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Found 2 results

  1. I don't mean turning into the Hoarder Next Door!! Be selective! I just made four fabulous new cushions (22" x 22") from offcuts from very long curtains my daughter bought from IKEA about 6-7 yrs ago. I just added some vintage cotton lace and voila! Saved myself a small fortune and dead easy to make. Cost: time and effort Impecunious! [ATTACH=CONFIG]43807[/ATTACH]
  2. Does anyone want to share their issues with Brian James Furnishings in Cannock, Staffordshire? Tested the water at the store last June and bought a great chair and was very pleased with customer service. I know the store had bad press with the ex-Director banned from setting up a company for a few years so I figured I would risk it for a biscuit. Bought a sofa bed in January this year and I'm now in dispute with the company. Occasional piece of furniture not sat on often and the seat cushions have proved to be unsupportive and give me a bad back because they sink into the frame. When tested in shop was great and I went back on 2 separate occasions and tried it for over 30 minutes each time. This sofa seems to lack the support of the one in the showroom. Anyway keeping a long story short Brian James sent out their delivery guy (who they call the inspector) and after a brief inspection he agreed with me there was a lot of give in the cushions. Turns out when he got back to the office his story had changed. He couldn't give me anything in writing when asked at the time. Brian James staff really defensive from day one of complaint and appalling customer service. Had to beg for the first inspection to get some help with the cushions. Anyway, they insisted on doing a 2nd inspection after virtually calling me a liar and the sales manager stood in my living room and told me that "this sofa bed is not made to be comfortable". I take this as an admission the sofa is not fit for its purpose and have written letters to the Director requesting a refund. Also the manager, took 10 minutes (much to his embarrassment) to fix the mechanical bed frame as it failed to spring out. Possibly caused by the weight of sitting on the sofa. It does make a fair old squeak when you sit on it and get up. The sales manager told me springs are designed to squeak and should be expected in all furniture bought from their store. I' m also checking out a possible section 75 claim with credit card provider at the moment. Has anyone else had dodgy after sales care with Brian James and wants to get in touch? Maybe together we can be stronger?
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