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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I made a complaint to GoSkippy yesterday as they cancelled mine and my partners joint insurance because we got the date wrong for when his provisional licence started; they gave 7 days notice of cancellation. The mistake was unintentional but GoSkippy refused to let me amend the policy and pay extra instead opting to cancel the policy leaving me having to answer that dreaded question every time I apply for insurance from now on; they of course managed to charge me silly money for the cancellation as they said the mistake was ours and also told me I could reapply for a policy after ours was cancelled!!! I have a cart-load of no claims on another policy but this cancellation will still affect me badly so I want redress as this was an innocent mistake. As an aside, my partner today had a call on my mobile from Eldon asking him about an accident he has never had; he is a learner and has never had an accident and he has never given my number as a contact so what gives? I'm really not happy as what they have done is going to affect me financially for all time. Apart from going to the ombudsman which is next on the list, any advice anyone? I've read online they are terrible at dealing with complaints. Thanx
  2. Good morning, I launched a small claims case against a company sometime ago which has been approved by the courts. I had a writ issued against the company that i had the agreement with, however it now transpires that this company wasn't a really one. The really company traded as the one that i had the agreement with. When i checked all the companies house details the number on all the letter heads related to a different company to which i had the writ issued. My questions is how to do apply to get the name on my original writ changed? This whole issue has been going on for nearly 18months and the company concerned appear to be using every tactic that they can find to delay the outcome. Many thanks for any responses that you might post. Kev
  3. I brought a car from honda in may 2004, it was a a ex show room car, and I was offered £1000 off the price of the car . How ever Honda finance increased their interest rate from 11.9% to 12.9% to get the cash back from the £1000 discount from the car. Also the copy of the consumer credit agreement I was given is unsigned by honda finance , so would i be correct in that its a unenforcable CCA cheekyone
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