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  1. Hi Everyone, I have been trying to have Smart Meters fitted by edf since last August. Initially, they were not available.. Fair enough. Then in November, I was given a date of 16 December 2016 for removing the existing meters and replace them with "Smart? Meters". Whilst the swap out happened, the new meters were left non-operational and not actually commissioned either.. Failed appointments after failed appointments, and here we are at the end of June with a commissioned Gas Meter, not a commissioned Electricity Meter, and no Room Display Unit (which as a disabled amputee with a heart condition was the initial appeal for the Smart Meters, as my meters are in the basement and I cannot get down there to read them to see how much Gas and Electricity I am using..) I have finally had to resort to the ombudsman, and just wondered if this was a common issue with edf or utility companies in general..?? I look forward to hearing other people's experiences.. Keep Smiling.. James
  2. Hi, New to the forum so excuse my first fluffy post! I am currently on a standard tariff from EDF with an economy 7 meter which was installed at the property when we moved in. I think that I have been billed with the day night readings switched for at least the last 2 years. This has only been apparent in the last 12 months when I realised that our night readings of energy usage have sky rocketed whilst hardly ever using energy at night. This coincides with our installation of solar panels I have been using appliances during the day when the sun is shining which would explain the high usage. In the last year, our readings have been roughly 2800 of day use and 7350 during the night. Obviously if this has been billed the wrong way around we are in for a hefty one to correct it. The last meter reading was done by myself and the previous one by the meter man in Oct last year. I wasn't sure of which reading was which so I imputed figures that corresponded to the previous bill. I am looking to change supplier and possibly to also go back to a normal meter. Just would love some advice of how I sort this out with the new supplier and whether I need to inform them or EDF about the fault. Also advice as to which electricity tariff/meter would be best for getting the best value from solar panel usage. Thanks!
  3. Hello all, I had a debt with EDF which I have been struggling to pay, they did inform me that they were applying for a warrant to change the meter but heard nothing since until I came home today to discover they have been in my house whilst I was out and changed it. Surely they are supposed to tell me when they are coming so that I can choose to be there or not? I feel sick thinking they could have been looking through my things etc. Also my 15 year old daughter is often home alone and doesnt answer the door if shes on her own unless she knows who it is, so if they just let themselves in and she had happened to be home she would have been absolutely petrified. Are they really allowed to do this? I get disability benefits and they were told when I moved in that I am registered disabled
  4. Short history of a long story: June 1993: Move in to rented property. June 2005: Erratic readings on electric meter July 2005: Supplier replaces meter. Oct 2005: Electricity consumption falls to 50% I ask for old meter test results. Supplier did not test the meter but say the meter was working correctly. I stop paying bill. Feb 2006: Go to court. Warrant of entry REFUSED April 2006: Supplier test the NEW meter and it passes with flying colours. June 2006: Contact Energy Watch. Lots of letters... July 2007: Energy Watch write to say that they have given up on trying to communicate with the energy supplier and Energy Watch are being closed down. July 2007: The new Energy Ombudsman says they can't take on case as it pre dates their creation. Aug 2007: Energy supplier offer £1,000 for a possible estimated of overcharging 47,000 Kw over 12 years. I say make a better offer or supply a deadlock letter (which Energy Ombudsman now says they will accept) 2007 - 2014: The supplier makes three (3) more applications for a Warrant over the years. But the supplier withdraws each application at the court. Oct 2014: Supplier made the last application (the 3rd) for a warrant but withdrew it at the court. April 2015: Current bill £1,800. Supplier says they are instructing debt collectors. Supplier says they will fit a prepaid (The supply has written to say the property is unsuitable for a prepaid meter ) I have a full communication record in writing and it weighs in at over 3kg of paperwork. I can pay the bill or put £2,000 in escrow if that helps. The supplier is one of the big six. Electricity and Gas Acts say: It's is a criminal offence to remove a meter without the agreement of the customer or the approval of a meter tester or a warrant. A supplier may not use a warrant where there is a genuine billing dispute. The meter is in a communal hall so I can't defend it. (they appear to have tried and failed to gain entry without a warrant in late 2007) Suggestions welcome for my next course of action. Apply for a court Injunction? Contact The Secretary of State? Contact one one of them TV shows? Counter claim for between 12,000 - 47,000 Kw of electricity? I have not sent a demand for the electricity I have paid for but not received.
