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Found 6 results

  1. First of all, thanks all for contributing to this forum, your time and efforts are highly appreciated! I have received a Final Decision (rejection) from my employer's Group Income Protection insurance (UNUM) I have asked my employer to appeal UNUM's decision through the FOS (as I am not the policyholder) but they have declined to do so and refused to send me a copy of their T&C with UNUM. I am still off sick with bipolar and anxiety disorder and my claim is roughly around 16k£ Any suggestions? I feel like my only recourse at this point is against my employer
  2. Hi all, To make this as brief as possible, I had a second charge on my property with Nemo personal finance. In 2007 the property was repossessed due to a lot of bad luck and the original lender sold the property over £50,000 less than market value just to cover their own expenses (G E Money) which left nothing to pay off the second charge. I have been battling this loan on and off ever since and during this time Nemo took me to court and won because I never defended the claim and this was due to the fact \I knew nothing about it. I agreed a miminal payment to them which I paid monthly about 2/3 years ago I wrote to them sending them £10 PO asking for a SAR. They never produced it so after a while I stopped paying and things went quiet of a year. Now they are back on my case threatening with a attachment to earnings, High court Writ and Baliffs etc. I am not sure how I should proceed with this and would really appreciate some help. I id speak to one of their customer service reps when I got the first contact letter and explained that I stopped paying because they did not comply with my request and he said he would look into it and get back to me but he hasnt and I ave just had a letter threatening allsorts to collect. When I first loss my house I did do a lot of research on this with regard to the PPI and secret commissions which there undoubtedly was but never saw it through due to personal circumstances.
  3. I have not yet had to face this ordeal, but am reading a lot elsewhere about people who have, often failing initially and the decision being reversed on appeal. My question is threefold: 1. Is there any recourse against the medic who got things so wrong in the first place if an appeal scores dramatically wrong? 2. Is the small claims court an option for claiming compensation for distress, costs of working on the appeal etc...? 3. What official complaints procedure exists? Thanks in advance for any help.
  4. Hi Hoping to get advice regarding an issue that has taken two years to investigate but I don't know where I stand regarding my rights and any form of recourse. June 2014 Car taken in for a service. This included replacing brake pads and discs as they were worn. The day after the service I emailed the garage informing them of excessive noise from the brakes. the garage advised to run in the brakes over a few hundred miles. However the excessive brake noise persisted and it was captured over a number of recordings which was shared on youtube. July 2014 The car was returned to the garage and they attempted to fix the issue. The garage returned to car to me and reported the problem as fixed. However on my journey home the brake noise persisted. I emailed the garage the same day and reported the issue. Same advice as last time, do a few hundred miles and report back. The problem persisted , again recorded the noise, and asked for them to fix it. August 2014 Car returned to the garage to be fixed. I was told this should now fix it. However the next day the car still suffered from excessive brake noise. I was fed up with the situation, it took over 30 emails, 3 total visits to the garage, numerous video recordings and I cant recall the number of calls so I gave up and did not contact them to report the issue. I also had lost confidence with this garage. November 2014 I took the car to a different place for a 2nd opinion, the mechanic agreed that the brakes were too loud, offered to change the pads but he insisted I try to contact the original garage to get new pads. The original garage did send 2x pads at no cost as i had explained that the problem persists. December 2014 - April 2014 The noise from the brakes reduced significantly, we have noticed that there is a relationship between outside temperate and the brake noise, warmer weather would increase the noise, very hot days the noise is unbearable. Summer 2015 Horrible noises but I was resigned to just put up with it. I also didn't have funds to replace the brakes as we do't think there was a safety issue, just excessive noise. Earlier this month As the temperatures rose again the sound was just unbearable! I asked the 2nd mechanic to replace the rear pads and discs with a different brand and this solved the problem. the mechanic also noted that on close inspection of the brake discs that there were visible marks perpendicular to the usual radial effect found on brake discs, he said this suggests a fault with the discs which may have caused the noise. Eitherway the change of discs has fixed the issue i have had since June 2014. I have contacted the original garage to explain that the issue has only just been resolved via a different mechanic. I explained that the change of brake discs specifically has fixed the issue and that the usual marks on the discs could have been the issue. I asked for an explanation as to how faulty brake discs could have been used especially is the brakes are Audi originals. I also said that I feel that I am owed at least a partial refund as the brakes should have lasted longer but the noise was unacceptable. The response: 1. They accept that there was excessive noise. 