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Found 10 results

  1. Hi everyone I'm hoping for some advice to resolve an ongoing issue with Vodafone. My next planned action is to write to Ofcom but I would appreciate any guidance as to the best approach. In short, I'm a former Vodafone customer, I recently discovered that they have trashed my credit rating without communicating with me. My attempts to resolve this have so far proved futile, despite contacting the Ombudsman. The background (and I'll try to keep this as brief as I can) is as follows. I had been a satisfied Vodafone personal customer under the same mobile number for approximately 20 years up until 2014. In June 2014 I made one VERY SIMPLE REQUEST - to be billed a business customer rather than a personal customer - to help with my company accounting. I was assured this would be an instant and seamless process. Immediately after this date countless things descended into chaos for months after, including: My number getting "lost" between different Vodafone platforms more than once (resulting in no service on multiple days) Call bars being placed on my account despite staff assurances that all account settings would be left the same (resulting in no service while abroad on work) Services being removed from my account without authorisation or communication (resulting in beneficial call packages being removed from my account even though the packages were available) Services being added to my account and charged to me without me requesting them or approving them Account details being mishandled multiple times, resulting in a range of inconveniences, from not having permission rights to speak to customer services about my own account(!), to receiving correspondence in a variety of erroneous name / company name / address formats… I even got the distinct impression I didn't actually exist either partially or completely in the Vodafone systems when I called to correct on multiple occasions Billing - perhaps most seriously, there were months when I received no bills and the online billing section showed no statements, yet money was being drawn from my account by Direct Debit each month Aside from the massive inconvenience of wasting hours of my life and work time over many months on the above and being given the run around and being let down by countless members of Vodafone staff (I have logged dates and names of many calls), the final straw came when I discovered I was being charged for unauthorised services when I was finally emailed three of the missing bills I'd been chasing for months. I'd given Vodafone numerous ultimatums to resolve outstanding issues and was given broken promises of resolutions each time. in January 2016 I ported my number out to another network and left Vodafone. Vodafone wrote to me in March giving me a Notice Of Default letter (I had stopped the Direct Debit they had been helping themselves to without billing me), claiming an outstanding balance of nearly £300 including charges for "cancellation prior to contract date". I replied with a detailed letter on all the above issues advising I was forced to leave due to the catalogue of disasters and erroneous billing, and that the unacceptable level of service and repeated failures to resolve amounted to breach of contract and that no cancellation charges were due. I requested a copy of all missing bills to I could calculate the erroneous charges taken from my account. My letter was acknowledged by Vodafone and a Case Reference given. That was the last I heard from Vodafone. I (rather naively) assumed they'd taken a look at the lengthy and detailed crime sheet against them and walked away from any attempt to claim early cancellation charges. And to be honest I was more than happy to get on with my life rather having wasted countless hours chasing them over recent months. The credit rating issue first came to my attention when applying to open new bank accounts for my business in August 2017. Needless to say I was furious to find out Vodafone had done this without any communication or justification. I was advised by the Ombudsman to send a final complaint email through the Vodafone website in an attempt to resolve which I duly did. Once again, no reply from Vodafone. My take on this is that Vodafone are acting in a completely unaccountable manner and have been vindictive in their placement of a bad credit mark against myself. Surely it's a basic legal requirement of a telecoms company to give statements to customers when taking Direct Debit amounts and to actually reply to customer complaints? I would love to throw the largest proverbial book in the direction of Vodafone for their conduct in the hope they clean up their act for other customers, and of course to clear my credit report ASAP. Any advice on the above would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
  2. I have received a debt collection enforcement notice from Northampton County Court from Marston's for a penalty notice for crossing Dartford on 23 March. I did cross at Dartford on 23 March but have received no prior notice and have no idea what the penalty is for... any advice?
  3. I gave a "friend" a note with my contact details which included address. He posted this online with comment along the lines I wantes sex with him. Not very nice, I'm sure you'll agree. But is it illegal?