  5. I moved in on February 12th 2015. I received a letter relating to a debt of some £40 for electricity for 27/1 - 8/2/2015. My dad emailed them my tenancy agreement which clearly stated that I moved in after this date. They emailed dad back and pretty much accepted this as proof that this debt isn't mine and the matter is resolved. I received another letter over this and returned the letter. I put on the letter "not known at this address. please return to sender". That was March / April. I heard nothing and assumed the matter was resolved. I've now received a letter from LCS over this. I am not sure what to do now. EDF have a copy of my tenancy agreement, which clearly states I moved in after the date of the electricity debt. Advice please?
  6. EDF may be changing your direct debit without informing you or writing to you about the changes. If you have registered for online account servicing then a check of your account maybe wise. I did so today just after they took their monthly agreed DD but failed to inform me that they had changed it to a higher amount for next month. Stating this was due to your account owing £xx-XX when in fact it was in credit by a low 3 figure amount and they said we are increasing your amount payable because your account is in credit WTF??? Well currently having a typing war with EDF ATM so please check your accounts and amounts this company are currently taking from you.....
  7. hi, i'm not sure where i stand with this, i got my warm home discount, which i'm grateful for..my electricity supplier is EDF, when i phoned to enquire whether i could get a refund of the £140..they said no..it was government money and it was not for me to spend on things as I please, but its for energy needs..they said it wasn't mine really..i enquired about them keeping it as they are making interest on it and he said that no, they're not making money on it..is this normal? i was paid my warm home discount last year..surely this is okay? any pointers or insgihts appreciated thanks.
  8. Hi folks, I really hope you can help with an extremely stressful situation that I am having with my electricity supplier EDF energy. The level of customer service that I have received so far has been appalling. This is the story: I discovered that there was a massive discrepancy between the reading that I had in February 2013 and April 2013. in just over 2 months, according to the reading, I have used pretty much the same amount of electricity that I use over 2 years. Obviously there was something wrong, I got in touch with EDF and they told me that an engineer needs to come to inspect my meter. On the 1st of July 2013, (after 2 and a half months)a n engineer came to my house to inspect the meter and he said that themeter was fine. according to him I should pay the discrepancy as it is not EDF's fault (or meter's fault). The amount of money, according to my rough calculation, for the discrepancy of 12000Kwh should be around £1800. Obviously, you can easily understand my level of stress as there is no way that I have used this much electricity and also I cannot afford to pay £1800 in one go. I have all my bills from 2008, since I moved in, and they can easily check that there must be a mistake. Since April I have been trying to get an EDF manager to call me to solve this issue but nobody ever called me back, I always had to deal with a customer service advisor via” live chat”. The reason why I asked to have a manager contact me is because I think this is a big problem for me and I would like to have one person only to deal with it, I don't want to get too many people involved otherwise it creates lots of confusion and misunderstanding. I have all my bills since 2008 and they can easily see that the discrepancy between Feb 2013 and April 2013 is extremely weird. All the customer service representative as well thought that it was very odd and that there must be a mistake. Plus it is only me and my wife who live in the house and we both work Monday to Friday, we leave the house at 6.30am and come back at 6.30pm, if not later. the house is always empty for at least 12 hrs every weekday. We are extremely stressed because we know that we didn't do anything wrong or different than usual in order to have this massive electricity consumption (again, 2 years consumption in 2 month time!) and the fact that probably we have to pay around £1800 bill is making us living a nightmare. On the 5th of July I received an email from a customer service advisor who is following my case, saying : "The account would be rebilled to reflect the updated meter reading. If the meter is not faulty and all over general meter details were