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Found 7 results

  1. Good morning, I have outstanding balance with EON for £624 and have done since 2016. I have always disputed this balance as it appeared far too high for 2 months bills where I was not living in the property due to renovations work. The last payment on the account was in September 2015. To cut a long story short, I was due to set up a payment plan with simply past due credit who put the account on hold after I questioned EON sharing 6 late payments on my account in 2016. EON refused to refuse the payment markers and I wrote to the past due credit in February 2018 again asking to set up a payment plan but received nothing back. Last week, out of the blue, I received a letter from EON requesting a the full balance by 31st January or a default would be put on my account or if I did pay monthly by arrangement, "we will share the information about the arrangement with the CRA". My credit files are squeaky clean and near maximum with both agencies apart from the one with Equifax which bizarrely after 2017 showed payments on my account to EON then last month it showed a late/missing payment in December 2018 despite no arrangement being in place. I want to pay the full balance but am worried about how negatively it will impact my credit history as I've heard that "settled" can be viewed very negatively - some also say that a payment arrangement can be almost as negative as a default! Could anybody kindly give me some advice please?
  2. http://www.itv.com/news/wales/2016-03-03/driver-hit-with-100-fine-after-putting-a-letter-o-instead-of-number-0-in-parking-machine/ Perfectly sums up what the PPC ' industry ' is about. And it is not managing car parking spaces...
  3. Hi, I have posted here before and have had the best help from everyone here and am now wondering if I could get just a little more. Motormile Finance have added 2 defaults to my credit file, both for payday loans, I have only just realised as I haven't been checking my credit file on a regular basis recently. 1 of the accounts was supposedly Default in 04/2012 but has only been on my report for 4 months and the other was supposedly Default in 10/2009 but has only been on my report for 3 months? The plan was to issue a CCA request, do I need to issue a CCA request for each one? Also, does anyone have anything else they can shed any light on about these people and how I should go about handling them?
  4. Hello, I'm a new user and would be grateful of any pointers with this. I have recently been receiving cards through my door from a company Called aps? I'm not expecting any deliveries and they won't leave the 'parcel' With anybody else. Is this some sort of bailiff? Has anybody had similar experiences? Thanks
  5. I could do with reducing our outgoings and I think I might be able to cancel my Sky subscription as ther've sent me an email saying they're putting their prices up on their line rental and phone service. We have TV which thankfully we can definitely cancel as its just out of contract.. .but, does the fact theyre putting prices up mean I can cancel the line and phone? (Its contracted til Aug next year as well as the internet apparently) If I can cancel the phone and line does that mean I can therefore cancel the internet due to it being linked in with the online and line "deal" originally?? Thanks all...hope that makes sense.
  6. okay then,someone please tell,how do i put the time back an hour on this site ,i`v been running an hour fast on it since sunday
  7. Was disappointed to be told (by txt) that Vodafone are putting prices up mid contract on both our phones - seems that they can though (not that I've ever seen a contract from them). This was after the earlier disappointments of deleting the itemisation on my bills (unless I paid more, then stopping sending me bills altogether (unless I paid more). They have also ducked and worn us down on trying to get the iPhone 3GS' (known) intermittent reception issue fixed. Last straw however is losing the Passport service (25Mb daily free data abroad) which I used regularly and was the deal clincher in agreeing to a 2yr contract. So its clear to me they have breached their part of the contract and I sent a 'substantial disadvantage' letter to them. They sent me a txt with both PAC codes and wanting £400 to terminate. I responded by webform refuting the charge and got an awfully amateurish response from India (stating that 'the price increase is not in our hands' but is 'to be decided by telecom companies'. I responded to this quoting my reasons again for 'substantial disadvantage' and hope for a more professional response (and not a txt m8!) and asking them for their reasons if they do not agree with me about a breach of contract/disadvantage. I believe I can take it to the Ombudsman within another month if they don't agree they acted unfairly etc and don't see why they should get the full profit of the contract by adding an early termination fee. I think I need to state the term 'deadlock'? I'd just be happy to have the contract back to the terms I agreed to in the first place - what is wrong with them!? If anyone has any help, tips or advice then I'd love to hear it. Thanks
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