  4. Hi the follwing is starting to stress me out and cause me huge and uneccesary worry. If someone could help out that would be great. I entered into a repayment plan with wonga 2 months ago now. Method that I pay by bank transfer. I have made good on every payment. HOWEVER, every month I get threatening emails from them saying that I haven't paid them and that from tonight they will attempt to take out £800 out of my account and add back interest. Now when I phone them they are telling me that this is an automated response which has been issued because their systems are only set up to acknwoledge or not, repayments taken from plans where wonga takes the money and not vis versa. So because Wonga has not got the money from this method, computer says no, sends me a threatening email or two, then this ceases after two days which is how long they say it takes for the other method to get recognised on their system. The options the manager gave me was to ignore it or I can stop all communications with them. But this would mean I wouldn't get notified if they didn't recieve a payment or anything else. I said that they have certain collection rules to abide by, i.e. not to threaten people, especially thiose who are in financial hardship, in a repayment plan and paying it back. And ignoring it, well I could do but I can never be 100% sure every month that payment has been recieved and that they won't try and take money out of my account (I have stopped CPAs already but they can probably find another way!) What can I do about this?
  5. I had an accident on the 31st July... I was driving down a main road when a car didn't stop at a stop sign, and pulled straight out in front of me. We exchanged details and everything, he said it was a company car and he didn't know the insurance company but he gave me the name of the company. When I got home I rang Hastings and gave them all the details. The next day Albany phoned, a courtesy car was arranged and my car was booked in for collection. That afternoon the driver of the other car rang me to say that he wasn't on their fleet policy so was uninsured. I then rang Hastings and told them what he had told me; they said I would be covered under the uninsured drivers promise - it wouldn't effect my no claims, if they proved he was uninsured then my excess would be waived, else my excess would be claimed back either from the otherside or under the promise. In any case Hastings canceled Albany and issued new instructions to Nationwide. Nationwide then collected my car, gave me a courtesy car, and kept me informed every step of the way. They told me on the 7th August they had issued a quote for repairs to Hastings, and were waiting for instructions. On the 9th Nationwide phoned me to arrange collection of the courtesy car as my vehicle had been declared a total loss. During this phone call they said they had waited to phone, so Hastings had the time to call me and inform me of the total loss. On the 12th August I had still not been contacted by Hastings, so I decided to contact them. The person on the phone didn't know about the total loss, and had to put me on hold to phone nationwide. Once she came back to me she told me that Hastings hadn't been informed of the total loss until now. - How can this be? Surely it is Hastings who decide whether to repair my car or not? During the past two weeks I have phoned Hastings a number of times to try establish what is going on, and each time I get told something different. However I have asked whether the other driver is insured numerous times and each time; I get told the car is insured but the drivers not. Each time I get told that means my claim will be dealt with under the uninsured drivers promise. When I then discuss what this means - I get told my no claims wont be affected. When I ask about my excess they tell me I still have to pay it, as the insurance schedule only says I keep my no claims. This is despite the fact the website says I don't pay my excess (I have evidence to prove this, in case they change it) and the first guy telling me my excess would be waived if it was proved he was uninsured. Yesterday I had a phone call to tell me what happens next. Suddenly Hastings are claiming that since the other car was insured, he technically wasn't an uninsured driver and they will be claiming against the fleet insurance, I will have to pay my excess but will be able to claim it from the other party if they admit liability. - Now to me this just seems like Hastings is trying to pull a fast one, so I have to shoulder the costs and I loose my no claims. No way is the fleet insurer going to admit liability for a driver not on their policy! If it was the other way round Hastings wouldn't admit liability would they! Finally I got a letter today saying I need to send my V5C (along with other documents) to the address below, however there was no address below! I find the need to send my V5c strange, seen as I will need to use this to 'sell' the car to Hastings once we have agreed a price.