previously checked, I can see no other explanation than that the meter readings that were supplied previously were incorrect. " It is very hard to believe for me that for 5 years I gave them the wrong reading numbers. I am not a genius but I am not even that dumb! I can easily prove them that the average consumption that we use for the electricity isaround 5500-6500 Kwh per year but to prove this, unfortunately, I need one year. The customer service advisor assured me in one of his emails that EDF will find a solution to this problem and he also told me to relax (easy to say!). Well, his solution was the above, rebill me with the updated reading. I am not going to pay for electricity that I know I did NOT use. If they are so sure that I gave them the wrong meter readings they can prove that to me, as I know for sure we have never used that amount of electricity and we shouldn't be charged for it. To add more frustration to this situation, when I came back from work that day I found a bill of £1715.04! I was shocked about EDF speed when it comes to delivering a bill and getting money but when it comes to solving a problem for which I am not responsible, or getting back to me regarding my problem, it took them 2 and a half months! As a customer, I requested them to work this out with common sense. I paid my last bill based on my annual statement (£229). I am more than happy to continue to pay this amount of money, which I feel it is right, for one year until April 2014. After that they can come and check personally the meter and calculate the consumption and they will see that it will be around 5500-6500Kwh/year. Or even better, they could take my word and update the meter with the new figure that EDF will read, as they think I mis read the meter, and start a new account still under my name. What else can I do? If the don't help me to solve this situation I will get in touch with Ombudsman. Also, I need to mention that since we moved in 2008 they never came to check the meter or read it. The last time that that meter was checked was in 1989 and the meter itself was built in 1969. I will not pay for electricity that I didn't use based on suppositions, hypothesis or like EDF sayd "evidence that suggest ...." Please help because we are extremely stressed. many thanks
  9. Hi all, I would appreciate some advice. I moved into a rented flat in Jan 2010 and lived there until I moved out in Sep 2012. Electricity was supplied by EDF, payment was by direct debit and I settled the final bill on 17th Sep 2012. EDF have now sent me a new bill for the period 27th Feb 2011 until the day I moved out with a completely different value to the my original bills (and with no explanation or covering letter). Having now spoken to them, they claim that I was billed for a single rate meter but in fact had an economy 7 meter (I honestly have no idea what sort of meter it was). The reading in the day rate section of the new bill matches my old bills but of course the night rate is brand new. While discussing the matter EDF flatly refused to accept that the error may have been their fault and even attempted to suggest that I had told them what sort of meter it was when I opened the contract (utter nonsense). When question about their meter reading agents not noticing for 33 months either they had no answer. Right now I'm waiting for them to come back to me but I have some questions: 1) Do they have a responsibility to provide me with any evidence that the meter was there while I lived there? Right now it's just a matter of trust, they could tell me anything and I wouldn't know if they were being truthful. Given their behavior on the phone I'm inclined to take what they say with a pinch of salt. How do I know they haven't just installed it and made a different error and billed me by mistake? 2) The entire bill is at different rates to my original bills, is this acceptable? I understand that if I consumed more electricity than I paid for then I'm liable (given question 1) but does that give them the right to apply a different rate to the electricity I did pay for and apply a different standing charge for the entire period? i.e. can they just switch my tariff? If so then what recourse do I have given the fact I based by choice of supplier on the price but now I'm being told to pay a different price with no ability to switch to a competitor. 3) The bill is dated 1st Mar 2013 and goes back to 27th Feb 2011. Doesn't the code of practice stipulate that they can't go back further than 12 months from the date of the bill? Does the fact I moved out have any relevance? Many thanks for your help. happy to clarify anything if needed.
