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Found 3 results

  1. Last year I renewed car insurance and paid SAGA using my CC. At no time did I give them permission to automatically renew each year. I will not have any such authority on any of my cards as that can lead to issues if insufficient funds. This year we got the standard renewal letter stating that they will automatically renew using a continous auhority which I never gave them. Can they do this if you pay by card without your permission? I told them that I will pay but not by the continous method which I feel is very underhand especially when you cannot remember which card you used to pay the previous year. I made them remove it while I was on the phone to them so that part has been resolved. Very annoyed even though it has been resolved but let it be a warning to other people.
  2. Not sure I have posted this in the right place but I have a question I hope someone can answer!! An old debt originally for around £750. Sold to a small company who have added interest and escallated it to around £2750 with bogus call out charges, find charges. Court said pay, I've said cant as do not have the money. This time last year court appearance infront of judge who told the creditor to set the bailiffs on me. Heard nothing more. late last year had to go for questioning about my finances for this debt. Showed letter that confirmed behind in mortage, electric bills and she (court lady) suggested offering £5 a month which I did on the form. Heard nothing. Now letter to go back to court infront of judge. I'm not really sure quite what the creditor is trying to prove. I am thinking to SAR the court? Just to find out exactly what has been recorded/ This guy has been chasing me for years and it really feels like harressment. I feel that there is nothing I can do!!!! Any suggestions please. Many thanks
  3. Hi im not sure if i have posted this in the right place, but need some advice about the continous payments, I had quite alot of paymnets taken from my card costing roughly £600, I tried to cancel this so many times and changed my bank card but they still managed to get my details and take payments again, i closed the account and opened a new bank account, i just wanted to know if it was [possible to still claim the money back as i no longer have the account .I would have stayed with barclays but as they wouldnt stop the payments going out it was my only option to change banks
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