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Found 3 results

  1. I am trying to help a friend's father out here. I am still gathering some information but need to act quickly. Will try and keep it brief for now. Person in question responded to an advertisement by The Recliner Factory last year and were subsequently visited by a salesman. I think there may have been more than one visit but will clarify. Date(s) of visit = late Nov - early Dec. His wife was suffering from cancer (brain tumour) for several years and they thought a recliner chair which is easy to get up from would help her as she had developed mobility problems due to the tumour. Somehow, they ended up ordering more than one chair and the total value of the order was c£6.5k. The order has not been delivered yet. His wife's health deteriorated suddenly and she passed away on 4th Jan. There is now no need for the chairs. The sales order form is hand written (triplicate carbon copy). I have some photos of these forms but am awaiting the hard copies. There is a tick box that says "Is this a non-bespoke order". This is not ticked. On the reverse of the form in the terms and conditions it says 'There is no cancellation possible if the product is bespoke' (hence why I mention the non-ticked box). Otherwise there is a 14 day cancellation period. I haven't scratched too much below the surface yet but on the face of it, does he have any right to cancel? Payment has already been made (trying to find out payment method as we speak) In the first instance, I was going to suggest we quickly get a cancellation letter off and see how they respond. Obviously they may well say no but then we can go from there. If he has no right to cancel, I would in the first instance ask for special dispensation due to the extenuating circumstances. Any thoughts guys? many thanks
  2. If I buy a recliner chair for a disabled friend who would be allowed VAT exemption and store it at mine for when they vist, could VAT exemption still be claimed..
  3. My Father-In-Law purchased a Rise & Recline Chair but upon delivery found that it hadn't been made to the specifications. The matter was raised immediately with the delivery man and the chair was taken away. The relevant part of Clause 7 of the company's "Condition of Sale" states "The company warrants that the goods will correspond with their specification at the time of delivery". I cannot see any reference to what would actually happen in a case where the chair isn't made as per the specifications. Can anyone advise me please if he would be entitled to a full refund. He has no wish to have any further dealings with the company as he also ordered a bed from them and the mattress is the wrong size for the bed so that is another matter he is trying to resolve. As a result, he has just lost complete faith in the company and wants a full refund for the chair. He has spoken to the company since it was returned and there are some signs that getting a refund from them may not be an easy task. My Father-In-Law is very unwell and this matter is causing a lot of distress so any advice is very sincerely appreciated. Thank you.
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