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Found 16 results

  1. Hi Asking for a friend Can someone please confirm that a straightforward passport renewal doesn't need a counter signature. There's no change of name or much change to appearance so from what I can see just need to fill forms out and supply new pictures? They've got an appointment at the passport office on Wednesday so just want to make sure everything is correct before travelling up there. Thanks
  2. Hi, I am taking a log book loan company to court to reclaim my payments back to them plus the sale value of my car they illegally repossessed. My claim is for £11,500. We are at AQ stage of the court process and I have today received an offer of £2000, though they state they are confident that they will win at court and that this offer is to prove to the courts that they have tried to settle prior to court. I would like to settle before court, but I want to make a counter-offer. I was thinking for £5,750, which is half of my claim. Does anyone have a suitably worded counter offer template that sounds professional and makes me look like I know what I am talking about? Thanks
  3. I ordered an under counter black freezer from Curry's , online, a week ago. It arrived the next day. I requested the delivery crew to remove the packaging, and just as well that I did as the top was damaged, scratched and scuffed, very apparent, even the delivery crew were shocked. There are also scratches down the side and several gouges on the front. The delivery crew wrote all this on the delivery sheet and said they would immediately report back. Stupidly I made the mistake of not asking them to take it back with them. T & C state all damaged goods must be reported and returned within 48 hours...try doing this. When I reported it using their correct method I said I would accept a replacement. Their T & C said they will respond within 24 hours. I cannot get a response. I have now contacted them four times, one to the CEO..still silence. This freezer is a 'top up' to my main freezer and is taking up the only available space in my kitchen. I want to order another freezer from another supplier but until this is moved, I have no where to put a new one. The only place I can put this is either on the drive, in the open, but behind locked gates, or in a very full garage, where it will no doubt get dirty and probably more damaged as my son uses this to store his tools (he does not live with me) I know I should take 'reasonable care' until they pick it up. But if they don't respond, where do my duties end in this respect?:?::?: I am now going to go back to credit card company to get payment reversed in the meanwhile/
  4. Hi I have applied for a CTC for a job transfer. I am currently in a DMP which I have been in for over a year and a half and have not missed any payments. I have a number of defaults as a result of getting into financial difficulty a couple of years ago, however I have declared on my CTC that I have been in financial difficult but have now been on this DMP.. .. will this affect my CTC? I have no CCJs etc, just defaults (more than 3). But I have been honest with them and showed that I have taken steps and in a better position as a result!
  5. My tale is a familiar one for many BT customers so I will not go into too much detail other than to say that my home experienced a significant telephone line fault in Dec’13. It took several weeks (and so/too many phone calls; repeating the issue time and time again) for BT to acknowledge that I had waited too long and that an attempted repair, the following month (some 3-4 weeks later), would be a good idea. After a very frustrating telephone trail, I eventually was contacted by an escalations team who appeared helpful at first; arranging for engineer’s to visit. They decided to condem a telegraph pole in my garden; suggesting it would require a heavy engineering job to replace/fix. At this point, I had had enough of this multi-national treating a customer with no regard whatsoever. I decided to switch my telephone/bb provider, told them that I had done so and simply cancelled my direct debit. When I called the same (initially helpful) escalations team, shortly afterwards, to ask when the defective, dead pole would be removed from my garden, they simply said that they couldn’t help me since they had noticed that I was no longer a customer. This attitude reinforced that I had made the right decision to leave. For a few months afterwards, I did receive the occasional e-mail suggesting I had an overdue balance to be paid. From memory, the suggestion was that it was a cancellation fee. Considering my experience with them and their total disregard for me, I ignored these e-mails. I recall feeling that I was prepared to have some reasonable dialogue with them yet these systemic e-mails always had a default statement suggesting there was no point in replying to the BT e-mail address, from which the reminder was sent, since it was not monitored. Instead, customers were to take their chances and enter the BT telephone maze. You can imagine why I had decided that I wouldn’t be giving that particular telephone lottery a go again. For a period of several months (6 or more), no more BT messages were received until recently. In the last 2 months, I started to receive periodic demands again. Like before, I’ve simply ignored them, for the same reason and felt that their computing system was simply randomly sending messages out in a sweep of closed customer accounts. Very recently, one e-mail suggested the debt will be sent to a debt collection agency. Today the debt collector agency called our home and said this had to be sorted before it gets any worse; suggesting that I owe BT £275 because, unbeknown to me, they have continued to charge me for BT sports and anti-virus PC protection. With my new TV/BB/telephone provider, I receive both of these services as part of my bundle so I haven’t taken advantage of these BT services, let alone been aware that they are allegedly still providing them. What should/can I do? Do I have any legal rights? I’m ready to follow any advice to have the debt collectors back off - assuming this is within my rights for them to do so.. ....or will I need to give-in to BT's demands?