  6. So before initiating my ET claim (and I know this will go against the grain with some people) I did speak to the employer saying that as much as I would rather not start a claim, if they wish to negotiate my losses from employment ending we can do so before going down a legal route. They felt they had done everything right so didn't need to negotiate hence were prepared to take on a case. Having started the claim their bundle list I received seems to include communication regarding this without prejudice talk. I also appreciate that even if I didn't explicitly mention my communication was without prejudice the rule can still automatically apply. Question is, how do I get them to remove this item from the bundle i.e. what's the best approach? Many thanks
  7. I ordered a HP Envy refurbished laptop which was delivered on Monday 7thOctober, the product was faulty and I phoned knowhow customer services to advise. They agreed to pick up the laptop the next day which you duly did. The customerservice also agreed to send a replacement, he checked the stock (saying thatthere was quite a few in stock) and ordered the replacement to be delivered, the date he gave for delivery was Thursday 10th October. On Thursday 10th October I had not received any confirmation ofthe order delivery and I again phoned customer services asking where thedelivery was, this time the lady advised that they had received my faultyproduct and that the delivery was definitely going to be tomorrow (Friday 11th)or Monday 14th at the latest. Once again i received no notificationof delivery and again phoned your customer services department asking when thelaptop would be delivered. I was on the phone for half an hour speaking to a MrMihsaan Akhtar who in fact was a great help and took his time to look throughthe query properly, he advised that my delivery was not in transit and had noteven been sent out and was still awaiting dispatch, he advised that he couldnot give me a time or date when the laptop would be delivered but said I shouldreceive an email in the next few days. I have still not recieved any email. The service I have received has been extremely poor,twice knowhow customer services team had said it would be delivered and both timesit was not. I still do not have a delivery date but have paid out over £500 forsomething I still have not received and for something that was faulty in thefirst place. I have now also emailed knowhow customer services three times regarding this matter, as yet I have not had areply. Terrible service and i dont know where to go next? Regards Russell Harmsworth
  8. Hi. I have contents insurance which I bought through RAC, in January unfortunately I had to make a claim, I was passed on to Key Connect to deal with my damage to the sofa. This Key Connect company is part of Gallagher Heath. I am having to chase the company daily to ask on updates with the claim. They ring my landline which I have asked them not to do as it's only used for Internet, I tell them this every time. They have also been giving cleaning companies my wrong mobile number also. I was told that the sofa was beyond repair and asked for the original price I paid, which I did. After there we have 5 days to process this information, I once again had to chase them for information. I was told that a cheque for the original value would be sent out that week. One week on and no cheque. I rang and spoke to them again to be told I now needed to provide a estimate for a new sofa. If I had not rang them when would they have contacted me to let me know I needed to do this. This whole process is very frustrating. I am being told different things from different people in the company. Once again I had to correct my mobile number with them. The man in the centre said "oh yes it's in the notes your number needs to be change" but it still had not been. Am I within my rights to complain regarding the lack of and conflicting communication ? Also when I went to the original sofa shop for the estimate the sofa closest match to mine is over double the price ! Can anyone advise me with this as I am now worried they will think I am being awkward by complaining and what will happen that the sofa is more than what I originally paid ? Thanx in advance
  9. Does anyone else just get the whole 'On reviewing your email it seems clear the best way to get this matter resolved is over the phone.' even though you've made it clear you will not be phoning them and only communicating via email/letter? Trying to get them to tell me why they have increased by balance and not reduced by the amount I have already paid. I will just continue to pay what I agreed each month till the balance I agree with is paid! I have a default but they haven't sent it anywhere.
  10. Hi, despite personal financial problems I am looking to employ a legal professional for my ET hearing. There are still a number of issues that the respondent has not resolved (missing documents etc) which still need chasing up. Once I have a solicitor can I still continue to chase up the respondent about these pre-hearing issues (at relatively little expense to me) or can the respondent insist on only dealing with my appointed legal representative (at considerable expense to me)?
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