2. It is highly unusual for this to happen, in fact they say they have not had issues with a single set of Audi discs they've ever sold. 3. They make clear that they have not seen my car for a year so it does not give them a chance to see the issue and on that basis to even know there was still a problem. They also came back again to me to say: 4. They've not spoken to me for at least a year since sending me out the pads so as far as they knew the problem was over and I didn’t contact them to say otherwise Finally they made clear: 5. I will not get any money back at all. I am unsure my position. It is two years down the line and over a year since I was last in contact with them. Could I have done something sooner, yes but I didn't have the funds in 2015 to do more, and I had given up for a while. But I do think this is right, they fitted faulty brakes, they had two occasions where the car was returned to fix it, exchanged 30+ emails, videos, Ithink it was reasonable of me to go elsewhere. Although it took me two years to pay for another set of brake discs, I didn't get full use of the brakes, those rear discs were used for 10,000 miles and were not even 50% worn. Any advice please? thanks very much in advance
  5. On 20th Sept 2011 I recieved change of codings because I started drawing a small pension (I was already drawing another pension) and I had also changed jobs, in Feb 2013 I received a P800 saying I owed approx £3800 from year 2011-12 tax so I have been disputing this saying they had all my correct details etc etc. They are now saying under ESC19A I have no recourse but I decided to ask for all my data as I was certain I had contacted them, on one of the forms I found that they issued change of codes on my pay main pay and my main pension on Sept 2011 which in effect caused them to under tax me ie changed pension from D0 to 65L, now I know your going to say 'but its up to you to ensure your paying the correct tax' and I would agree to a point but I then found that I had rang them 9 days later to ask them how codes were worked out and were the new codes correct, I also told them my expected total pay for that year and I overstated my pay to be on the safe side but the biggest evidence against HMRC is that the person I was speaking to stated that the codes were correct,see the statement below on their paperwork- TP called to ask about codes and how they are worked out, took estimated income and codes correct (this is there exact wording) The thing is since I took my main pension(2006)they have every year to date messed up my codes and I have had to pay back underpaid tax so this was the last straw. I know they have informed me within the time limit but it is up to HMRC to issue the correct codes, If I then have reasonable belief that my codes are correct ie I did contact them and they said there were correct when in fact they were not I believe I have a case against them.Do you think I have a case here.
  6. Hi All, I am hoping that someone out there can shed some light on the rights and regulations governing tenants and letting agents in the UK. In addition, if either party (in my case the letting agent) is not complying with the contract and UK governing law, what action can be taken? I am not currently looking to take formal legal action against the letting agent concerned, merely escalate the matter so that this situation can in some way be resolved without any further frustration and negativity. I can provide more details if necessary, but for the timebeing here are a few key points: No inventory taken (furnished unit) - Agent notified - No action No notification of visits to the property (24hrs written notice or other) by the Landlord or Agent Access to the property provided to contractors by Landlord without prior notification or agreement (24hrs written notice or other) Faulty appliances and household services only attended to after several months following various written requests Formal written correspondence regarding the above (the 4th or 5th letter sent to the Agent) results in a response from the Agent which is personal and unprofessional (this is their first acknowledgement and response to any of my letters relating to the matters noted above). Following the repair and replacement of various appliances and similar, which were found to be faulty on occupation of the unit, the Agent sends further inappropriate correspondence in his and the Landlord's defence. Regardess of the circumstances the Agent now threatens to give defamatory references to any prospective letting agents whose services I may wish to make use of in the future. In addition, the Agent involved will not provide the details of the Company Directors or Shareholders and they are not registered with any governing body. Any advice / comments are welcome.
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