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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, New to the forum so excuse my first fluffy post! I am currently on a standard tariff from EDF with an economy 7 meter which was installed at the property when we moved in. I think that I have been billed with the day night readings switched for at least the last 2 years. This has only been apparent in the last 12 months when I realised that our night readings of energy usage have sky rocketed whilst hardly ever using energy at night. This coincides with our installation of solar panels I have been using appliances during the day when the sun is shining which would explain the high usage. In the last year, our readings have been roughly 2800 of day use and 7350 during the night. Obviously if this has been billed the wrong way around we are in for a hefty one to correct it. The last meter reading was done by myself and the previous one by the meter man in Oct last year. I wasn't sure of which reading was which so I imputed figures that corresponded to the previous bill. I am looking to change supplier and possibly to also go back to a normal meter. Just would love some advice of how I sort this out with the new supplier and whether I need to inform them or EDF about the fault. Also advice as to which electricity tariff/meter would be best for getting the best value from solar panel usage. Thanks!
  2. Hi , Wonder if anyone can help me. I have just moved into an electric only flat with economy 7 meter. Have noticed just the high rate moves and not the low rate on the meter even if I put on my heating,washing and water at night. I had a look at the meter and I think the clock is wrong . Have attached pictures, can anyone tell me what time the meter is reading I took these pictures around 00:15. I assume the pointer at the bottom is how you tell the meter time which is current on 15:00 however am not sure any help will go a long way Many thanks
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