  10. Hi All i need some advice please In December 2010 moved to I EDF from npower, took me 3 months to get my account number off them so i can make my online account on EDF website and no bills came through in the post either, even after asking for it. Direct debit setup as normal when i tried to enter a meter reading online in March 2011 the system said it wouldnt allow it i then emailed EDF as i was told that the meter reading i gave during sign up to them was higher then the one i was trying to enter off the meter reading, hence why their online system was coming back as an error i emailed back saying i did not actually enter any meter reading during sign up, only the serial numbers of the meters as per online application so where they got their reading from, i had no idea. nothing heard back, this sign up to EDF has been a disaster since day 1. In May 2011 i had a British Gas salesman knock on the door and gave me a very good deal, so moved to them and let BG sort out the transfer over to them from EDF. Now im pretty sure we payed EDF what was owed by direct debit at the time. then i went on with my life happy with BG. Now today 9th Feb 2013 i receive a final bill letter from EDF saying they have recently sent me a final bill of £500 (lie as never had any) and now the bill is overdue and to pay immediately this is the first ive heard from them since moving over to BG in May 2011 so I called them today and told them the situation, they said the part on their system they need to view isn't coming up so they will need to investigate and get back to me on Monday. i think what has happened is, BG has given them the meter reading when they took over and there has been some discrepancies somewhere between them both and now out of the blue i receive a bill which i dont even know is correct/accurate as my my online account on EDF has no bill information when i log in! EDF - awesome company! not! anyway, can anyone tell me where i stand with this? i have been told of Back Billing how would you advise i move forward with this? many many thanks!
  11. Shocking stories of bullying following their incompetence in correct billing. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2232395/EDF-bullies-threatened-debt-collectors.html
  12. Hi everyone, Long time reader, first time poster. Just wanted to come on here and tell everyone about the ridiculous treatment that I have received from EDF over the past couple of weeks. I phone to change my direct debit amount and collection date in mid July. I was told that I had to cancel the current DD and set up a new one to change the amount - seemed a little odd but went along with it. After I had cancelled, I was told that I had to wait a week before I could set up a new one (great, another 30 minutes listening to 'Take On Me' while waiting to get through!) A day after cancelling my DD, I received a letter from them stating that I had a 'severely overdue' amount of £35 on my account. My account balance at the time was actually £250.77 (debit) so not sure where that number came from! I phoned again to query this and was told not to worry about it because I could set up a new DD which would cover it. I took the opportunity while I actually had someone on the phone to reinstate DD at a slightly increased value and an amended collection date. When the collection date arrived, I checked my account and noticed that EDF had taken my new DD amount AND the full outstanding balance on my account! Back to the phone I went to ask what had happened; the lady that I spoke to apologised for their error and told me that I had to instigate an indemnity claim under the DD Guarantee through my bank to claim the money back. I did this (very quick and easy, thanks Smile) and then phoned EDF back to tell them that it had been actioned and to check that everything was okay - I was assured that it was. 2 days later (Thursday last week), I received a letter stating that my DD had been cancelled by my bank. After spending over an hour waiting (over 2 days) to speak to someone about this, I gave up for the weekend, only for the biggest shocker to land on my doormat on Saturday morning... .. EDF sent me a 'legal action notification' letter saying that they had tried several times (several times? Try never) to contact me about the outstanding balance on my account and now had no option but to commence legal proceeding against me! These legal proceedings would apparently comprise a doorstep visit on Saturday 11th August to collect the outstanding payment in full or to fit a pre-payment meter. Now I've sent them a particularly snarky email and am now dealing with them entirely by email for record purposes but, while they have apologised for the 'shock' caused by their letter, they still feel they are in the right and will still be coming to my house on 11th August unless I pay the outstanding amount of £156.77. I think that their conduct has been entirely disgusting throughout this sequence of events - what if I had been some little old lady and received that stupid threatening letter? They are beyond contempt, and as soon as this matter is resolved, I will be getting the hell out of EDF and on to a new supplier. I have raised a formal complaint to EDF about their conduct and would appreciate any advice on other avenues that I could go down to bring their antics to the attention of others. Apologies for the long post, but it's a long story and I wanted to get all the details in one post! Cheers, MB78
