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Found 5 results

  1. On the week-end of 2-3 June 2017, I parked on Cowley Place. One of my friends gave me the visitors pass for MN, but I did not realise it had a different zone than I usually use.(EO). I did have visitor parking permits, which I displayed and validated. Clearly there was no intent to evade payment or gain any advantage and I indeed have used/invalidated two visitor passes. I therefore feel it is unfair to be fined, and lose the use of two visitors passes. I also question whether the correct contravention code was used on the PCN. (30 - Parked longer than permitted). Shouldn’t the correct code be 19 - Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone either displaying an invalid permit or voucher or pay & display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time. In my case I was in a shared use zone, displaying an invalid permit. Guidelines say Code 19 is used when a driver has made some attempt to park correctly and is displaying something that could have been used. Additionally, The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 states that any PCN issued should legally contain the following information : (3)(2) (b)(ii)but that, if a notice to owner is served notwithstanding those representations, representations against the penalty charge must be made in the form and manner and at the time specified in the notice to owner. I cannot see any clear reference to point 3 (2) (ii) anywhere on the PCN. It is insufficient to say that the owner must follow the instructions on the NtO, it must be outlined on the PCN. This means that the council has not complied with the Regulations made under the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) or the relevant regulations. Am I correct in these 3 points, which make a sucessful appeal likely ??
  2. We live in a parking blackspot in Basingstoke. We have lived here for over 30 years and parking has become a nightmare for my husband and myself. If we drive anywhere during the day we have to make sure we return by 4.00pm at the latest and not at all at weekends or we are unable to park. It probably sounds over the top but it is having an effect on our lives. We have a residential parking permit for our car and a visitors permit, which is pointless because we can never invite visitors because they cannot park. It would seem that the "visitors" permit has become a 2nd car permit. Many cars sit in the street, day after day displaying the visitors permit, some are sellotaped to the dashboard. I have contacted the council for a definition of "visitor" but was sent a generic letter giving details of the permit with costs and application form. Is there anything we can do other than move house?
  3. Hi, Some advice please. I live in a small cul de sac where we each have 2 parking spaces and also two visitors spaces which are jointly owned by all of us. One of the visitors spaces is at the far end next to a neighbours garden and the neighbours there have always used it as their own private space. They are aware it is a visitors space (because they have told me they are aware) and the deeds state this. No one has ever complained as we like them and didn't want to cause any problems. Also, most of the residents are tenants so unaware of the fact it is a visitors space, it is only those of us who own the properties who are aware. Now though, they have decided to make vehicular access to their garden across this visitors space and put vehicle gates in across the far end of it. They have not asked anyone if they agree. If they then park in their garden, and someone parks in the visitor space they will be blocked in which is tough luck. but, really, no-one will park there as by putting gates in they are inferring it is their private driveway. If the space needs maintenance then I am as responsible as they are even though I cant ever use it. When I asked what they would do if someone blocked them in they just said that no one has ever parked there before (probably because they couldn't) I cant put a bollard up as they own the same amount of the visitors space as I do. I am concerned long term they they are taking ownership of shared property which could de-value property. Any thoughts or suggestions please? Im annoyed as they are the ones in the wrong and yet I feel awkward about addressing it!
  4. Hi all, Wondering if anyone can help, I parked in a bay that is supposed to be for the businesses in my area and have received a PCN for it. I honestly didn't see the sign as I was going by a map of the controlled areas I was given on the day i bought my permits. I had parked in the exact same spot the afternoon before, then later that night I went back to the car to display a new valid permit. Usually I can manage to park down the ally way where my flat is. I had looked at the other signs and even read a notice on the pole that shows the business permit sign but i didn't look further up! The thing is, none of the businesses bother to use the bays, they all park down the ally ways. Pretty annoyed that i got the ticket as I did have a valid permit, is it worth challenging? I was parked in Edgar Road, chadwell Heath.
  5. Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help me? I was issued some visitor parking tickets by Newham council and which were Zone U and should have been Zone S- I was sent the wrong ones. I put one of these on my girlfriend's car when she came to visit me and she got a PCN, because the tickets were for the wrong Zone. I do not drive and it was the first time I was using one of these, so I expected the tickets to be correct as I gave the council my correct address Stratford that I needed the tickets for. Disgusted, I took all the remaining tickets to the local council office and they swapped these for the correct ones and also put in writng on the accompanying form that I had been issued the wrong tickets. I also explained about the PCN we had received and they reassured me that it was their fault and because of my appeal (which I had sent the very next day of the incident) I wouldn't have to pay. Lo and behold the council officer I saw informed me that it was not the ticket issuing officer at fault but the council had the Stratford area down as Zone U instead of Zone S! So when the issuing officer looked on the system to issue my tickets she issued them as Zone U and I and my girlfriend being novices at this didnt realise they were incorrect as I now know the hole punch next to the letter designates the zone they are valid for. Two days ago I received a letter from Newham council saying I would have to pay the penalty charge. Surely this is not right. The local council office were adamant I would not be charged. Do I have a case? Should I appeal again? Any help in this matter would be great!
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