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Found 6 results

  1. Hi Guys, Please can someone offer some advice . . . My daughter has recently changed jobs and for the first month or two everything has been brilliant for her, however the new rosta has been distributed to the work force and now there's mayhem! She is contracted to work 40 hours, monday-friday, however they've now introduced Sat 5pm-8am and Sun 5pm-11am into her working week and with no extra pay! i've asked her to send me copies of her CoE but on first raising her alarm at the new shift pattern she was told that she is salaried and not paid by the hour . . . for someone on minimum wage I think that stinks, however, until I see the CoE i'll give them the benefit. My take on employment law is the working week should be 37.5 hours and in those instances where an employee is expected to work longer they have to sign a waiver allowing them to do it . . . I've had to do that previously in my working life . . . Can anyone please shed some legal life on my daughters dilemma . . . thanks
  2. I was in a legal dispute with a University over a discrimination issue. It was concluded by Consent of Order and I was awarded damages, but without admission of liability by the University. In the Order it stated the matter against the Defendant was concluded. I have a couple of queries... 1) Could I bring a claim against a couple of individuals from the University - as my previous claim was against the University, not individuals. I am not looking for financial award just a declaration of victimisation. All documentation and Court papers has the Defendant as this particular University. 2) The Defendant was ordered (by consent) to pay damages - but without admission of liability. Would people infer the University was indeed liable - because of the damages they had to pay and that 'without admission of liability' is the equivalent of pleading 'not guilty'.
  3. Please does anyone know how companies and specifically banks, appoint employees to have Power of Attorney and where I can find that information I have tried Companies House
  4. Hi everyone, So thanks to ACAS and their omission of a vital piece of info when I phoned them for advice and the fact nobody on here mentioned this when I asked for advice, I'm now having to take a longer civil route with my employer. What everybody needs to know is you have 3 months (less a day) to bring any kind of tribunal action to resolve a issue with your employer. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT BIT this count down starts the MINUTE you mention it to your employer, even in passing. Called the" date of detriment". So I take advice and raise it informally, it drags on with no response for 2 months, Acas advise take it formally, again no mention that I have 3-4 weeks left to meet a deadline, so I do that and lo an behold work drag it out for another month and when I phone Acas again for advice suddenly this 3 months is mentioned and they cant possibly advise any further cos it's now a civil matter. Whose side is Acas on? Kinda vital info I should have been given from the word getgo don't you think? My employer obviously knew this time limit otherwise why keep me hanging on? My conclusion? Being KIND and PATIENT doesn't pay. The interesting thing is, my employer is now saying they are going to have groups of employees in to discuss "problems", Longer colleagues say this happens from time to time and nothing ever EVER gets done or changes. But hey if they have these meetings where issues are raised the countdown begins doesn't it, then 3 months down the line when nothing has changed your time's up. And they carry on, having nullified the threat of a tribunal from anyone at these meetings!!!! Way to go
  5. The company I work for has a track record of not really giving a damn about it's employees, until they need something from them. For the past decade or so, every Christmas, the company gives all of the female employees an expensive bottle of wine and gift vouchers for a few hundred pounds. But the male staff get nothing (doing the exact same job by the way). Even a new member of staff (who only started 3 weeks prior to Christmas) got the wine and gift vouchers, and of course she's female. It certainly seems discriminatory to me on the grounds of sex, but is it illegal? I don't mind everyone getting the bonus, but just feel like its a kick in the teeth that only the female employees get it...if we all got a bonus that would be fine. I look forward to your replies.
  6. Hi everyone, The company I was transitioned into four years ago has different grades for each role. When I was transitioned in I was started on the bottom grade. The company did not tell us about these grades until the beginning of this year (nor is the information available on their intranet). I have managed to get myself promoted a grade which resulted in a salary increase. It is only possible to get promoted a grade once a year and certain pre-requisites have to be met first. The company is now recruiting new employees at a higher grade (and so at a higher salary) than I and my colleagues. It will not be possible for us to get to this grade for several years. Can anyone kindly give any advice as to how I should approach my employer about this? It seems unjust that we weren't told about the grading structure or been given the opportunity to apply for a job at a higher grade. Many thanks.
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