  6. Hello. I am in need of a bit of advice so figured this was probably the best place to try besides CAG (and their office is closed today apparently so they are no good for me really) I recently transfered some cash from my savings account to my current account to book a holiday. Paid for it. I'm not sure if I am going to be able to go now. I left over £1000 in my account for spending money. When trying to withdraw our spending money at the bank this morning, I was told insufficient funds. Obviously I went into the bank and was told a counter withdrawal was made yesterday for £1000. I ask how on earth this can happen, as surely a cash withdrawal would require ID. Apparently not, they just ask security questions. I asked what kind of security questions and the manager seems a bit reluctant to tell me, but it turns out simple things like address would suffice. I am getting slightly wound up at this point and ask if they used anything else to verify this withdrawal. He tells me that they dont have chip and pin machines in branch as a signature suffices.. . however my card never left my possession all day so how they could even have had a card to verify the signature is a mystery he offers to check the cctv footage but claims this could take up to a fortnight. Probably the wrong thing to do, but at this point I walked out as to be honest, I felt like I was going to completely snap. There are more security measures in place to use a cash machine than take out larger transactions over the counter! Unbelievable. I have never tried to draw out cash at the counter before anywhere, but is this the same with all banks? If so I completely understand why my grandfather used to keep bundles of cash around the house. I used to laugh at him when he said he didn't trust banks to keep his money safe and would rather take the risk of keeping it himself I got home and contacted the fraud team, who reckon theres nothing they can do as it was an in branch transaction. They can open an investigation but it can take weeks to get a reply/refund. Now, I may have to go down this route, but is there anything I could do to try and get an immediate refund? I don't feel its fair for the bank to penalize ME for their lack of security. I am currently asking around to see what cash I can lend from friends to see if I can still go on holiday. I have transferred my wages to my partners bank account until the fraud team sort this out as clearly I cannot trust my money to be in nationwide right now. .unfortunately I don't get paid til the end of the month though I am absolutely foaming at all of this. Especially the day before I am meant to be going away. I don't feel I have actually done anything wrong, yet I have no access to my own money :S
  7. Hi, I received a Parking Ticket from Parking Eye back in October 2014 and I have just now received a claim form from County Court Business Centre. The original parking ticket pictured me entering the car park at night at around 9pm and then leaving again at around 7am the next day. This was actually 2 visits to Asda and not one long stay. I decided to ignore the ticket firstly because I don't see why I should take the time to respond when I have not out stayed my welcome and secondly I wanted to see if the advise online to ignore the ticket was correct. I will acknowledge the claim form today letting them know I wish to defend myself based on the fact parking eyes claim is false. I would like to know if its worth entering a counter claim for time and expenses when defending myself?
  8. Hi all, I recently made a claim through MCOL against our estate agent who never secured our deposit and kept it. Well hes responded to the claim with a counter claim asking for £180 for legal costs and that they have nothing to do with securing the deposit and it was up to the landlord. I paid the estate agent the deposit and have proof of this. Surely its the estate agent who should be liable for securing my deposit? And can the estate agent even request £180 for legal costs? The amount I've requested from the estate agent through MCOL is my full deposit. Looking forward to some help. Thanks!
  9. I have a dignity at work against me which is being investigated however the complaint is malicious and without merit and I have made a counter allegation about the malicious intent. The investigating officer is refusing to take any action or investigate until I have been investigated and attended a hearing, is this correct?
  10. Hi all! I'm new to the forums and quite urgently need some advice as to what I should do next! This is a bit of an essay but... it's worth a read and I will really appreciate any help you could offer! Basically, an old landlord of mine has 5 years after my tenancy ended put in a false claim through money claim online, saying that I didn't pay about 6 months rent...out of a 9 month tenancy and is trying to screw me in excess of 4500 quid. I missed the claim form, which they sent to my old address, and the first I heard about it was from their solicitors 28 days after judgement had been made against me by default. The fact of the matter is this: my rental account with them is actually in credit of about 3 quid! I paid on time every time by standing order with my bank up until the last month where I ran into financial difficulties and didn't pay it. However, they sent me a false statement of balance by e-mail requesting I actually hadn't paid about 6 months rent, which is just ridiculous! If I calculate their statement of balance with the correct figures, one months rent, plus 50 quid late payment fee, 10 for a reminder email, and 72 quid which they took out of my deposit for paying for cleaners and rubbish removal, the account is even. In fact they actually owe me 3 quid of my deposit still. At the time of the tenancy ending they sent me loads and loads of e-mails asking me for this money and although I did say I had been to the bank and checked their statement of balance they said they would not deal with my usual bank statements they wanted just the transactions between my account and theirs on headed paper from my bank... which when I asked the bank was told cannot be produced. However I made it clear to them that this statement of balance was incorrect and that they should check their account and amend it. Communication then went cold with them and I didn't hear from until this letter from their solicitor about 5 years later. This is what I have done so far: I have rang the court to confirm that judgement has been passed by default and it has. I have been to the