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  1. Well.... I tweet to Three about #GoldNumber... I get followed by Lovetts Solicitors... DAFUQ? [ATTACH=CONFIG]60148[/ATTACH]
  2. Another DFS unhappy customer ...... ... We are waiting for DFS to repair our Oskar 3seater for the 4th time in 2 yrs 3 months We purchased our "Oskar" sofas from DFS just over 2 years ago, delivered in November 2014 . ...within 1 month of our sofa being used it started clicking on the right side when it was sat on.... .. DFS Repair man came out confirmed it had a problem arranged to get it removed and fixed at their warehouse.. ...Came back days later all was fixed ... About 18+ months later we called DFS again about the centre cushion sagging..... ... Repair man came out and stuffed a blue piece of foam under the centre strap which looked rough but done the job.. ..... A week later when my hubby sat on the right side of the sofa (same side it was repaired! 'the back leg Literally flew off.... Leaving a mark on our solid oak flooring. ...we then noticed the first repair DFS had done "they repaired the first problem (clicking noise) by spraying loads of FEB-FOAM at the inside leg to stop the clicking noise then they screwed a couple of 3inch screws into the plywood corners the leg was connected too.. ...... We were not happy when we saw the first repair and took photos of how poorly it had been fixed/ repaired/ made.. ..after seeing what they had done we were in shock, we contacted DFS again They came and looked and again arranged collection a week or 2 later.. .. We were left for more then a week with our 3 legged unusable Oskar sofa in the middle of our front room waiting for them to come and collect it for the 2nd time.. ..at this point I felt this sofa was jinxed from the first month and just wanted them to take it away and replace it for another one that doesn't have any problems from the start 'But they would only repair it again .... . it was repaired my husband asked to view the repair before they tacked the bottom back up so we could see what they had done to fix the problem " they had replaced the back and the front legs where standard plywood was used and replaced the standard plywood with hard wood.... But they hadn't replaced the other 2 legs on the other good side of the sofa with hardwood they left it as Nader with the original standard plywood corners.. ... My husband said he wasn't happy that the good side wasn't also changed from plywood corners to hardwood. ..and asked to have them replaced also with the hardwood rather then the plywood they are made with.... ...we bought that sofa with the belief it was built on hard strong cherry wood and when we saw the plywood we didn't expect that with a £2300 sofa.. ..they said its ready for delivery again and that all 4 standard built plywood-corners are now replaced with hardwood and they had also re-plumped the centre sofa cushions again this time properly .... ...which was appreciated ....... . Our sofa was delivered back to us for the 3rd time.. ..and this month (april2016) on the same right side arm on our 3seater Chesterfield Oskar sofa has gone.......... I have read on another review on here that ..their sofa arms went and that their upholsterer" advised they are all faulty and the largest sofa should of been built with a foot in the middle as its too long to support itself. This really is past a joke.... We do not want this repaired for the 4th time in just over 2years I feel this s jinxed and us bringing us nothing but arguments in our home... .we want either a replacement or our money back. .... We spent £3500 on matching sofa, chair and pouffe it should not need repairing 4 times in two years surely!... ....please can someone advise us.. Please help me
  3. CAG are proud to announce that we have updated a substantial amount of twitter handles when creating a thread so that you will be able to fire your issue towards the company concerned. If you have any queries, please let the site team know. If you need any help on how to tweet the companies, please see the post below.
  4. Question asked by me via Twitter @ArgosHelpers: Reply from @Argos HelpersLuke: Merry Christmas to you too Luke.
  5. Hi Just a warning for all you employees Employers are using your facebook and twitter accounts as evidence in tribunals So beware
  6. How does this work? What protection is in place for posters? Are all sections of the forum included? Have you produced a guide for us mere users? Especially for those annoying you can not post due to tags messages????? As somebody who use to build VR systems in the 90's and minimizes all web exposure! Especially where by I can be recognized; my anonymity means I can post up transcripts of ATOS assessment etc I've been through to help others etc. Plus my mental health medical history that I often need help with can readily identify me with out too much difficulty.... Talk to me!
  7. Martin has two brothers. His older brother David, and his younger brother Andy. Andy has just opened a Twitter account Here - https://twitter.com/AndyNdrw
  8. This isnt really a Pay Day loan issue - however loan sharking is as big a problem. LoanSharkNews Follow the link to have your say in how loan sharks cash is spent in Birmingham! Voting closes Friday 30th November - so please even if you dont live in Birmingham - vote surveymonkey.com/s/loansharkmed…
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