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  1. Just starting a thread on Electric Cars. I have noticed a Taxi Firm in my town has gone fully Electric. Can you believe this news. As i looked around Great Britain to see what was going on other towns have done the same. Just a quick look around but sure i read that cost of electric v fuel was roughly 1500.00 Electric per year v 7500.00 for fuel a saving of 6,000 pounds.This was a Taxi and i will have to find the article again. Also that batteries are improving and most motorway service stations have recharging points now. Better put a couple of articles on as i have not looked at Electric Cars before. Electric cars could rule the road in just over 10 years say motor industry experts Sales of the vehicles are surging so fast the market looks set to meet government forecasts for the end of new diesel and petrol cars by 2040 http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/motoring/electric-cars-could-rule-road-8305609 How the all-electric Leaf is becoming a favourite of taxi drivers http://nissaninsider.co.uk/how-the-all-electric-leaf-is-becoming-a-favourite-of-taxi-drivers/ One dramatic chart shows why electric cars are about to become mainstream http://www.techinsider.io/electric-vehicle-battery-cost-decreases-2016-3 Taxi Built In Britain known to us as a Bomber,well was when i last used one about 20 years ago. Metrocab Electric London Taxi- Made two years ago so probably technology has moved on much more since then. Another reason to switch to EV...there are plans for electric cars to drive in bus lanes http://bit.ly/292fWiL Electric cars are so refined and quiet, you can record a song in one. Here’s how Cerys Matthews and her band did it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNfyVHbn3xE Have you got a electric car. Sounds like you are saving a few bob if you have.
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