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Found 3 results

  1. What was it that Winnie the Pooh said, you can't just sit in your own corner of the forest. You've got to get out there. Well i thought 'cos today is Feb 29th when traditionally ladies are allowed to propose. I've made myself a sign to hang around my neck, and i'm going to be walking around town all day. Well hopefully it's not going to take all day........ .... Take a chance on me, ready house trained. .....I'm available, i'll say yes. Do you have any Feb 29th stories ? Did you or someone you know propose or perhaps you were proposed to. Or perhaps you have a Feb 29th birthday in the family, how do you celebrate.
  2. Hi I am new to this so please bear with me. I have been trying to find out some information regarding Picture home loans (now Webb Resolutions) and the legality of the loan in the first place. I took out a loan with Picture back in February 2007 and fell into arrears within 6 months. Got back on track for a while but have been struggling for about 3 years now since my husband was made redundant. We have filled in at least 3 income and expenditure requests and have offered to make a nominal payment but they have ignored this and just want the arrears plus the normal monthly payments. I have been a bit slow on the uptake of weather the original credit agreement is legal or not as I did not want to be one of those people who takes out a loan and then tries to get out of it. We are in serious financial hardship at the moment and now have an 8 month old child. We successfully reclaimed our PPI on this loan about 3 years ago which is what we used to pay off the previous arrears. Please could someone give me some advice. Many Thanks
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