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Found 5 results

  1. Hi All, I am in a bit of a pickle at the moment, I felt I was finally able to afford my council flat that I have lived in for over 15 years, I put in my first RTB application March 2015, and a valuation was done for the property, after the valuation came out, I found that I was not able to afford it even after the London discounts so I didn’t take up the offer, fast track November 2016, the same year I made another application and this time around the price of the flat had reduced by £100k as per the new valuation done in November 2016, so I took up the offer, applied for a mortgage and got it approved etc, to my horror council wrote to me last week saying that they have now revised the offer from the council where they have changed all the figures and have now decided to use the first valuation which is 100k more than the second one. I am a little lost now and do now know what to do. I am already out of pocket after spending on solicitors and mortgage brokers. Thanks in advance.
  2. In June 2014 we accepted a RTB offer and instructed solicitors. We received a mortgage offer from our bank for £8,000 over the purchase price. The LA's solicitors requested a full explanation of why we were getting more on mortgage than purchase price and we supplied a complete list of works. The bank's valuation is £140,000 more than the purchase price. We have had to request two extensions to our mortgage offer costing us extra. Our solicitors have not been able to get a reply from LA's solicitors as to when we can complete and our third mortgage offer expires at the end of December. What can be done to get the LA/solicitors to speed things up?
  3. At the beginning of July 2013 I submitted a joint application with my son to purchase my council flat. I have been a council tenant for over 27 years and am therefore entitled to full discount. Although my son is not on tenancy he has provided proof of living with me the whole time by submitting 12 months bank statements, driver''s licence and mobile accounts to the address. The application was only sent on 21 September (over three months delay when statutory time limit is 1 month). After waiting a considerable time I sent a RTB5 - no acknowledgement or communication received from the LA. I submitted a RTB6 on 28 December 2013. The LA valuer eventually called on 15 January 2014 and again no further communication. I submitted a formal complaint on 11 February and only after phoning the complaints department on 21 February did I get the valuation the next day. The LA did add a further discount of 11 weeks rent. We are now over 4 months over the statutory period for dealing with the application but what is worse is the valuation is £25,000 more than comparable properties sold in the same street less than 2 weeks before I submitted my application (checked on the land registry. The flats down my side of the street are all exactly the same 2 beds whilst the other side (all privately owned) are 3 beds and are selling at considerably higher (£25,000 in fact). The LA is claiming that the valuation is at 2 July 2013 which I can prove is incorrect. I have now requested a DV valuation but would like to know my options should the DV side with the LA. Apologies for being long-winded but wanted to give all the details,
  4. Not sure if anyone can advise, but here goes I have been renting a house from my local council for approximately 10 years. At the time I took on the tenancy, I was given an AST. I was informed that as it was an AST, I did not have the RTB. I have reason to believe that my landlord would like to evict me (although been a model tenant) so they can sell my home for capital receipts. Having looked into the relevant Housing Acts, it appears that the LA could not legally have issued me an AST, and I believe that despite the fact that an AST was signed, I am in effect a Secure Tenant. Obviously if I was a secure tenant, I should have RTB as property is not of a type that is excluded from RTB. How would I go about trying to get my tenancy amended from an AST to secure? Obviously it would not be in landlord's interest as it would mean I could purchase property at 60% of the value, instead of them selling to a third party for higher value. Also, if I apply and they accept I have RTB, is there any way to challenge the landlord's valuation if I believe it has been inflated(padded out)?
  5. Hi All, In light of the budget 2013, I am now and can finally afford to buy my flat that I have lived in for 11years, it was valued in 2008 and after then i have since installed laminate flooring and a satellite dish without permission from the council. Can i ask them to use the details they have on record from 2008, if they have it so they don't have to visit or do they need to visit to do a new valuation? would i get in trouble? should i remove my flooring or install a carpet.
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