bank and requested them to send me the relevant bank statements. I have contacted them by e-mail and sent them scanned in bank statements with the standing order underlined every month. They have not responded. I have then sent them a letter 3 days later, giving them 10 days to check their accounts and amend the statement of balance to reflect the true figures otherwise I will be submitting my evidence to the court and applying to have the judgement set aside and possibly make a counter claim against them. I tried to include some liability stating that if it is found by a court that their claim is false, I reserve the right to seek from them damages to the sum of 4500 quid (matching their claim) and requested that if they do discover they have made a mistake in putting together the statement of balance they should withdraw their claim against me and notify their intention of this within 10 days. This letter will arrive on Monday and I think 10 days is a reasonably time-frame given the situation and considering the clock is ticking... default judgement was made about 40 days ago now... and soon they could go to enforcement it if they wish. I have also done a subject access request on them (they are a limited company), giving them 40 days to give me all data they hold on me in an attempt to find out a bit more about what is going, what documents they still have from me with regard to this rental account and try and find some evidence that suggests that they are aware of these transactions going into their account and are still making a false claim anyway. I am not sure about the next step to take. I am thinking of telephoning them again on Monday or just waiting to see if they reply in the 10 days I have given them. Ideally I don't want to have to deal with this in court, but if they are not willing to withdraw or just ignore me, then I will have to. My question is, what options do I have with this case... Should I fill in the N244 applying to have the judgement set aside, using the fact I never received the claim form and explaining that I have evidence that suggests their statement of balance is incorrect? Furthermore, do you think I have grounds for a counter claim here? I have e-mail communication from 2009 where I said this statement of balance is incorrect etc. but they have gone ahead anyway, saying it is my responsibility to prove it. Or should I just apply to have the judgement set aside and apply to be awarded costs?? The big question is, do you think they have a duty to properly check their accounts and credit transactions from their tenants before pursuing you? and if so, is there any legislation stating this that I can rely upon when submitting my defence and counter-claim? Thanks and kind regards guys! Dec
  11. Hi all, Just got county court claim over my TMobile contract that was cancelled in 2009. I have had a contract with TMobile since 1995 - in 2009 I lost my job and couldn't keep up with my payments. They disconnected my phone and when I contacted them to arrange a payment plan they said that it wasn't acceeptable. I advise them that I had lost my job and had little or no income and then I didn't hear from them for a long time. At the time I owed them about £250. Then the next I heard was them was from Sigma asking for £500. I want to put in a counter claim saying that I had tried to come to an amicable arrangement but they went ahead and discontinued my service. Or should I just accept the judgement? Can anyone advise please
  12. I wrote a while ago on here how I took my landlord to court for non return of my deposit. The judge awarded in my favour and issued an order for the Landlord to pay my £375 deposit plus 1x deposit. Since then the Landlord has made a counterclaim and has fabricated evidence saying that I caused £1100 worth damage to a radiator and a matress. During the first hearing of the counter claim the Landlord failed to present any evidence so the Judge set another date for the hearing. As I did not recieve any evidence prior to the hearing I did not attend the court hearing. During the hearing when I was not present, the Judge awarded in favour of the Landlord. The Judge served an order for me to pay the Landord £1100 despite the fact the order has already been served for the Landlord to pay me £375 + £375. Of this amount £375 still remains outstanding. Was correct not to attend the hearing as no evidence had been sent to me therefore I had no case to defend? Has the Judge made a mistake in issuing the order without me having the opportunity to defend myself? The hearing was 2 months ago and today I have recieved an attachment of earnings form from my landlord as they seek to recover the money owed to them via my employer. Where should I go from here?
  13. Hi all, Not sure exactly which forum to post this too I wish to take my lender to small claims court for 5k (I believe the maximum claim I can make). A solicitor has mentioned that they may counter sue me for considerably more. Can they do this? i.e. surely if they counter sued in the court the limit would also be 5k ; or do they get the "option" at that stage to proceed legally in a different direction i.e open court hence the potential for an increased counter sue. I assumed I would be "safe" in small claims court from further action within that court. thanks in advance
  14. hi,im taking 5 companies to court on defaults and companies passing on my details to third parties and accounts in default,any help please
  15. Dear fellow Caggers I'm in the process of requesting CCAs for some credit cards and storecards. However, I've got one Storecard with the above company (originally GE Capital now Santander) for which I took out Account Cover when I opened the credit card account back in 2000. What I'm trying to establish is whether or not I may have a claim for being mis-sold PPI which I belive this Account Cover to be. As I understand it one condition that must be satisfied is that I should have been made aware of how the account cover would impact on the interest rate. Can anyone refer me to a good thread about this please? Many thanks
  16. I brought a car from honda in may 2004, it was a a ex show room car, and I was offered £1000 off the price of the car . How ever Honda finance increased their interest rate from 11.9% to 12.9% to get the cash back from the £1000 discount from the car. Also the copy of the consumer credit agreement I was given is unsigned by honda finance , so would i be correct in that its a unenforcable CCA cheekyone
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