy nor about the inappropriate nature of the photos. I am going to appeal but I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to word my letter or even what to include? I'm totally at a loss! Thanks for any help! Scarlett.
  7. Morning all, I've had a letter from Link regarding an MBNA debt (who I am in the process of taking to court as over half of the amount owing is unlawful charges and interest gained because of them) saying that unless I contact them in 7 days they will instruct Instant Silver (whom I'm sure have about as much power as instant coffee) to take over management of the account. I've had a little look around the site and it seems that I.S are link in a different frock, but everything I've found has been over a year old - does anybody know if this is this still the case? I am not sure what I should do? I am thinking to ignore and see what I.S write with or should I write to Link informing them that I am taking MBNA to court? Any advice appreciated. Up2
  8. Hi Guys, Recently I kinda burnt some food on the stove! OK... ok, I forgot it was there until the smoke alarm went off. Anyway, the kitchen STANK for ages after that. UNTIL. A few days ago a friend said, get some lemons, chop them up finely, get a MASSIVE pot, fill it with water, plonk the lemon in and give the kitchen a steam bath. So I did, and guess what.. The smell INSTANTLY disappeared! Just a word of warning, I was sure to remove things like metal ornaments and books etc... incase the acid in the lemon vapour corroded it. Also remove books as acid can face the covers and pages Hope this helps! Cheers, A
  9. Bought an ipod touch a couple of years ago and was told at the time about the whatever happens warranty. I went back 2 days after i bought the ipod and bought the warranty. So yesterday i drop my ipod and smash the screen, today i took it in with the warranty details and reciept of the warraty but they say they wont replace it without the reciept for the ipod, the warranty isnt enough. Ive havent got the reciept so i asked them to look on the system for the purchase details, when they look they can find all of my other purchases from currys including the warranty but they cant find the purchase details of the ipod. So after 2 hours in the store and on the phone today i am still no further. They keep saying i could have got the ipod from anywhere. Cant remember whether i paid on card or not but im getting my statements from around that time tomorrow. What can i do? Its their fault theyve lost the purchase information. Also he offered me a refund on the warranty which i declined for now but he wouldnt give me the offer in writing. Thanks for any help, if you need any more information please ask.
  10. Let's hope the OFT actually act with these new powers; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18909654 Rob
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