  13. This is a warning to check your bill statement from EDF from November last year. In March of this year I received a guestimated bill from EDF for £100, I thought this was low but as there was no actual reading to base this bill on I thought I would wait to received the red bill hoping it would give more information. When I received the red letter it just stated that I had not paid £100, so I read my meter and posted the figures on line, when I got my actual bill it stated that I owed £320.40 which was a bit of a shock but when I went over the figures it also included non-payment for the previous quarter. I know that I have a bad memory but I was certain that I had paid so I checked on line with my bank and sure enough I had paid it so I contacted EDF and explained that they had charged me again for a bill I had already paid. The operator who I spoke to at EDF informed me that they had gone on to a new computer system and it was not showing up any payment for the previous quarter when their systems changed over, he asked me to send in proof from my bank to show that this payment had been made, this I duly did and at the same time I made a formal complaint, within a few days I received a phone call from EDF saying they had received my complaint and would action it straight away, in the mean time a hold would be placed on my account to stop any further action or letters. I asked how many thousands of other customers this has happed to but no response. Over time I still received numerous letters from EDF when I received my next statement this also including previous bill which had not been paid, I therefore paid my current bill but omitted previous outstanding bill. I have now received a letter from EDF stating that as it has taken over 8 weeks to resolve my complaint I can now ask the Energy Ombudsman to carry out a review, which is what I will do today. In the mean time I have received a threatening letter from EDF to commence legal action as the previous bill is now so overdue, lookin forward to it.
  14. I was asked to start a new thread so re-posting. We really need advice about our meter readings and bill and would be really grateful if anyone can tell us what we steps we can take, if any?! We moved from one rented flat last October, to a house. Our old flat had an electricity pre-payment meter so we always knew our consumption. When we moved to a house with garden, we no longer needed our tumble dryer nor an electric heater we had in our babies bedroom. We've been using less appliances and you would think less electricity since moving. We changed supplier after two months in the new house, at the start of December, and had a bit of a shock to have a final bill for two months of £300, but we paid it and thought that it must have been one of those things. A shocking amount but we were in a new house. We had been used to using £40 per week in the winter on a high tariff (this was for 14 hours a day of an electric heater, and a tumble dryer as well as everything we currently use). And typically £15-£20 in the summer months when we still used a tumble dryer, having no garden. Forward to now, and we just had a bill from EDF for the six months to June. £1,075 for 184 days' use, 8568 units. We are floored by this. We have had an Eaga meter since January which tells us what we use and it's not that! By our meters calculation we use 12 - 17 kWh a day. The bill tells us we use 46.5 kWh a day. What do we have running? Well we use one TV which is admittedly turned on for most of every evening, two floor lights in the evening, a few energy saving lights that go on and off, one oven for about 45 mins a day, the rare use of the hob, a microwave for 5 mins a day, 8-12 3kW kettles boils, 4 loads of washing per week, one small filter pump and a fluoro bulb in a fishtank, one small fridge, one small under counter freezer, a laptop and a computer for a few hours in the evening. Two adults, one toddler. Sitting here this evening I've had the washing machine and the oven both on at the same time alongside lights, TV and computer and we were using between 1.2 - 2.1 kWh according to our Eaga meter. Our meter/bill would have us believe in that case, that we are using our washing machine (energy saving Hotpoint!), oven, TV, computers, and several lights all at once for 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The company EDF have asked us to write down our readings every day for the next five days but we are unsure what that will achieve if our meter is faulty... Right now I am sick with worry as EDF have changed our monthly direct debit to £387 a month to reflect our new energy usage. Huge thanks for any help and advice
  15. We changed from pre payment to Direct Debit on 17th January today got my first gas bill for £82.01 We haven't used the radiators as much as we did when we was on pre payment and that was costing us £50 - 60 a month average Dont understand how we got a bill for £82.01 and i submitted a meter reading online around 17th, 18th Feb. They have obviously an accurate reading as the woman i emailed today funnily enough emailed me the numbers she had received via my account (submit a meter reading) Whole point of me changing was to save money as pre payment is supposed to be slightly dearer. At the moment i am not convinced I dread my electric bill coming through
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