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Found 1 result

  1. I purchased a £200 Garmin Sat Nav from Argos in August 2015. By April 2016 I was having problems with `Live Traffic` and updating maps via PC. From that time until now I have dealt with Garmin direct due to the problems being of a technical nature. These problems have been pretty regular between then and now, resulting in sending units back at my expense and periods of up to two weeks at a time without a sat nav. I work as a professional driver and rely on a good Sat Nav to provide a good service. After still having problems with another replacement unit sent out in March I stated that I no longer wished to continue with the constant problems and requested a refund. Garmin are telling me my contract is with Argos and Argos are saying its out of its 12 month Warranty period so cannot do anything. Under the circumstances stated, do I have any chance of a refund and if so who should I pursue? Any advice would be appreciated.
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