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Found 11 results

  1. I was in a legal dispute with a University over a discrimination issue. It was concluded by Consent of Order and I was awarded damages, but without admission of liability by the University. In the Order it stated the matter against the Defendant was concluded. I have a couple of queries... 1) Could I bring a claim against a couple of individuals from the University - as my previous claim was against the University, not individuals. I am not looking for financial award just a declaration of victimisation. All documentation and Court papers has the Defendant as this particular University. 2) The Defendant was ordered (by consent) to pay damages - but without admission of liability. Would people infer the University was indeed liable - because of the damages they had to pay and that 'without admission of liability' is the equivalent of pleading 'not guilty'.
  2. Is it possible to issue a Warrant of Control against an individual at their business address? And by business address, they are the director of a company and i have found the registered business address on the Companies House website. I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum subject.
  3. Hi All, its been a while, but i have a question i need answering. A Spanish Company have supplied goods to a uk company a sole trader, the company is spanish and has a spanish address. They have a uk agent who acts for them as an individual and works on commision. The Agent has issued a claim against the uk company sole trader via MCOL for non-payment of invoice, the reason it was not paid was the items supplied were at fault and the UK agent refused to accept a return. The agent has issued on behalf of the spanish company although the company who is owed the funds is a spanish entity. how does Juristiction stand? should they be using the european money order route? On The POC the Agent lists the name of the spanish company not his own name. can this get this struck out?
  4. I've got a friend I owe a five figure sum to. We've not really spoken about it much because he knows my situation (ie poor) I don't think he's got any doubt I'd pay him back if I could (and I would) but he's got this other friend who's saying, 'You're being taken for a ride. Sell me half the debt and I'll put the screws on him. ' Can the guy I owe money to sell part of the debt and that would become legally enforceable debt? I have no agreement with the guy who lent me the money other than I have signed an IOU that simply states I owe him the money. I'm not bothered if the other guy buys the debt just so long as he can't bankrupt me which is the kind of person he is.
  5. Hi. I had my car serviced by a company that a failed to provide a good service and b put on parts that I specifically did not ask for and charged me. I part paid the invoice, and they have taken me to court for the balance. The company was a ltd company, but the court summons does not mention the company, it is from a n individual (one of the directors). Is that still a valid claim? Thanks
  6. I have a question re the above, not sure if this is the correct place for a general question. Some years ago Cabot took my wife to court over a Barclaycard account, although there was no signed agreement, my wife and I disputed the amount, we were advised by the judge to enter into a Tomlin order agreement. We have been making regular payments on that ever since, making sure we don't default. It is my understanding that a Tomlin order is old fashioned and it has now been superceded by a IVA's. I further understand that these IVA's run for a maximum of 5 years, after which the account is deemed cleared. Is this correct, and if so does this apply to our Tomlin order? Just as an aside to this I heard on the radio last week that some people who had entered into an IVA and had paid for five years AND had received a final 'completion' letter from their creditor, found that if they had any sort of windfall (such as a PPI repayment) suddenly got a new demand for repayment even though they had a completion letter. It was thrown out by the court but they tried it on.
  7. I have had an ongoing claim with Jet2 for compensation following a fight delay in Feb 2011. There are six family members in the group, my wife and I, and four children under 16. I am the lead passenger and paid for the flights and the booking was made using my Jet2 account. It was a technical fault and they have been using the “unexpected circumstances” excuse since 2011, and most recently said they were waiting the outcome of their appeal to the Supreme Court which they said would affect the outcome of my claim. When the Supreme Court refused permission for them to appeal, I wrote again asking for the full amount plus interest. They have now asked me to submit a separate claim for each individual or they won’t consider them. This is the first time since I first claimed in 2011 that they have made such a request. After my initial claim, they made a partial pay-out for our allocated seats booking-fee, all on the same claim. So they have the all the passenger details and they have even partially paid out on the claim. I am inclined just to go straight to the County Court now because they are obviously just time-wasting. In my most recent letter, I said that if they did not inform me within 14 days of how and when they are going to compensate me, I would pursue the matter in the court. Am I now justified in taking them to court? Is it reasonable of me to expect a reply in two weeks after an almost four year on-going case ? Their normal reply time is six to eight weeks. If I don’t submit the claims again individually, would they be able to use that as reason for not paying if I go to County Court? Many Thanks
  8. The number of individual insolvencies in England and Wales fell to its lowest level in eight years in 2013, according to government figures. In total 101,049 individuals became insolvent last year, the lowest number since 2005. On the corporate side, 14,982 companies went into liquidation, the lowest since 2007. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-26082570 Stigman
  9. Hi I'm in a sticky situation here. Basically I was sold some t-shirts of a low standard, I sent them back and he said he'd refund me - it's been 3 months of constant lies and rubbish an no refund. I want to issue a CCJ (County court judgement). The only thing is, everything has been done via FaceBook messages with the company page - they're not a registered company LTD, although they do refer to themselves as a company, they havea trading adress but no where on their website or invoices have they said they're apart of any group or trading as a company. Shall I issue the CCJ against him? Please help.
  10. Hi Decrease in individual insolvencies (10.2% decline) driven by fees...Insolvency News article http://www.insolvencynews.com/article/14241/personal/decrease-in-individual-insolvencies-driven-by-fees More people with debt problems struggling to make that fresh start? People in current debt solutions on unmanagable budgets and getting worse Not helping anything this and cant go on
  11. Hello everybody, great forum. Im a newbie here so im sorry if this is in the wrong place. I have a potential serious problem. In August 2012, I purchased an Audi Q7 from a privateindividual from Derby. The car was advertised on Autotrader and EBay. I won thecar on eBay and went down to check it out. Everything checked out ok, the HPIreport was clean. I made arrangements to come and collect the car the followingweekend, when I had time to tax and insure the car for the way home. There was nothing wrong with the car and I paid £20,000 forit Cash. The seller requested CASH, I tried to pay by bank transfer or Bankers chequebut he refused. I have all the car details Inc all documents and a receipt fromthe registered owner at his home. I’ve had the car nearly 3 months no problem. Until today I receiveda letter from the BIS Criminal Investigators (Department for Business and innovationand skills) who are wanting to know the circumstances of how I obtained thevehicle. I have telephoned the previous owner and he started cryingon the phone. He stated that he actually went bankrupt in April 2012, some 4months before I bought the car. He has stated that he told the Official Receiverthat he disposed of the car in NOVEMBER 2011 to a garage, which he has admittedto me, was a lie. He then admitted to trying to pull a fast one with thereceiver and begged me not to tell the investigator how or when I bought it,especially what I paid for it. He stated he would go to Jail. Im very worried now as to who is going to come knocking atmy door to take my only car away. I have 3 children under the age of 7 and it’s our only car.My wife uses the car everyday for work and her work employer has said if she losesher car she loses her job! I also can’t take my kids to nursery in my van! We had to take a £20,000 loan out to buy the car from afamily member, we’ve spent £4,000 on extras on it upgrading it and simply can’tafford to lose our money, not to mention buy another car. Come anybody please tell me what to do or what my optionsare? This is so confusing!
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