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Found 3 results

  1. Soft drinks makers including Coca Cola are reportedly considering suing the Government over George Osborne's plans to implement a tax on sugary drinks, which could never see the light of day. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/sugar-tax-soft-drinks-makers-coca-cola-britvic-ag-barr-legal-suing-the-government-a6943871.html
  2. when you take out a car insurance policy does the insurer carry out an ID check with credit reference agency? (for verification of address etc) does this check leave a visible footprint ? I have seen it called a 'soft search', which apparently means the id check is not seen by other organisations? thanks in advance
  3. I don't mean turning into the Hoarder Next Door!! Be selective! I just made four fabulous new cushions (22" x 22") from offcuts from very long curtains my daughter bought from IKEA about 6-7 yrs ago. I just added some vintage cotton lace and voila! Saved myself a small fortune and dead easy to make. Cost: time and effort Impecunious! [ATTACH=CONFIG]43807[/ATTACH]
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